Forums » Nightly Stats and Highlights » 2008 JAN - MAR (Tuesdays)
Messages for 2008 JAN - MAR (Tuesdays)
Posted by Admin Lester | Oct 01, 2008 06:21 AM |
March 25
(6-4) Lester (1), Andrew Chan, Emerson, Erick, Justin, Luis
(5-4) Alf (2), Franco, Oliver, Sam Toa, Vince, Will
(3-6) Calvin (3), Jeff, Ray, Whore, Zechy
Game 1 C beat L 7-4 not circled
Z-2 C-1-1 J-1-1 W-1 * D-1-1 L-1 M-1
Game 2 A beat C 7-3 Alf
I-1-1-1 A-1-1 O-1 V-1 * W-1-1 J-1
Game 3 A beat L 7-1 Sam
I-1-1 O-1-1 S-1-1 F-1 * L-1
Game 4 A beat C 7-5 Alf
S-1-2 A-1-1-1 I-1 * W-1-2 C-1-1
Game 5 L beat A 7-4 Erick (2) deeeeeep!
E-1-2-2 U-2 * S-2 I-1-1
Game 6 L beat C 7-5 Luis
U-2-2-1 N-1-1 * C-1-1 W-1-1 J-1
Game 7 A beat L 7-4 Sam
V-1-1-1 A-2 F-1 S-1 * D-1-1-1 N-1
Game 8 C beat A 7-6 Calvin
C-1-2-1-1 Z-1-1 * V-2-1 O-2 A-1
Game 9 C beat L 7-5 Zechy
Z-1-1-1 C-1-1 J-1 W-1 * M-2 D-1 E-1 N-1
Game 10 A beat C 7-1 Will (2)
I-2-2 V-2 O-1 * W-1
Game 11 L beat A 7-4 Justin (2)
M-2 N-2 L-1-1 E-1 * O-1-1 F-1 I-1
Game 12 L beat C 7-3 Luis
L-2-1 N-1-1 M-1 U-1 * C-1 W-1 Z-1
Game 13 L beat A 7-4 Andrew
M-2 L-1-1 D-1-1 U-1 * A-1-1 I-1 S-1
Game 14 L beat C 8-1 Luis (2)
U-2-2-2 N-2 * C-1
1 Alf, Calvin, Lester, Oliver, Whore, Zechy
2 Erick, Justin, Sam, Vince, Will
3 Emerson
6 Luis
3 Franco
5 Jeff
7 Erick
Andrew, Emerson, Oliver, Zechy
9 Lester, Sam, Vince
10 Alf, Justin
11 Whore
14 Will
15 Calvin, Luis
5. TT wrote "Calvin smash Erick" for a play in game 9. Was it a body-slam or a block? Or both?
4. Calvin's v-ball spike on TT in game 2. TT wasn't expecting that at all as Calvin came out of nowhere.
3. In game 8, Alf goes for a 1-on-2 against Calvin + Ray. They both missed the block, and Ray got smacked in the face on the play. Basket's good!
2. Jeff's fadeaway attempt at the elbow drawing both Alf and Sam in the play. Everybody falls down as Alf bodychecks both Jeff and his teammate Sam. Good job Alf!
1. Sam: "Alf, how many game-winners have been scored on you? Like seriously? We should do a stat for that!" Ouch man!
3. Calvin: he needs to be triple-teamed!
2. Will: Chris Paul in the house! Was only scoreless in one game~
1. Luis: usually a top-3 pick, but slid all the way to # 6 tonight. Bailed his team out time and time again with his signature clutch shooting~
$10 Justin
March 18
(6-3) Vince (2), Andrew Chan, Erick, Justin, Lester, Will
(5-4) Whore (1), Alf, Emerson, Jason Leong, Ray, Sam Toa
(1-5) Franco (3), Calvin, Gavin (Andrew's friend; played last Thursday), Luis, Victor no show , Zechy
Game 1 V beat W 7-5 Erick (2)
L-1-2 E-2 D-1 N-1 * A-1-1 W-1-1 J-1 M-1
Game 2 V beat F 7-5 Vince (2)
V-1-1-2 E-1-1 L-1 * U-2 C-1 F-1 Z-1
Game 3 W beat V 7-6 Emerson
S-1-1-1 M-1-1 A-1 J-1 * A-1-2 I-1-1 L-1
Game 4 W beat F 7-1 Whore
M-1-2 W-1-1-1 A-1 * Z-1
Game 5 W beat V 7-5 Jason
W-1-1-2 J-2-1 * W-1-2 L-1-1 D-1
Game 6 W beat F 7-5 Whore (2)
W-1-1-1-2 A-1 J-1 * C-1-1-1 G-1 U-1
Game 7 V beat W 7-3 Lester
D-2 I-1-1 V-1-1 L-1 * A-1-1 J-1
Game 8 F beat V 7-4 Gavin
F-1-1-1 U-2 C-1 G-1 * V-2 E-1 J-1
Game 9 W beat F 7-3 Whore (2)
W-1-1-1-2 M-2 * C-2-1
Game 10 V beat W 7-4 Andrew
L-2 N-2 D-1-1 E-1 * J-1 M-1 R-1 S-1
Game 11 V beat F 7-6 Will
E-1-1 I-1-1 N-1-1 L-1 * F-1-2 G-1-1 U-1
Game 12 V beat W 7-5 Vince
L-1-1-1 D-1-1 I-1 V-1 * M-2 J-1 R-1 W-1
1 Calvin, Erick, Franco, Jason Leong, Justin, Will
2 Andrew, Lester, Luis, Vince
3 Emerson, Whore
2 Ray, Zechy
4 Gavin, Sam
6 Justin, Luis
7 Alf, Franco
8 Calvin, Erick
9 Jason, Vince
10 Will
11 Andrew, Emerson
15 Lester
20 Whore
5. Someone put down "Lester punch chest" after his assist to someone in the last game. Yeah, I wanted the last game bad though, because I was kinna mad Whore picked up Alf, Ray and Sam. These 3 guys should be captains, and they end up on the same team. My jaw dropped after lookin at that list...
4. How did Lester outscore his teammates Erick + Justin? WTF I shot like shit too... but not as bad as Rayyyyyy!
3. Ray's block party. I think everyone was a victim unless you were on his team. Rted!
2. Ray's turnovers... at one point, Alf just sighs "Ray......" and cannot think of what to say. It was at this point Lester screams out "everybody loves Raymond!"
1. Andrew got hammered by Calvin, but in the process TT got all ball. TT wanted to shoot for it... but as a consolation TT wanted highlight #1, and here it is!!!
3. Jason Leong: good shot selections, lots of boards. Maybe because his gf was there.
2. Andrew: good D on Lims and Whore; was second leading scorer on his team, and some good passes.
1. Whore: shot the lights out. Had 3 out of his team's 5 game-winners and had 5 points in each of games 6 & 9!
$4 Sam Toa
March 11
(6-5) Calvin (2), Andrew, Felix, Justin, Victor
(6-5) Alf (1), Luis, Vince, Zechy
(4-6) Sam Toa (3), Emerson, Erick, Gary, Whore
Game 1 S beat C 7-6 Whore (2)
W-1-2 E-2 M-2 * F-1-1-1 J-2 D-1
Game 2 A beat S 7-5 Justin (sub)
J-2-1 (sub) A-2 V-1-1 * M-2-1 W-1-1
Game 3 C beat A 7-6 Calvin (2)
C-2-1-2 D-1 J-1 * L-2-1 V-1-1-1
Game 4 C beat S 7-6 Justin
D-1-1-1 J-1-1-1 C-1 * M-1-1-1 W-1-1 E-1
Game 5 C beat A 7-5 Calvin
D-1-2 C-1-1-1 J-1 * L-1-1-2 Z-1
Game 6 S beat C 7-6 not circled
M-2 E-1-1 S-1-1W-1 * C-1-1-2 D-1-1
Game 7 A beat S 7-5 Vince
V-1-1-1-1 L-1-1 Z-1 * S-1-2 E-1 W-1
Game 8 C beat A 7-5 Calvin
C-1-1-1-1-1 J-1-1 * L-2-2 Z-1
Game 9 C beat S 7-4 Justin
D-1-1-1 J-1-1 C-1 T-1 * M-1-2 E-1
Game 10 C beat A 7-5 Calvin (2)
J-2-2 C-2 D-1 * L-2 V-1-1 Z-1
Game 11 S beat C 7-5 Whore
S-2-1-1 W-1-1 M-1 * D-1-2 C-1 T-1
Game 12 A beat S 7-6 Vince
V-1-1-1-1 L-1-1 Z-1 * M-2-1 G-1-1 S-1
Game 13 A beat C 7-3 Vince
A-2 L-1-1 V-1-1 Z-1 * J-2 D-1
Game 14 A beat S 7-5 Luis
L-1-2-1 V-1-1 Z-1 * W-1-1-1 M-1 S-1
Game 15 A beat C 7-5 Luis
L-1-1-1 V-1-1 A-1 Z-1 * D-1-1-1 J-1-1
Game 16 S beat A 7-6 Emerson
M-2-1 E-2 C-2 (sub) * L-2 Z-1-1 A-1 V-1
1 Whore
2 Alf, Andrew, Erick, Sam
5 Calvin, Justin
6 Emerson
7 Luis
2 Gary, Victor
3 Felix
6 Alf
9 Erick
10 Zechy
11 Sam
14 Whore
21 Andrew, Emerson
22 Justin, Vince
24 Calvin
28 Luis
Emerson lefts Victor shoot an open 2 when it was 5-6. Victor misses and Emerson says, "Victor doesn't have his glove on!"
March 4 7:30-10:30PM
Welcome Hanson (Whore's cousin) and Will [Alf's ex-teammate at UBC (intramurals) and Lester's current IBL teammate. Zechy balled with him at UBC before too~] to CCWB!
Sam Toa came at 7... that's what happens when you don't check the forum/Evite. But it's my fault because I remember afterwards Sam never checks either of them.
(10-3) Alf (3), Jason, Lester, Will, Zechy
(3-6) Calvin (2), Emerson, Erick, Felix, Hanson, Jeff
(3-7) Ray (1), Andrew Chan, Luis, Victor, Vince, Whore
Game 1 A beat R 7-6 Will
W-1-1-1 A-1 J-1 L-1 Z-1 * D-1-1 H-1-1 U-1 V-1
Game 2 A beat C 7-4 Zechy
J-1-1-2-1 W-1 Z-1 * C-1-1 F-1-1
Game 3 A beat R 7-5 Will
W-2-1-1 Z-2-1 * U-2-1 V-1-1
Game 4 C beat A 7-5 Calvin (2)
C-1-1-2 E-1 F-1 Je-1 * A-1-1 J-1 W-1 Z-1
Game 5 R beat C 7-6 Luis (2)
T-2 U-2 V-1-1 D-1 * E-2 F-2 M-2
Game 6 A beat R 7-3 Lester
W-2-1 Z-2 J-1 L-1 * D-1 H-1 R-1
Game 7 A beat C 7-2 Will
Z-2-1 L-1-1 A-1 W-1 * C-1 F-1
Game 8 A beat R 7-3 Will (2)
W-1-1-2 L-1-1 Z-1 * R-2 V-1
Game 9 C beat A 7-1 Erick (2)
E-1-2 C-2 M-2 * W-1
Game 10 C beat R 7-2 Emerson (2)
M-2-2 C-2 E-1 * D-1 V-1
Game 11 A beat C 7-6 Jason (2)
J-1-2 W-1-1 A-1 L-1 * F-2 C-1-1 E-1 M-1
Game 12 R beat A 7-6 Victor
H-1-2-1 V-1-1 D-1 * Z-2-2 J-1 W-1
Game 13 R beat C 7-4 Andrew
A-1-1-1-1 R-1-1 V-1 * C-1-1-1 E-1
Game 14 A beat R 7-5 Zechy
Z-1-2-1 J-1-1 L-1 * D-1-2 V-1-1
Game 15 A beat C 7-6 Will
L-2 A-1-1 W-1-1 Z-1 * F-1-1 C-1 T-2-1 (sub)
Game 16 A beat R 7-5 Jason (2)
W-2-2 J-1-2 L-1 * V-1-2 D-1 F-1 (sub)
3s only 3 people didn't get at least one
1 Andrew, Lester, Ray, Vince, Whore
2 Erick, Felix, Luis, Victor
3 Calvin, Jason
4 Emerson
5 Will
6 Zechy
1 Jeff
5 Ray, Victor
6 Luis
7 Alf, Whore
9 Emerson, Erick
11 Felix, Lester
14 Andrew
17 Calvin, Jason, Vince
21 Zechy
27 Will
Highlights too many, here are a few...
5. Ray's trailing block on Lester after he beat his man in game 14 or 16. But I scored on the same possession after the scramble lol, althought Emerson said it was too easy. I'll take it!
4. Erick's spin-around game-winning trey in game 9. Sick!
3. Watchin Will score at will!
2. After Zechy fouls Felix on a drive in game 16, it was time for a check-ball. Alf grabs it and checks it to Ray. Felix (sub): "Hey, isn't it our ball?" Everyone starts laughing for about half a minute and Ray gives us the how-the-hell-am-I-suppose-to-know look. We can't really blame him though, as Ray wish he is out there only for defensive purposes (like in football). Oh Ray!
1. Jason: "Ray blocks Calvin (in game 13), knocks him over with a forearm, and takes the ball, does a layup with authority, slamming the backboard." He smacked the backboard? Really? Calvin had 2 Jordan-esque fadeaways on him in that game though: one from the baseline and the other from the free-throw line. Ray did win that game by the way lol. Rayyyyyy!
3. Alf (was single digit scoring himself but made all his teammates double figure scorers) and Jason (wanted to kill Lester after getting the defensive rebound then turning it over to Erick in game 11 when it was 6-6. I can't believe Erick missed that point-blank shot! He back-ironed it! And Jason, I would've killed myself instead; you just have to bury me. )
2. Zechy: needs to thank the above 2 stars and the next one for creating his good looks tonight. I think it's Z's career high since we started counting scores.
1. Will: Hey Whore, I didn't bring a ringer man. If I was doin that, I would've gave Jack Chan a call! I brought him because Alf and him were catching up after our league games this past Saturday (Alf's game was right after ours) and there was a spot open. It's hard for him to be a regular at this point since Tuesdays are so packed, but we'll see.
Andrew: landed hard on wrist
Andrew: shit..... i get an and 1 on u and an injury lol
Lester: fuck man, it's that bad?! i was playin the ball man, & jason said it wasn't my fault... he was rite behind us... i knew u were gona drive right man, i was just waitin for u to block the shot, shiiiiiiiiiiit... sorry man
Andrew: hahah... i knowww LOL.. just and 1, its ok.. typing with one hand
Lester: i cant believe that went in too... i guess that means i hit u way after the shot, altho i think i had some kind of contact while u were shootin it... but it happen too fast i duno what actually happened... and your Js on me, dam
Andrew: its all good, hahahhhah, yah.. it was ur fault i landed weird.. all on my wrist..
Lester: yeah man ma bad
Andrew: no dawg its all good, nver thought it was ur fault man.. seriously.. no hard feelings yo
Lester: stil man, feel bad even tho the play was on the ball
it's got to do with your skinny bones... u should work out lol
if i didn't work out i would b the same as u actually... my family r like sticks lol
Andrew: LOL.... naw to lazy to work out... no thank god im light...
if i wass heavier mayb even worse
Get well man! Sorry!
February 26
"This is his wife. Inho is in the hospital. He ruptured his Achilles' Tendon and just had surgery to repair it. No basketball for 6 months. He'll be home tomorrow.
Welcome back TT!
(7-3) Sam Toa (2), Erick, Inho, Luis, Terry, Zechy
(4-5) Lester (3), Emerson, Gary, Jason, Jeff, Whore
(2-5) Ray (1), Andrew Chan, Calvin, Franco, Oliver, Vince
Game 1 S beat L 7-6 Erick
E-2-1-1 Z-1-1 U-1 * W-2 L-1-1 Je-1 M-1
Game 2 S beat R 7-3 Inho
E-2-1 I-1-1 U-1 S-1 * A-1 F-1 O-1
Game 3 S beat L 7-2 Sam
U-2-1-1 I-2 S-1 * J-1-1
Game 4 S beat R 7-5 Luis (2)
U-1-2 E-1-1-1 S-1 * V-2-1 A-1 C-1
Game 5 S beat L 7-5 Erick
E-1-1-1-1-1 I-2 * M-2 W-1-1 Je-1
Game 6 S beat R 7-2 Inho
E-2-2 S-2 I-1 * C-1 F-1
Game 7 L beat S 8-6 Emerson (2)
M-1-1-2 L-1-1 J-1 Je-1 * E-1-1 U-1-1 S-1 Z-1
Game 8 R beat L 7-3 Oliver
O-1-1-2-1 A-1 C-1 * J-1 L-1 W-1
Game 9 R beat S 8-5 Oliver (2)
O-1-1-2 V-1-1 A-1 R-1 * U-2 E-1 S-1 Z-1
Game 10 L beat R 7-6 Jason
M-2 J-1-1 Je-1-1 W-1 * V-2-1 C-1 F-1 O-1
Game 11 L beat S 7-6 Jason
M-2 J-1-1 L-1-1 Je-1 * E-1-1-1 U-1-1-1
Game 12 L beat R 8-3 Lester (2)
L-2 J-1-1 M-1-1 G-1 W-1 * C-1-1-1 all on Lester
Game 13 S beat L 7-6 Luis stupid Luis, sigh
U-2-2-1 E-2 * L-2 M-2 Je-1 W-1
1 Sam, Whore
2 Inho, Lester, Oliver, Vince
5 Emerson, Erick, Luis
0 Terry
1 Gary, Ray
3 Franco
4 Andrew, Zechy
7 Calvin, Inho (in 5 games), Jeff, Sam
8 Jason, Vince, Whore
11 Lester, Oliver
15 Emerson
21 Luis
27 Erick
8. Victor came by to test out his new Lebron kicks.
7. Sam's team starts the night off with 6 straight wins.
6. If you were sitting there watchin the games, especially the first portion of the night, you would think we were making a video featuring Erick doing layups.
5. In game 2, Calvin follows Sam step by step on his penetration, completely fakes him out from point-blank range, then finds Zechy for a trifecta. Z misses but Sam taps in the rebound. That's 1 of 2 tap-ins for Sam tonight. Both were in traffic too~
4. Ray's behind-the-back pass in the paint after being double-teamed. Led to an open layup for TT!
3. A 3-on-2 fastbreak with Sam passing the ball between his legs to Erick, then Erick does a behind-the-back back to Sam, then banks it over Ray (ted)~
2. Luis, Luis, Luis, Luis, Luis...... too much Luis Js~
1. Whore will be a dad very soon! Xover Jr or Whore Jr?
3. Emerson: was scoreless in only one game. No turnovers (I think), and no bullet passes lol~
2. Erick: 21 points in the first 6 games he played
1. Luis: stinks
Inho: on a trifecta attmept in game 7, he pulled something in his leg on the way up. Get well man!
February 19
Welcome back Kwan!
(8-3) Sam Toa (3), Emerson, Inho, Justin, Kwan, Luis
(4-5) Erick (2), Felix, Gary, Jeff, Ray, Whore
(2-6) Lester (1), Andrew Chan, Calvin, Jason Leong, Vince, Zechy
Game 1 E beat S 7-3 Erick (2)
E-1-1-2 W-1-1 G-1 * U-2 I-1
Game 2 E beat L 7-6 Felix (2) swish!
F-2 E-1-1 G-1 J-1 W-1 * L-1-1 V-1-1 A-1 C-1
Game 3 S beat E 7-5 Justin
M-2-1 N-1-1 U-1-1 * E-1-2-1 J-1
Game 4 S beat L 7-6 Sam
U-2 N-1-1 I-1 M-1 S-1 * V-1-1 Z-1-1 A-1 C-1
Game 5 S beat E 7-3 Emerson
M-1-2-1 U-2 N-1 * W-1-1 J-1
Game 6 S beat L 7-3 Inho
I-1-2-1 M-1-1 U-1 * C-1-1 L-1
Game 7 S beat E 7-6 Luis
U-2-1-1 M-2 S-1 * E-2-1 W-1-1 F-1
Game 8 L beat S 7-5 Lester (2)
C-1-1-1 L-2 Z-2 * U-2 S-1-1 N-1
Game 9 E beat L 7-6 Whore
W-1-1-1-1 R-2 G-1 * C-2-1 L-2-1
Game 10 S beat E 7-6 Justin
N-2-1-1 U-1-1 M-1 * J-1-1-1 F-1 R-1 W-1
Game 11 S beat L 7-1 Emerson
N-1-1-1-1 M-2-1 * Z-1
Game 12 S beat E 7-4 Luis
N-2 S-1-1 K-1 M-1 U-1 * E-1-1 J-1-1
Game 13 L beat S 8-1 Calvin (2)
C-1-1-2-2 L-1 V-1 * U-1
Game 14 E beat L 7-5 Whore
F-2 R-2 W-2 J-1 * L-2 A-1-1 C-1
1 Inho, Whore, Zechy
2 Erick, Felix, Justin, Ray
3 Calvin, Lester
4 Emerson
5 Luis
1 Kwan
3 Gary
4 Andrew
5 Ray, Vince, Zechy
6 Felix, Inho, Sam
9 Jeff
11 Lester
14 Whore
15 Erick
16 Justin
17 Calvin, Emerson
19 Luis
12. Kwan passed up an open shot for Inho's game-winning J in game 6. Felix: "Oh my god, Kwan passed?!"
11. Luis's bank trifecta to start game 7, much like the one Zechy made last week.
10. This is the same play by 2 different people (Erick and Ray), where they brought the ball up with no pressure, and looses it out of bounds lol~
9. Vince's gorgeous up-and-under on Sam in game 13.
8. Ray's 4 blocks in game 10. The victims in order were Justin, Inho, Kwan and Lims. I can't relaly count the Inho one though because first he got all ball, then he got all Inho. And down goes Inho!
7. Emerson's drive in game 12 over Ray. I'm surprised Ray didn't block that one~
6. Watching Calvin and Luis take people to school.
5. There was a rebound where Lims just ripped it out of Ray's hands in game 7. I couldn't remember what resulted from that play though, but Lims's team did win the game 7-6~
4. Kwan: "We are playing the Sedins." Referring to Jeff and Whore.
3. Victor didn't play tonight because he's been wearing the same pair of ball shoes since high school, and is too cheap to get a new pair. WTF dude, shoes are always on sale nowadays~
2. Down by a bit in one of the games, Whore says: "We need to score, guys!" And right away Erick jacks up a trifecta from about 30 feet away. Vince: "Erick took it as if they needed to score right that very second lol~" Man, that was funny~
1. Quote of the year - Jeff in game 10: "Set a screen for yourself!" Eh
3. Emerson: finally, one of the scoring leaders. It has been a while.
2. Ray: double figures in blocks; 2 trifectas. Don't know if you saw the highlights from the Celtics/Nuggets game but Denver pulled off a 6-point upset, and Camby had a pocket 3 to seal the win! His line: 11 points, 13 rebounds, 9 blocks. Denver went to the foul line 49 times. Also is was Boston's first loss against a Western Conference team.
1. Luis: seriously he was a ballhog and didn't shoot that good percentage-wise, but was clutch as usual. Luis stinks~
February 12
(6-4) Lester (1), Felix, Jason, Justin, Saj, Vince
(4-4) Erick (3), Andrew Chan, Gary, Ray, Sam Toa, Zechy
(3-5) Delonte (2), Emerson, Josh, Kevin Chan, Luis, Victor
Game 1 D beat L 7-6 Luis
U-1-1-1 M-2 D-1 Jo-1 * Ju-2 Saj-1-1 J-1 L-1
Game 2 D beat E 7-6 Luis
U-1-2-1 M-2 D-1 * E-1-2 A-1 R-1 Z-1
Game 3 L beat D 7-6 Justin (2)
Ju-1-2 Saj-2 F-1 J-1 * U-2 Jo-1-1 K-1-1
Game 4 L beat E 7-3 Justin
J-1-1-1-1 Ju-1-1 Saj-1 * A-1-1 Sam-1
Game 5 L beat D 7-5 Saj
J-1-1-1 Saj-1-1 F-1 Vin-1 * Jo-1-1 U-1-1 D-1
Game 6 E beat L 7-3 Erick
E-1-1-1-1 A-1-1 R-1 * Ju-2 Vin-1
Game 7 D beat E 7-6 Luis
M-1-1-2 U-2-1 * Z-2-1 E-1-1-1
Game 8 L beat D 7-4 Justin
Saj-1-2 Ju-1-1-1 J-1 * Vic-1-2 M-1
Game 9 E beat L 7-5 Andrew
A-1-1-1 E-2 G-1 Z-1 * J-1-1-1 L-1-1
Game 10 E beat D 7-1 Zechy
Sam-2 E-1-1 R-1-1 Z-1 * K-1
Game 11 L beat E 7-3 Justin
Ju-1-2-1 L-1-1 F-1 * A-1-1-1
Game 12 L beat D 7-3 Vince
J-1-1-1 Vin-1-1-1 Ju-1 * U-2 M-1
Game 13 E beat L 7-2 Zechy (2)
Z-1-1-2 G-1-1 Sam-1 * L-1-1
1 Sam, Victor
2 Erick, Saj, Zechy
3 Emerson
4 Justin, Luis
3 Delonte, Felix, Gary, Kevin, Victor
4 Ray, Sam
5 Josh, Vince
7 Lester
10 Emerson, Saj, Zechy
11 Andrew
14 Erick
16 Jason, Luis
17 Justin
9. Lester's first career triple-double: 12 rebounds, 11 turnovers, 10 airballs~
8. Ray's ghey blocks~
7. Jason 1-on-1 on Ray, switches to the left hand in mid air, plus the foul! Rayyyyyy-ted!
6. Justin blows by Andrew Chan and Ray for a lay-up. Ray then takes off his sweats, and the crowd goes "wooooooh!"
5. Jason's 3/4-court game-winning alley-oop in game 8 to Justin, who picked up the ball in mid air from his shoelaces, then scoops and spins it in all in one motion.
4. Zechy's trifecta from the elbow in game 7, which he initially called, "Off! Off!" It hits the backboard and in, one of those Felix shots. Of course in Felix's case, he won't say "off"... he'll just say "bank"... sometimes it's all bank (backboard)~
3. Vince goes up near the hoop for a defensive rebound with 2 hands in game 6. Before he lands, Erick rips the ball away from him with his 2 hands, and banks in the shot. I don't think I've seen anything like that before~
2. Luis's loooooong trifecta in game 7. Felix turns and looks at Lester: "Yo man, that's gross"...
1. In the same game, Luis hits a turnaround fadeaway bank over Sam for a 7-6 victory. Lester: "Dude, that's even more gross!" Needless to say the bench goes nuts for that one! Stupid Luis......
3. Jason: solid as usual
2. Luis: had all 3 game-winners for his team
1. Justin: had 4 of 6 game-winners for his team. Lots of big-time long bombs and tough drives~
February 5
Welcome Delonte's friends Mark (Andrei Kirilenko-look-alike), Raymond (pulled on the rim 3 times during warm-up) and Richard Reely (tall white chocolate) to CCWB and welcome back John Chou!
(7-3) Thunder (2), Felix, Paul, Ronald, Vince, Whore
(4-5) Delonte (3), Andrew Chan, Emerson, Luis (games 10-13, 6 points), Mark, Raymond, Richard, Zechy (game 5)
(2-5) Lester (1), Inho, Jeff, John, Justin, Luis (games 1-9, 4 points), Zechy (games 6-13)
Game 1 D beat T 7-3 Mark
M-2-2-1 A-1 E-1 * P-1-1 Ron-1
Game 2 L beat D 8-2 Justin (2)
Just-1-2 L-2-1 Jeff-1 John-1 * A-1-1
Game 3 T beat L 7-5 Vince
T-2 Ron-1-1 V-1-1 W-1 * I-1 Jeff-1 John-1 Just-1 L-1 U-1
Game 4 T beat D 7-2
T-2-1-1 W-2 F-1 * M-2
Game 5 T beat L 7-5 Whore
W-1-1-1-1 V-1-1 T-1 * U-1-2 Jeff-1 L-1
Game 6 T beat D 7-5 Felix (2)
F-2 T-1-1 V-1-1 Ron-1 * A-1-1-1 Ray-1-1
Game 7 T beat L 7-4 Whore (2)
W-1-2 F-2 V-1-1 * L-1-1-1 Jeff-1
Game 8 T beat D 7-5 Whore
W-1-1-1-1 T-2 V-1 * Rich-1-1 A-1 M-1 Ray-1
Game 9 T beat L 7-5 Vince
V-1-1 W-1-1 P-1 Ron-1 T-1 * L-2 Jeff-1 Just-1 U-1
Game 10 D beat T 7-1 Delonte
D-2-1 A-1 E-1 Rich-1 U-1 * V-1
Game 11 D beat L 7-0, althought on the sheet it says they had 8 points
A-1-1-1 Rich-1-1 D-1 E-1 U-1
Game 12 D beat T 7-5 Delonte (2)
U-2-1-1 D-2 Rich-1 * F-1-1 Ron-1 V-1 W-1
Game 13 L beat D 7-6 shit, forgot to type the GW
Z-1-2-1 L-1-1 V-1 (sub) * U-1-2 D-1-1 Rich-1
1 Justin, Zechy
2 Delonte, Felix, Lester, Whore
3 Luis, Mark, Thunder
0 Inho
2 John (games 2 and 3 only)
3 Emerson, Paul, Raymond
4 Zechy
5 Jeff, Justin
6 Ronald
7 Felix, Richard
8 Delonte, Mark
11 Andrew
12 Lester, Thunder
14 Luis, Vince
17 Whore
5. Thunder's team's 7-game winning streak. I think it has been a while for any team on any night to have that long of a streak.
4. Andrew's hang-time basket, and 1, to tie game 6 2-2.
3. Thunder's fade-away bank-shot on 2 guys. Lester blocked his ass on the same move in a game later on though lol~
2. Andrew's block on Whore's signature up-and-under move in game 12. It's very hard to make that block without fouling Whore, as he is one of the best in the business in drawing fouls~
1. Felix's shot in game 8 that hit the top of the backboard, then the right post that is over top of the backboard, then the top of the backboard again, touches iron and drops in. But as soon as it hit the post, the play is dead. No basket (i.e. same effect as a travel)~
3. I think it's fair to say everyone else sucked balls tonight. But it's okay, it's only one night... Felix: "That's not true, I actually think I played pretty well. Did you see my full-court bounce-pass to Thunder? That was a highlight, man. That was such a nice pass." That was such a travel before the pass~
2. Vince
1. Whore
John: leg
January 29
Welcome back Delonte, Hummer and Triceps!
(5-4) Thunder (3), Jeff, Luis, Victor, Zechy
(5-5) Lester (1), Alf, Andrew Chan, Andrew Hum, Terry, Vince
(4-5) Sam Toa (2), Delonte, Erick, Inho, Jason, Kevin Chan
Game 1 L beat S 7-5 Andrew Hum
H-1-1-1 A-2 C-1-1 * E-2-1 J-1-1
Game 2 L beat T 7-5 Alf
A-1-1-1 C-1 H-1 L-1 V-1 * J-1-1-1 U-1 Z-1
Game 3 L beat S 7-6 Vince
V-1-1-1-1 C-1-1 Y-1 * J-1-1-2 D-1 E-1
Game 4 L beat T 7-5 Andrew Hum
C-1-1 H-1-1 Y-1-1 V-1 * F-1-1 U-1-1 Z-1
Game 5 S beat L 7-3 Erick (2)
E-1-1-2 D-2-1 * H-1-1 A-1
Game 6 T beat S 7-4 Zechy (2)
R-2 Z-2 F-1-1 U-1 * J-1-1 E-1 I-1
Game 7 T beat L 7-5 Zechy
Z-2-1-1 U-1-1 R-1 * A-2 L-1-1 C-1
Game 8 T beat S 7-4 Victor (2)
R-2 F-1-1 Z-1-1 T-1 * E-1 I-1 J-1 S-1
Game 9 L beat T 7-5 Alf
A-1-1-1 H-1-1 L-1-1 * T-2 F-1 R-1 Z-1
Game 10 S beat L 7-2 Jason
J-1-1 S-1-1 D-1 E-1 I-1 * H-1 L-1
Game 11 T beat S 7-5 Luis (2)
R-2-1 U-2 T-1-1 * E-1-1-1 D-1 S-1
Game 12 T beat L 7-3 Thunder (2) over Lester
Z-2-1 T-2 F-1-1 U-1 * V-1-1 L-1
Game 13 S beat T 7-3 Inho
I-1-1-1-1 J-1-1 S-1 * U-2 T-1
Game 14 S beat L 7-5 Jason
S-2-1 J-1-1 D-1 I-1 * A-1-2 C-1 H-1
1 Delonte, Jason, Sam
2 Erick, Luis, Thunder
3 Alf, Victor, Zechy
3 Terry
7 Delonte, Lester
8 Inho, Sam, Thunder, Vince
9 Andrew Chan, Victor
11 Luis
12 Andrew Hum, Jeff
14 Alf, Erick, Zechy
15 Jason
9. Ray: "I can't play because of snow. I want to play but don't wanna risk it. My car is no good in snow." Hey Ray, it was 3PM when you told me that and the streets were pretty clear. Don't be a pussy next time!
8. Vince: "I think I might have to switch back to Thursdays because after playing Tuesdays, I have no energy for work for the rest of the week. But if I play on Thursdays, I only need to work Fridays, and then have the weekend to recuperate."
7. Lester was doing the stats for game 4 and thought Vince was Thunder. So instead of 5-5, Lester said 6-4 for Thunder's team. Oops~ But we got it right at the end, and ended up winning 7-5!
6. Jeff and Zechy scoring more than their ballhog teammate Luis. You suck Luis!
5. Andrew Hum finding Andrew Chan on a 2-on-2 fastbreak. Alf: "Good job, Andrews!"
4. Zechy's game-winning fading-sideways J in game # 7 over Alf and Terry. Zeeeeee!
3. Alf hittin 3 trifectas. That's more than Erick, Luis and Thunder on the night. Alf: "I don't want to be called Amare anymore. I want to be Steve Nash." Uhmmm, ok there......
2. Andrew Chan's stuff on Erick's lay-up. That was a great block, Ray would've liked it!
1. In game 11, Thunder has a wide-open lay-up but somehow at the last second, decides to throw it out to Victor, who was standing at the elbow. Thunder got eyes at the back of his head? Anyway, Victor nailed that trifecta with Jason flying at him from the side to tie the game at 3-3, and Thunder's team got a 7-5 win. Crazy pass, man!
3. Alf - "What's wrong Lester? Why did you sit 3 games?" I share the love. I share the PT (for Hummer and Triceps). We'll get them next time. I can't believe we ended up 5-5 after starting the night 4-0. Argh~ Nice 3s though, man...
2. Jeff - Alf ruined your 3-on-3 3peat by driving Joe Yu to the hospital. Do we have an update for Joe, Alf?
1. Zechy - a threat to score in double figures every night but always end up with less than 10 points because he looks to pass first. With Luis suckin so bad tonight, Z had to shoot more and was hittin them. Good job Z! Best record!
January 22
Welcome Jason's friend Kevin Chan to CCWB!
(8-2) Lester (2), Alf, Jason, Victor, Whore
(3-5) Sam Toa (3), Erick, Felix, Oliver, Zechy
(2-6) Thunder (1), Emerson, Kevin, Luis, Paul Leong, Vince
Game 1 T beat S 7-4 Vince
U-2 M-1-1 V-1-1 P-1 * S-2 F-1 O-1
Game 2 L beat T 7-3 not circled
W-1-1-1-1-1 J-1 L-1 * T-1-1 N-1
Game 3 S beat L 7-6 Oliver (2) on Lester
F-2-1 O-1-2 S-1 * V-2 W-1-1 J-1 L-1
Game 4 S beat T 7-2 Erick (2)
E-1-2 O-1-2 F-1 * P-2
Game 5 L beat S 7-4 Whore (2)
W-1-2 J-1-1 A-1 L-1 * O-1-1 F-1 Z-1
Game 6 L beat T 7-4 Victor (2)
J-1-1-1 V-2 L-1 W-1 * U-2 N-1-1
Game 7 L beat S 7-6 Jason
W-1-2 J-1-1-1 L-1 * S-2 Z-2 E-1 F-1
Game 8 L beat T 7-3 Lester
J-1-1 L-1-1 W-1-1 A-1 * N-1-1 T-1
Game 9 S beat L 7-4 Oliver
O-1-2-1 Z-1-1 F-1 * W-2 A-1 J-1
Game 10 T beat S 7-6 Luis (2)
T-1-2-1 U-2 P-1 * E-1-1-1 O-2 F-1
Game 11 L beat T 7-5 Whore
J-2-2-1 A-1 W-1 * U-1-1 N-1 P-1
Game 12 L beat S 7-3 Victor
J-1-2 V-1-1 A-1 W-1 * E-1 F-1 S-1
Game 13 L beat T 7-5 Whore
W-1-1-1 J-1-1 A-1 V-1 * N-1 P-1 U-1
1 Erick, Felix, Paul, Zechy
2 Sam, Thunder, Victor
3 Jason, Luis, Whore
4 Oliver
2 Emerson
5 Zechy
6 Alf, Sam
7 Lester, Paul, Victor
8 Erick
9 Luis, Thunder, Vince
10 Felix
15 Oliver
23 Jason
24 Whore
8. Whore: "Hey, was that a 2?" Whore asks sarcastically after hitting the game-winning trifecta in game 5 as he was called for hitting a 1 in game 2. Whore, it was a 1 though, but it's all good lol~
7. Felix's intended cross-court pass to Sam that was under-thrown and went out out of bounds. Alf: "Sam, you run like Ray!"
6. Lester's outlet to a wide-open Alf under the hoop. He tried to shoot it with his back to the basket, but hit nothin but bottom rim. Good job man, there goes my assist~
5. Felix's 2 alley-oops. I know for sure Zechy assisted on one of them, maybe both. Alf: "Hey, Felix actually got hops you know."
4. Alf: "If I can make Lims score, I can make anyone score." Oh ya? Alf, why don't you try and make me score? I couldn't hit a parked car in the parking lot last night. Argh~
3. Whore's 2 or 3 tough hoops on Paul, plus the foul! Welcome back Paul!
2. The 5th point in game 4 was Felix gettin bumped in the air, hanging, and making the shot without banking it. Some hang time and control by Kaman~
1. The initials ND (Notre Dame) on Thunder's t-shirt. They actually stand for No D(efence) lol~
3. Oliver - you gotta love that sweet stroke from long range!
2. Alf - manning the inside on both ends, making life easy for his shooters (Jason, Victor, Whore) for good open looks and running the ball up. I told you (see below) I'd pick you lol~
1. Jason (pushing the tempo, didn't shoot as high a percentage as Whore by still decent) and Whore (a freakin machine tonight. How many shots did you miss? Like 2?)
Emerson: left hand - fell down and all the weight went towards his hand/arm.
$20 Sam
$5 Vince
January 15
(5-4) Ray (2), Felix, Jason, Jeff, Luis, Whore
(5-5) Sam Toa (3), Alf, Erick, Inho, Phil, Zechy
(4-5) Lester (1), Emerson, Justin, Oliver, Victor, Vince
Game 1 L beat S 7-5 Victor
T-2-1 O-1-1-1 J-1 * E-1-1-1 S-1 Z-1
Game 2 R beat L 7-5 Whore
W-1-1-1 F-1-1 N-1-1 * M-1-1 L-1 O-1 V-1
Game 3 S beat R 7-3 Zechy
E-1-2 P-1-1 I-1 Z-1 * U-2 X-1
Game 4 S beat L 7-4 Alf
E-1-2-1 A-1-1 S-1 * L-1-1 T-1 V-1
Game 5 S beat R 7-0 Inho
E-2-1 A-1-1-1 I-1
Game 6 L beat S 7-3 Oliver
M-1-2 O-2-1 J-1 * A-1-1 S-1
Game 7 L beat R 7-5 Victor
T-2-2-1 V-1-1 * W-1-1-1 X-1-1
Game 8 S beat L 7-5 Alf
E-1-2 S-1-1 A-1 I-1 * T-2 V-1-1 O-1
Game 9 R beat S 7-5 Felix
W-1-1-1 X-1-1-1 U-1 * E-2-1 S-1 Z-1
Game 10 R beat L 7-6 Luis
N-1-1-1 W-2 U-1-1 * T-2 J-1-1 L-1 O-1
Game 11 S beat R 7-5 Phil
A-1-1 E-1-1 P-1-1 Z-1 * U-1-2 N-1-1
Game 12 L beat S 7-6 Justin (2)
J-1-2 L-1-1 V-1-1 * I-1-2 Z-1-1-1
Game 13 R beat L 7-4 Felix
R-2-1 X-1-1 N-1 W-1 * V-1-1 L-1 M-1
Game 14 R beat S 7-2 Luis
R-2 N-1-1 U-1-1 W-1 * P-1 Z-1
1 Emerson, Inho, Justin, Oliver, Whore
2 Luis, Ray
5 Erick, Victor
2 Jeff
5 Phil, Ray
6 Emerson, Inho, Sam
7 Justin, Lester
8 Felix, Zechy
9 Oliver, Vince
10 Alf, Jason
11 Luis
12 Whore
14 Victor
21 Erick
10. Game 5 was the quickest game tonight. It started off with Amare scoring 3 straight on Kaman, then it was all Matrix. First a long trifecta that hits back iron, goes up 10 feet, taps the front rim then in. Then a 1-on-1 lay-up over Ray. The cherry on the sundae was Matrix finding Inho all alone under the hoop. Over-Ray-ted!!!
9. Down 5-1 in game 1, Lester's team scored 6 straight to win the game. Lester didn't score though!
8. Alf schooling Felix and Lester all night long. Good to see Alf actually playing. I'll consider picking you next time~
7. Vince schooling Alf all night long. Vince only got 9 points but most of them were beauties~
6. Lester and Ray walks near the sideline in game 2, with Alf enjoying his music from his MP3 player. Ray: "I bet he's listening to Britney Spears." Hey, it could've been Barbara Streisand you know......
5. Inho's block on Whore in the last game. Alf: "Hey, hey, write that down (Lester)!" Whore's team won 7-2 though. And with that win got best record. Whore thought his team was 5-5 at the time.
4. Ray's huge block on Zechy's fadeaway baseline J. That's cheap man, he never saw you comin!
3. A few games later, Zechy made a shot deep in the post over Ray. Gave him a little tap on the shoulder and smiled. Ray started to cry......
2. Lester's imitation of what Ray does every night. The victim was Felix receiving a volleyball spike. Lester simultaneously had an orgasm as well. That play received no cheers but created lots of laughter~
1. Needless to say Felix was pissed as hell. A few possessions later with him on a fastbreak and Lester in the way, he turns on his jets and comes charging in. After the basket, he says "take that!" That was a travel wasn't it?
Native Highlights
3. Alf: "Dan, are you okay?" Lester points to Alf acknowledging him tryin to be funny on a play where Whore called a foul on a J. Stupid Alf~
2. Alf on Inho: "First the goggles, then the wet suit. He's gonna come with a full scuba gear next time. It's like he's getting ready for a dive or something."
1. Alf: "My best highlight was that pass to sam right beside Phil's head, and that pass to Phil, where I jumped for the shot and got Ray and Luis turned... the pass from my first game, that was great... got Ray AND Luis turned for the rebound, and phil got that open shot beside the hoop."
3. Oliver - was cold from the floor but did a lot of little things well that don't show up on the scoresheet.
2. Alf - over the back!
1. Erick - was the only person that could score tonight lol!
January 8
Welcome Victor's friend Charles Nip!
Oliver thought ball starts next week and Felix told me Gary and Kevin were coming, but I don't know what happened there.
(6-4) Lester (1), Andrew, Kevin Wong no-show , Luis, Victor, Zechy
(4-5) Ray (2), Charles Nip, Jason, Jeff, Oliver no-show, Philip
(4-5) Sam Toa (3), Alf, Emerson, Erick, Felix, Gary no-show
Game 1 R beat L 7-2 Jason (2)
N-1-1-2 J-1-1-1 * U-1-1
Game 2 S beat R 7-5 Erick (2)
E-1-1-2 M-2 F-1 * J-1-1 C-1 N-1
Game 3 L beat S 7-6 Victor
V-1-2-1 W-1-1 L-1 * E-2 A-1-1 M-1 S-1
Game 4 L beat R 7-2 Luis
U-1-1-2-1 V-2 * N-1-1
Game 5 L beat S 7-4 Andrew
V-2-1 L-1 U-1 W-1 Z-1 * A-1 E-1 F-1 S-1
Game 6 R beat L 7-5 Jeff
J-1-1 N-1-1 P-1-1 C-1 * U-1-1 L-1 W-1 Z-1
Game 7 S beat R 7-2 Felix
F-2-1-1 E-2 S-1 * C-1 P-1
Game 8 S beat L 7-4 Felix
S-2 A-1-1 E-1-1 F-1 * L-1-1 W-1 Z-1
Game 9 S beat R 7-4 Erick
M-2 S-2 A-1-1 E-1 * J-1-1 C-1 N-1
Game 10 L beat S 7-5 Zechy
V-1-2 L-1 U-1 W-1 Z-1 * F-1-1 A-1 E-1 M-1
Game 11 L beat R 7-3 Lester
L-1-1-2-1 U-2 * N-1-1 R-1
Game 12 L beat S 7-6 Andrew
W-1-1-1 U-2 L-1 V-1 * M-2 A-1-1 E-1 F-1
Game 13 R beat L 7-6 Charles
N-1-1-1-1-1 C-1 J-1 * L-1-1-1 U-1 W-1 Z-1
Game 14 R beat S 7-3 Ray
R-1-1-1 J-1-1 N-1 P-1 * A-1 E-1 S-1
1 Felix, Jason, Lester
2 Sam
3 Emerson, Erick, Luis
4 Victor
4 Philip
5 Charles, Ray, Zechy
8 Sam
10 Andrew, Emerson, Felix
11 Alf
12 Jeff
13 Erick, Victor
14 Luis
15 Lester
18 Jason
10. Back-to-back butterfingers by Lester. The second one would've resulted in Andrew having a wide-open lay-up. My bad, man~
9. Lester did two Lim's passes (i.e. the infamous inaccurate bullet passes) that went off Victor and Zechy's hands. Sorry~
8. Alf's bodycheck on Andrew while both were chasing a loose ball. Alf: "What foul?" Oh, that's right...... Alf never fouls~
7. Felix's I'm-almost-running-out-of-room game-winning lay-up in game 8. He made it harder than it looked. I'm pretty sure that was a travel!
6. Charles seem to be falling down all the time. But Zechy had 2 crossovers on him that made him fall down with a purpose. Welcome to CCWB!
5. Felix airballing a trifecta from the top. Felix: "Foul"!
Lester: "What?"
Alf: "Yeah, Felix never misses!"
Lester: "Oh, right right right......"
4. Alf: "I got Andrew! I got Andrew (on D)!" You got owned... that's what you got! Andrew's 2 game-winners tonight both came on drives on and over Alf. I think we can now call him Arms The Second... or Arms Junior! Long freakin arms!
3. After blowing multiple lay-ups and committing several turnovers in game # 7, Sam says to Alf, "Get the hell off my team!" Ouch!!!
As I told Ray when we were picking teams, "I'll never pick Alf again. He's like you now......"
Ray: "Wow, that good?!"
Ummm, whatever......
2. I give Ray's team a lot of credit (without the 5th overall pick, his 2nd overall) to have an identical record with Sam's team (to me had the best team on paper).
1. In game 11, Lester falls asleep on D, giving Ray a nice lane to drive on. Ray airballs the lay-up by rainbowing the ball over the rim without touching any backboard. It's almost as if he did that on purpose. They key here of course is almost. Airball an uncontested lay-up?! That's sweet!
3. Andrew - didn't hog the ball tonight, was taking what the defence gives him. And most importantly, took Alf to school. See above!
2. Jeff - solid on both ends, didn't take one possession off.
1. Jason - with Ray's other scorer Oliver a no-show, Jason had to pick up the slack, especially on the offensive end, and did so in a big way.
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