Forums » Nightly Stats and Highlights » 2014 OCT - DEC

Messages for 2014 OCT - DEC

Comment Posted by Admin Lex Oct 03, 2014 08:08 PM

October 2, 2014

(7-3) Kwan (1st, 3rd-last), BL, Felix, Jacky, Lex, Lil Girl
(5-4) Joe (3rd, last), David Z, Derek, Emerson, Jackson, Star
(1-6) Thunder (2nd, 2nd-last), Baker, BP, Justin, Miller, Vince

Game 1 K beat J 11-8 Lex
L-2-2 F-3 BL-2 Jacky-2 * DZ-2-2 E-2 S-2

Game 2 K beat T 12-4 BL
F-3-3 BL-2-2 K-2 * B-2 V-2

Game 3 J beat K 11-8 Derek
D-2-2-2 E-3 S-2 * Jacky-2-3 LG-3

Game 4 J beat T 12-7 David
DZ-2-2-2 D-2 Jacks-2 S-2 * T-3-2 BP-2

Game 5 K beat J 11-9 Lil Girl
LG-3-2 BL-2-2 Jacky-2 * D-2-2 E-3 S-2

Game 6 K beat T 11-8 Felix
LG-2-2-3 BL-2 F-2 * Ju-3 T-3 BP-2

Game 7 J beat K 11-4 Star
DZ-2-2 S-2-2 D-3 * F-2 Jacky-2

Game 8 J beat T 11-7 Star
S-2-2 E-3 DZ-2 Jacks-2 * B-3-2 BP-2

Game 9 K beat J 12-4 Lil Girl
LG-2-2-2 BL-2 F-2 Jacky-2 * S-2-2

Game 10 K beat T 12-10 Lil Girl
LG-2-2-2-2 Jacky-2 L-2 * B-2-2 M-2-2 Ju-2

Game 11 J beat K 11-8 David
S-2-2-3 D-2 DZ-2 * K-3-3 BL-2

Game 12 T beat J 11-8 Justin
B-2-3-2 BP-2 Ju-2 * D-2-2 DZ-2 S-2

Game 13 K beat T 11-9 BL
K-3-2 BL-2 F-2 LG-2 * Ju-2-3-2 BP-2

1 Emerson, Thunder, Vince
2 Jackson, Kwan, Miller
3 Lex
4 Felix, Justin
5 BP
6 Baker, Jacky
9 BL, Derek
10 David
11 Lil Girl
13 Star

1 Derek, Jacky, Star
2 Baker, Justin, Thunder
3 Emerson, Felix, Kwan, Lil Girl

0 Joe
2 Vince
4 Jackson, Miller
6 Lex
8 Thunder
10 BP
11 Emerson
13 Kwan
14 Justin
15 Jacky
17 Felix
18 *Baker, BL
20 David
21 Derek
29 *Star
31 *Lil Girl

* Team's leading scorer

1 Derek (2), Felix (2), Justin (2), Lex (2)
2 BL (2, 2), David (2, 2), Star (2, 2)
3 Lil Girl (2, 2, 2)

Games that were game-point both ways: 8 of 13

Longest winning streak: 2 - Teams Blowen & Pylons

- Liz with back-to-back 3s in game 2 & was a perfect 3-for-3 from downtown to start the night with the one from game 1. Who is this girl/guy?!
- DZ with a one-handed running baby hook in game 4.
- Arms with his classic finger-roll under the hoop in game 10 that draws ooohs & aaahs from the crowd as he didn't have much room to squeeze that one in. Beautiful stuff!
- After getting past his defender from the left elbow, BP gets stuffed by LG on the help D at the rim. Looks like both guys were doing Sho-Ryu-Kens! Game unknown.
- Blowen blocks Arms with his armpit on a breakaway. Game unknown.
- In game 13, Lex volleyball spikes BP on his right blindside with his classic retarded scream, then blocks Vattier under the hoop a few possessions later. Rob: "58 blocks!"

Comment Posted by Admin Lex Oct 09, 2014 10:30 PM

(8-3) Vince (3, 2nd-last), Erick, Justin, Kenrick, Luis (stuck at work), Miller
(4-5) Lex (2, 3rd-last), David Z, Derek, Emerson, Jaromamay, Lil Girl
(2-6) Felix (1, last), Baker, BL, Jon, Kwan, Star

Game 1 V beat L 11-5 Erick
Ke-3-3 Ju-3 Er-2 * Ja-3 DZ-2

Game 2 V beat F 11-2 Justin (3)
Ke-2-3 Er-3 Ju-3 * BL-2

Game 3 V beat L 11-10 Erick (3)
Ke-2-2 V-2-2 Er-3 * Em-2-2 D-2 DZ-2 LG-2

Game 4 F beat V 12-4 Baker
Jo-2-3 BL-3 B-2 S-2 * Ke-2 V-2

Game 5 L beat F 12-10 Lex
Ja-2-3 LG-2-3 L-2 * Kw-3-3 S-2-2

Game 6 L beat V 12-9 Lil Girl
LG-2-2-2-2 DZ-2 L-2 * Ke-3 Er-2 Ju-2 V-2

Game 7 L beat F 12-7 Derek
D-2-2-2-2 LG-2-2 * F-3 B-2 Jo-2

Game 8 V beat L 11-10 Kenrick
Ke-3-2-2 Er-2 V-2 * Ja-2-2 D-2 DZ-2 L-2

Game 9 V beat F 11-8 Erick
Er-2-2 Ke-3 Ju-2 V-2 * F-2-2 Jo-2 S-2

Game 10 L beat V 12-2 Jaromamay
D-2-2 Ja-2-2 LG-2-2 * Ke-2

Game 11 F beat L 11-10 Felix
B-2-3 F-2-2 BL-2 * DZ-2-2 LG-2-2 Ja-2

Game 12 V beat F 11-9 Kenrick
Ke-3-3-2 Ku-3 * S-2-2 B-3 Jo-2

Game 13 V beat L 12-6 Justin
Ke-3-3 Ju-2-2 Er-2 * D-2 Em-2 LG-2

Game 14 V beat F 13-5 Kenrick (3) - only needed a 2
Ke-3-3-2-2-3 * Kw-3 S-2

2 BL
3 Baker, Emerson, Lex
4 Felix, Jon, Justin
6 David Z, Erick, Jaromamay, Vince
7 Star
9 Derek
10 Kenrick
13 Lil Girl

1 BL, Felix, Jon, Lil Girl
2 Baker, Erick, Jaromamay
3 Justin, Kwan
13 Kenrick

0 Luis, Miller
6 Emerson, Lex
7 BL
9 Kwan
11 Jon
12 Baker, David Z, Vince
14 Star
15 *Felix
17 Justin
18 Derek, Erick, Jaromamay
29 *Lil Girl
59 *Kenrick

* Team's leading scorer

1 Baker (2), Derek (2), Felix (2), Jaromamay (2), Lex (2), Lil Girl (2)
2 Justin (3, 2)
3 Erick (2, 3, 2), Kenrick (2, 2, 3)

Games that were game-point both ways: 7 of 14

Longest winning streak: 3 (twice) - Team Vattier

- In game 1, DZ double-pumps on Kenricj & Miller for a deuce.
- In the same game, Matrix crosses over Derek on the left baseline for a game-winning lay-up.
- LG with a steal then a give-&-go with DZ for 2 in game 6.
- In the same game, Arms with patended reverse lay-in with lots of English. Lex saw it coming but could only watch.
- Kenrick desparate running jumper with 2 people chasing him for game 8 game-winner.
- Shaqtin a Fool: Liz's teammate (couldn't see who it was) passes off Liz's tummy in game 9, the ball then bounces right to Matirx for a lay-up.
- In game 10, Jaromamay tips in a miss from Derek. The entire crowd goes: "Awwwwww!!!"
- Limbs attempts to climb over Arms for a dunk. I didn't write this nor did I see this.
- Kenrick scores all 13 of his team's point in the last game for a CC record 59 points! His team needed a 2 to win but he nails a 3 at the top of the arc FTW! His 13 trifectas is also a CC record! Rob celebrates by sprinting out of the gym door! Swaggy Ho!

Comment Posted by Admin Lex Oct 16, 2014 10:30 PM

Welcome Pipes' friend Kelvin to CCWB!

(7-4) Justin (3rd, 2nd-last), Derek, Emerson, Erick, Kevin, Miller
(7-4) Luis (2nd, 3rd-last), BP, Kenrick, Lex, Lil Girl, Vince
(1-7) Zechy (1st, last), BL, David Z, Haz, Kelvin, Star

Game 1 J beat Z 11-6 Kevin
Em-3-3 Kev-3-2 * Kel-2 S-2 Z-2

Game 2 J beat L 12-2 Erick
Er-2-2-2 J-3-3 * BP-2

Game 3 J beat Z 11-7 Erick
J-2-3 Er-2-2 Em-2 * S-2-2 DZ-3

Game 4 L beat J 11-10 Luis (3)
LG-2-2-2 Lu-3 Ken-2 * J-2-3-3 Em-2

Game 5 L beat Z 11-9 Kenrick
BP-2-2 Ken-2-2 LG-3 * Z-2-3 BL-2 H-2

Game 6 J beat L 11-7 Erick (3)
D-2-3 Em-3 Er-3 * BP-2-2 LG-3

Game 7 Z beat J 11-10 BL
BL-2-2-3-2 Kel-2 * Er-2-2 D-3 Kev-3

Game 8 L beat Z 11-10 Lil Girl
LG-3-2 Ken-2-2 BP-2 * S-2-2-2 BL-2 DZ-2

Game 9 L beat J 11-6 Luis (3)
Lu-2-3 BP-2 L-2 V-2 * J-3-3

Game 10 L beat Z 11-6 Luis (3)
Lu-2-3 LG-2-2 Ken-2 * Z-2-2 S-2

Game 11 J beat L 11-0 Emerson (3)
Em-2-3 D-2 Em-2 Er-2 J-2

Game 12 J beat Z 11-6 Derek
Kev-2-3 D-2-2 M-2 * BL-2 H-2 Kel-2

Game 13 L beat J 11-9 BP
BP-2-2-2 Lu-3-2 * D-3 Em-2 Er-2 M-2

Game 14 L beat Z 11-7 BP (3)
BP-2-3 LG-2-2 Ken-2 * Kel-2-2 S-3

Game 15 J beat L 12-10 Kevin
Kev-2-2-2-2 Er-2 J-2 * BP-2-2 Ken-2-2 Lu-2

1 David Z, Lex, Vince
2 Haz, Miller
4 Derek, Emerson, Justin, Luis, Zechy
5 Kelvin
6 BL, Kevin
7 Star
8 Lil Girl
9 Kenrick
10 Erick
13 BP

1 BL, BP, David Z, Erick, Star, Zechy
3 Derek, Kevin, Lil Girl
4 Emerson, Luis
7 Justin

2 Lex, Vince
4 Haz, Miller
5 David Z
10 Kelvin
11 Zechy
15 BL
17 Derek, *Star
18 Kenrick
20 Emerson, Luis
21 Kevin
23 Erick
25 Lil Girl
29 *BP, *Justin

* Team's leading scorer

1 BL (2), Derek (2), Emerson (3), Kenrick (2), Lil Girl (2)
2 BP (2, 3), Kevin (2, 2)
3 Erick (2, 2, 3), Luis (3, 3, 3)

Games that were game-point both ways: 6 of 15

Longest winning streak: 3 - Teams Arms & Louise

- Arms made 5 3s in games 2-4 alone; 19 total points in just those 3 games!
- Matrix with 3 game-winners within a 4-game (2, 3, 4 & 6) span!
- Derek attempts a power lay-up (think Kenyon Martin's or Latrell Spreewell's 2-handed dunks) 2 feet away from the right baseline, but Lex welcomes him with a massive rejection. Pipes: "Who is this guy?" Derek after the night is over, in the parkade: "I wanted to call a foul, but it was too clean." Swaggy (Rob) Ho: "58 blocks!" Game unknown.
- Louise making 3 game-winning trifectas with back-to-back ones in games 9 & 10, just like the good ol' days!
- The BP/Kevin matchup all night long - neither man could guard the other.
- Team Arms had 4 players with at least 20 points. Is that a record?!

Comment Posted by Admin Lex Oct 24, 2014 12:10 AM

October 23

Welcome Pipes' friend Matt (Bonner?) to CCWB!

(5-4) Derek (3, 3nd-last), Emerson, Jaromamay, Kelvin, Kenrick, Lil Girl
(5-4) Kevin (2, 2rd-last), Christian, Erick, Jon, Lex, Matt
(3-5) BL (1, last), Baker, Kwan, Peter Loi, Rob, Zechy

Game 1 D beat K 11-4 Emerson
Em-3-2 D-2 Ja-2 Ken-2 * C-2 Ke-2

Game 2 D beat B 11-8 Emerson (3)
Kel-2-2 Ken-2-2 Em-3 * P-2-2 B-2 Z-2

Game 3 K beat D 11-2 Christian
C-2-2-2 Ke-3 Er-2 * Ja-2

Game 4 K beat B 12-8 Jon
Jo-2-2-2 Er-2-2 M-2 * R-2-2 B-2 P-2

Game 5 K beat D 12-7 Kevin
Er-2-2-2 C-2 Ke-2 L-2 * D-2-2 Em-3

Game 6 K beat B 12-9 Erick
L-2-2 Er-2 Jo-2 Ke-2 M-2 * Kw-3 P-2 R-2 Z-2

Game 7 D beat K 11-3 Kenrick
Ken-2-3-2 D-2 Em-2 * Er-3

Game 8 B beat D 11-8 Baker
B-3-2 Z-2-2 P-2 * D-2 Kel-2 Ken-2 LG-2

Game 9 B beat K 11-9 Kwan (3)
BL-2-2-2 Kw-3 B-2 * Ke-3-2-2 C-2

Game 10 D beat B 12-6 Lil Girl
Em-2-2 LG-2-2 Ja-2 Ken-2 * B-2 R-2 Z-2

Game 11 K beat D 11-10 Christian (3)
C-3-3 Er-3 Jo-2 * Ken-3-2 Ja-3 LG-2

Game 12 B beat K 12-10 BL
BL-2-3-2 R-3 Z-2 * C-3-3 Er-2 L-2

Game 13 D beat B 11-6 Lil Girl
Em-3-3 LG-3-2 * B-2 BL-2 R-2

2 Matt
3 Jaromamay, Kelvin
4 Emerson, Lex
5 Derek, Jon, Kevin, Lil Girl, Peter, Rob
6 Baker, BL, Christian, Zechy
8 Erick, Kenrick

1 Baker, BL, Jaromamay, Lil Girl, Rob
2 Erick, Kenrick, Kevin, Kwan
4 Christian
5 Emerson

6 Kwan
10 Peter
12 Zechy
13 Rob
15 *Baker, *BL

* Team's leading scorer


Games that were game-point both ways:

Longest winning streak:


Comment Posted by Admin Lex Oct 30, 2014 10:31 PM

(7-3) Emerson (2, 2nd-last), BL, Justin, Miller, Star, Zechy
(3-5) Lex (1, 3rd-last), Baker, BP, Chris, David Z, Jon
(3-5) Vince (3, last), Derek, Ivan, Luis, Peter Loi, Simon Hy

Game 1 L beat E 13-2 BP (3) - only needed a 2
Jo-3-3 BP-2-3 Da-2 * E-2

Game 2 L beat V 12-6 David
C-2-2-2 Da-2-2 B-2 * Lu-3-3

Game 3 E beat L 11-2 Emerson
E-2-2 Ju-3 BL-2 St-2 * Jo-2

Game 4 E beat V 11-9 BL (3)
BL-2-3 St-2-2 E-2 * P-2-2-3 De-2

Game 5 E beat L 11-7 BL
BL-2-2 Ju-3 St-2 Z-2 * BP-2-3 Jo-2

Game 6 E beat V 11-6 Zechy (3)
St-2-2 Z-3 BL-2 E-2 * De-2 P-2 Si-2

Game 7 E beat L 11-6 Justin
Ju-3-2 BL-2-2 M-2 * C-3 Jo-3

Game 8 E beat V 12-9 Star
Ju-2-3 E-3 M-2 St-2 * P-2-2 Lu-3 De-2

Game 9 L beat E 11-4 Chris
C-2-2-2 Da-3 Jo-2 * St-2-2

Game 10 V beat L 12-6 Derek
De-2-2 Si-2-2 I-2 Lu-2 * C-2 Da-2 Jo-2

Game 11 V beat E 11-9 Luis (3)
Lu-2-3 Si-2-2 De-2 * Ju-3-2 BL-2 M-2

Game 12 V beat L 12-9 Luis
Si-2-2-2-2 Lu-2 P-2 * C-2-3 BP-2 L-2

Game 13 E beat V 11-10 Zechy
BL-2-2 Ju-3 St-2 Z-2 * Si-2-2 De-2 I-2 V-2

1 Baker, Lex, Vince
2 Ivan, Zechy
3 BP, Justin, Luis, Miller
4 David, Jon
5 Emerson
6 Peter
7 Derek
8 Chris
10 BL, Star
11 Simon

1 BL, David, Emerson, Peter, Zechy
2 BP, Chris
3 Jon
4 Luis
6 Justin

2 Baker, Lex, Vince
4 Ivan
6 Miller
7 Zechy
11 David
12 BP
13 Emerson
14 Derek
15 Peter
17 Jon
18 Luis
20 Star
22 *Chris, *Simon
23 BL
24 *Justin

* Team's leading scorer

1 BP (3), Chris (2), David (2), Derek (2), Emerson (2), Justin (2), Star (2)
2 BL (3, 2), Luis (2, 3), Zechy (3, 2)

Games that were game-point both ways: 5 of 13

Longest winning streak: 6 - Team Limbs - Is this a record?!

- LS galore, even from the top dawgs.

Comment Posted by Admin Lex Nov 06, 2014 10:30 PM

(5-4) Zechy (2, 2nd-last), BL, Emerson, Jon, Lex, Miller
(4-4) Justin (3rd, 3rd-last), Baker, David Z, Derek, Felix, Kenrick
(4-5) Luis (1st, last), Erick, Joe, Kevin, Star, Vince

Game 1 Z beat L 11-5 Miller
Jon-2-3 Em-2 M-2 Z-2 *

Game 2 Z beat J 12-10 Lex
L-2-2 M-2-2 Z-2-2 * Ken-2-2-2 B-2 D-2

Game 3 L beat Z 11-7 Erick
S-3-2 Er-2-2 Kev-2 * BL-2-2 Jon-3

Game 4 L beat J 11-10 Joe (3)
S-2-2 Joe-3 Kev-2 Lu-2 * D-3 J-3 B-2 Ken-2

Game 5 Z beat L 11-2 Emerson (3)
Em-3 Jon-3 Z-3 L-2 * S-2

Game 6 J beat Z 11-6 Justin (3)
D-2-2 J-3 DZ-2 F-2 * BL-2 Em-2 Jon-2

Game 7 J beat L 12-6 Derek
Ken-3-3 DZ-2-2 D-2 * Er-2-2 Lu-2

Game 8 J beat Z 11-5 Justin
Ken-3-2-2 DZ-2 J-2 * Em-3 Jon-2

Game 9 L beat J 12-6 Star
Kev-2-2-2 S-2-2 Lu-2 * B-2 F-2 Ken-2

Game 10 L beat Z 11-6 Luis (3)
Lu-3 Joe-2 Kev-2 S-2 V-2 * L-2-2-2

Game 11 J beat L 11-4 Kenrick
DZ-2-2-2 Ken-3-2 * Er-2 S-2

Game 12 Z beat J 11-3 BL (3)
BL-2-3 Z-2-2 L-2 * DZ-3

Game 13 Z beat L 12-7 Lex
M-2-2 BL-2 Jon-2 L-2 Z-2 * Lu-3 Kev-2 S-2

1 Joe, Justin, Vince
2 Emerson, Felix
3 Baker, Luis
4 Derek, Jon
5 BL, Erick, Miller
6 Zechy
7 David, Kevin
8 Kenrick, Lex
10 Star

1 BL, David, Derek, Joe, Star, Zechy
2 Emerson, Justin
3 Jon
3 Luis
4 Kenrick

2 Vince
4 Felix
5 Joe
6 Baker
8 Justin
10 Emerson, Erick, Miller
11 Derek
13 BL
14 Kevin
15 Luis, Zechy
16 Lex
17 David, *Jon
23 *Star
28 *Kenrick

* Team's leading scorer

1 BL (3), Derek (2), Emerson (3), Erick (2), Joe (3), Kenrick (2), Luis (3), Miller (2), Star (2)
2 Justin (3, 2), Lex (2, 2)

Games that were game-point both ways: 2 of 13

Longest winning streak: 3 - Team Arms

Pipes throws a crosscourt bounce pass from the left elbow past 3 defenders to reach Jon for the pointblank finish. Kevin, who was guarding Jon, seemed to have read the play & even got his fingertips on the ball, but somehow Jon still ended up with it. Stats keeper Justin yelled out: "Game!" Then Pipes took his shoes off, but in fact it was 10-7. Lex then hits a 16-ft J for BR with Blowen playing some Thunder D on him. Thanks for the custom kicks guys! Can't believe it has been 10 years already!

Comment Posted by Admin Lex Nov 13, 2014 10:31 PM

(6-4) BL (2, last), David Z, Franco, Joe, Luis, Peter Loi
(4-4) Kevin (1, 2nd-last), Eric Go, Lex, Miller, Star, Thunder
(3-5) Derek (3, 3rd-last), Baker, BM, Haz, Jon, Lil Girl

Game 1 B beat D 12-6 BL
DZ-3-2 BL-2-2 Lu-3 * B-2 BM-2 H-2

Game 2 K beat B 12-4 Lex
T-3-3 L-2-2 E-2 * BL-2 F-2

Game 3 K beat D 11-5 Eric (3)
E-2-3 K-2-2 T-2 * Jon-3 BM-2

Game 4 K beat B 12-9 Kevin
E-2-2-3 T-3 K-2 * DZ-2-2-3 Lu-2

Game 5 K beat D 12-7 Lex
E-3-3 K-2 L-2 S-2 * LG-3-2 BM-2

Game 6 B beat K 11-10 BL (3)
BL-3-3-3 P-2 * K-2-2 L-2-2 S-2

Game 7 B beat D 12-8 Peter
BL-2-2-2 P-2-2 DZ-2 * B-2 D-2 Jon-2 LG-2

Game 8 B beat K 12-10 David (3) - only needed a 2
DZ-2-2-3 BL-2-3 * K-2-3-2 T-3

Game 9 B beat D 11-5 BL
BL-3-2-2 DZ-2 F-2 * Jon-3 D-2

Game 10 B beat K 12-9 David
BL-3-3-2 DZ-2 Lu-2 * S-2-2 E-3 L-2

Game 11 D beat B 12-5 Baker
D-2-2-2 B-2 BM-2 Jon-2 * Lu-3-2

Game 12 D beat K 11-9 Derek
LG-3-3 D-3-2 * S-3-2 L-2-2

Game 13 D beat B 11-7 Derek (3)
B-2-2 LG-2-2 D-3 * DZ-2-2 Lu-3

1 Haz, Thunder
2 Franco, Jon
3 Luis, Peter
4 BM, Eric, Lil Girl
5 Baker, Star
6 Derek
8 Kevin, Lex
10 BL, David

2 Derek, Jon, Kevin, Star
3 David, Lil Girl, Luis
4 Thunder
5 Eric
7 BL

0 Joe, Miller
2 Haz
4 Franco
6 Peter
8 BM
10 Baker, Jon
13 Star
14 Thunder
15 Luis
16 Lex
18 Derek
19 Kevin
21 *Lil Girl
23 *Eric
26 David
41 *BL

* Team's leading scorer

1 Baker (2), Eric (3), Kevin (2), Peter (2)
2 David (3, 2), Derek (2, 2), Lex (2, 2)
3 BL (2, 3, 2)

Games that were game-point both ways: 6 of 13

Longest winning streak: 5 - Team BL

- Thunder scores a 3 in game 2 then runs to the stat sheet to write it down as nobody was doing stats.
- Alley-oops! Costner to Lex & Eric a couple of times to Costner!
- BL hits game-winning fastbreak 3 in game 6 over Lex right after he screams out "No 3s!"
- Game 8 - the longest game ever?! It was 10-9 for the longest time (half an hour?!) with everybody missing layups and open shots. LG: "I want a $3 credit for tonight!"
- BL with over-the-head pass jsut under the free throw line to Louise, who passes his man then reverses on the help D of BM in game 11. Sick!
- After winning 4 straight games to start the night, Team Costner loses the next 4 with the team scoring 10, 9, 9 and 9 points in those games. Ouch... =(

Comment Posted by Admin Lex Nov 20, 2014 10:30 PM

(5-4) Luis (2, 2nd-last), David Z, Kevin, Lex, Miller, Star
(4-4) Justin (1, last), BL, BM, Emerson, Joe, Vince
(4-5) Zechy (3, 3rd-last), Baker, Derek, Erick, Lil Girl, Simon Hy

Game 1 Z beat L 12-7 Justin (3) - only needed a 2
Er-3-2-2 Si-2 J-3 (sub) * Lu-3 L-2 St-2

Game 2 J beat Z 11-8 Justin
J-3-2-2 BM-2-2 * Z-2-2 LG-2 Si-2

Game 3 J beat L 11-9 Justin
Em-2-3 BL-2-2 J-2 * St-2-2 DZ-3 M-2

Game 4 Z beat J 11-4 Lil Girl (3)
LG-2-3 D-2 Er-2 Z-2 * BL-2-2

Game 5 L beat Z 12-9 David
Lu-2-2-3 DZ-3-2 * LG-2-2 Z-3 Si-2

Game 6 J beat L 11-5 BL
BL-2-2-2 J-3 V-2 * Lu-3 L-2

Game 7 Z beat J 12-8 Derek
Er-2-2-2 D-2 LG-2 Z-2 * BL-2-2-2 J-2

Game 8 Z beat L 11-8 Lil Girl
D-3-2 LG-2-2 Si-2 * DZ-3 Lu-3 K-2

Game 9 J beat Z 11-8 BL (3)
BL-2-2-3 V-2-2 * Er-3 Si-3 D-2

Game 10 L beat J 11-4 Star
L-2-2 St-2-2 Lu-3 * BL-2-2

Game 11 L beat Z 11-9 Kevin (3)
K-2-2-3 L-2-2 * B-3-2 Si-2-2

Game 12 L beat J 11-10 Star
L-2-2 Lu-3 K-2 St-2 * J-2-2 V-2-2 BL-2

Game 13 L beat Z 12-9 Star
St-2-2 DZ-2 L-2 Lu-2 M-2 * Z-3 D-2 Er-2 Si-2

1 Baker, Emerson
2 BM, David, Miller
3 Luis
4 Kevin, Zechy
5 Derek, Vince
6 Justin
7 Erick, Lil Gilr, Simon
8 Star
9 Lex
15 BL

1 Baker, BL, Derek, Emerson, Kevin, Lil Girl, Simon
2 Erick, Zechy
3 David, Jusin
6 Luis

0 Joe
4 BM, Miller
5 Baker, Emerson
10 Vince
11 Kevin
13 David, Derek
14 Zechy
16 Star
17 Lil Girl, Simon
18 Lex
20 *Erick
21 Justin
24 *Luis
33 *BL

* Team's leading scorer

1 David (2), Derek (2), Kevin (3)
2 BL (2, 3), Lil Girl (3, 2)
3 Justin (3, 2, 2), Star (2, 2, 2)

Games that were game-point both ways: 9 of 13

Longest winning streak: 4 - Team Louise

- Arms made first 3 game-winners of the night; was also 6 for 6 from downtown in warmups at one point.
- In game 11, Costner steals the ball from Zechy at around half-court, walks over him like Allen Iverson did on Tyrone Lue in the 2001 Finals, drives to the hoop, draws a double-team then dishes to Lex wide open a few feet from the hoop, but he bobbled it and missed the turn-around 5-footer. LLM!
- Everyone on Team Pipes had at least one trifecta.
- Team Louise gets best record after 1-4 start.
- Happy Birthday Lil Girl!!!

Comment Posted by Admin Lex Nov 27, 2014 10:30 PM

(7-3) Emerson (2, 3rd-last), BM, Derek, Kenrick, Star, Vince
(3-5) David Z (1, 2nd-last), Baker, BL, Lil Girl, Miller, Zechy
(3-5) Erick (3, last), Haz, Justin, Lex, Luis, Ricky

Game 1 Er beat Em 12-8 Erick (3) - only needed a 2
J-2-3 Lu-2-2 Er-3 * S-2-2-2 K-2

Game 2 Er beat D 11-6 Ricky
Er-2-2 Lu-3 L-2 R-2 * BL-2-2 M-2

Game 3 Er beat Em 11-10 Justin (3)
Lu-3-3 J-3 Er-2 * K-2-2-2 S-2-2

Game 4 D beat Er 12-6 Lil Girl
BL-2-2 DZ-2-2 LG-2-2 * Er-2-2 L-2

Game 5 Em beat D 11-5 Emerson (3)
K-2-2 S-2-2 Em-3 * B-3 BL-2

Game 6 Em beat Er 12-10 Derek
S-2-2-2 D-2-2 BM-2 * J-3-3 L-2 Lu-2

Game 7 Em beat D 11-9 Derek
BM-3-2 K-2-2 D-2 * Z-2-2 BL-3 LG-2

Game 8 Em beat Er 11-10 Kenrick
K-3-3-3 V-2 * Lu-3-2-2 Er-3

Game 9 Em beat D 11-9 Derek
D-3-2 K-2-2 Em-2 * BL-2-2 Z-3 M-2

Game 10 Em beat Er 11-8 Star
S-2-2-2 K-3 D-2 * Er-3-2 L-3

Game 11 D beat Em 12-10 David
DZ-2-2-2 BL-2-2 LG-2 * S-2-3 BM-3 K-2

Game 12 D beat Er 11-5 David
LG-2-3-2 BL-2 DZ-2 * J-3 L-2

Game 13 Em beat D 11-8 Emerson
K-2-2 S-3 Em-2 V-2 * DZ-2-2 BL-2 Z-2

1 Justin, Miller, Ricky
2 BM, Emerson, Vince
3 Zechy
4 Lex
5 Derek, Luis
6 Erick, Lil Girl
8 David
11 BL
13 Kenrick
14 Star

1 Baker, BL, Derek, Emerson, Lex, Lil Girl, Zehcy
2 BM, Star
3 Erick
4 Kenrick, Luis
5 Justin

0 Haz
2 Miller, Ricky
3 Baker
4 Vince
7 Emerson
9 Zechy
10 BM
11 Lex
13 Derek
15 Lil Girl
16 David
17 Justin
21 Erick
25 *BL
27 *Luis
34 Star
38 *Kenrick

* Team's leading scorer

1 Erick (3), Justin (3), Kenrick (3), Lil Girl (2), Ricky (2), Star (2)
2 David (2, 2), Emerson (3, 2)
3 Derek (2, 2, 2)

Games that were game-point both ways: 9 of 13

Longest winning streak: 6 - Team Limbs

- Derek alley-oops to Kenrick in game 1.
- Matrix tips in missed shot over Star in game 3.
- In game same game, Louise palm-blcks Vattier's 16-ft elbow jumper.
- Pipes steals crosscourt pass from the top of the 3-point arc, then tries to go coast-to-coast for a lay-up, but was rejected but 1 of 2 defenders chasing back, but he got the rebound right away and put it in to put his team up 9-4 in game 7.
- In the same game, Kenrick returns the favor and alley-oops to Derek FTW. Thun_er D on this one!
- Down 10-0 in game 8, Kenrick nails 3 straight 3s for a 11-10 comeback. LLM!
- Scores for losing teams in games 6-10: 10/9/10/9/8. All games won by team Limbs. LLMCFH!

Comment Posted by Admin Lex Dec 04, 2014 10:30 PM

(4-4) Baker (1, 3rd-last), BL, David Z, Erick, Lex, Zechy
(4-4) Kwan (3, 2nd-last), Chris, Derek, Eric, Hor, Luis
(4-4) Miller (2, last), BM, BP, Calvin, Emerson, Vince

Game 1 M beat B 11-6 BM
Ca-3-2 BP-2-2 BM-2 * B-2 Er-2 L-2

Game 2 K beat M 12-7 Hor
Lu-2-3 H-2-2 D-3 * BP-3 BM-2 Em-2

Game 3 K beat B 11-9 Luis (3)
D-3-3 Lu-3 H-2 * DZ-2-2 BL-3 B-2

Game 4 M beat K 11-4 BP
BP-2-2-3-2 M-2 * EG-2-2

Game 5 B beat M 12-10 Erick (3) - only needed a 2
Er-2-3-3 BL-2 DZ-2 * Ca-2-3 M-3 BM-2

Game 6 K beat B 11-10 Eric (3)
EG-2-2-3 D-2 H-2 * BL-2-2-2 Er-2-2

Game 7 M beat K 11-6 Calvin
BP-3-2 Ca-2-2 BM-2 * H-2-2 EG-2

Game 8 B beat M 12-9 David
DZ-2-2-2-2 Er-2 L-2 * BP-2-3 V-2-2

Game 9 B beat K 11-10 BL (3)
BL-2-2-3 Er-2-2 * H-2-3 Ch-3 EG-2

Game 10 B beat M 11-9 BL (3)
DZ-2-2 BL-3 B-2 Z-2 * Em-3 BP-2 Ca-2 M-2

Game 11 K beat B 11-6 Hor
Ch-2-3 H-2-2 Lu-2 * BL-2-2-2

Game 12 M beat K 12-2 Emerson
Em-3-3-2 BP-2-2 * H-2

1 Chris, Derek, Zechy
2 Emerson, Lex, Luis, Miller, Vince
3 Baker
4 BM
5 Calvin
6 Eric
7 Erick
9 BL, David
10 BP, Hor

1 Eric, Hor, Miller
2 Calvin, Chris, Erick, Luis
3 BL, Derek, Emerson
4 BP

2 Zechy
4 Lex, Vince
6 Baker
7 Miller
8 BM, Chris
10 Luis
11 Derek
13 Emerson
15 Eric
16 Calvin
18 David
20 Erick
23 *Hor
27 *BL
32 *BP

* Team's leading scorer

1 BM (2), BP (2), Calvin (2), David (2), Emerson (2), Eric (3), Erick (3), Luis (3)
2 BL (3, 3), Hor (2, 2)

Games that were game-point both ways: 6 of 12

Longest winning streak: 3 - Team Baker

- "Hey guys... we need this for best record!" That's for every game!
- In game 2, Limbs gets the ball under the hoops and gets rejected by his brother, but he gets the ball ball and powers it in. Beast!
- In the same game, Hor drives on Vattier and makes the game-winning lay-up while being tripped! Who is this guy?!
- BM with circus hang-time lay-up on Pipes in game 5! Both fell hard to the ground after the play.
- Hor does up-and-under on Vattier just below the free throw line in game 7 and calls a foul. Vattier cannot believe it lol!
- Pipes with an epic LS and loses his shoe!
- BL hits back-to-back game-winning trifectas in game 9 and 10!
- Chris breaks Pipes' ankles in game 11. Hor: "Court Cuts!"
- Hor ended up being 3rd leading scorer overall and led his team with 23 points after not balling for months. Not bad at all for 2nd-last pick!
- Even record for all teams. Hor: "Cheap teams all around!"

December 11, 2014 - Cancelled

Comment Posted by Admin Lex Dec 18, 2014 10:30 PM

(8-3) Lex (3, 2nd-last), BM, Derek, Erick, Kevin, Miller
(3-5) Felix (1, last), BL, David Z, Kwan, Lil Girl, Zechy
(2-5) Vince (2, 3rd-last), BP, Emerson, Jacky, Justin, Luis

Game 1 L beat F 12-8 Kevin (3) - only needed a 2
Ke-2-3-3 D-2 M-2 * BL-2-2 DZ-2-2

Game 2 V beat L 13-6 Emerson (3) - only needed a 2
Em-2-3 Ju-3-2 Ja-3 * Ke-2-2 D-2

Game 3 F beat V 11-7 Zechy (3)
Z-2-3 F-2 Kw-3 * Em-3 Ju-2 Lu-2

Game 4 L beat F 11-9 Kevin
Er-3-3 BM-3 Ke-2 * LG-2-2 DZ-3 Kw-2

Game 5 L beat V 12-5 Erick
Er-2-2 Ke-2-2 M-2-2 * Lu-3 BP-2

Game 6 L beat F 11-7 Kevin
BM-2-2 Ke-2-2 Er-3 * LG-2-2 Kw-3

Game 7 L beat V 11-4 Derek
D-2-2-2 Ke-2-3 * BP-2-2

Game 8 L beat F 12-9 Erick
Er-2-2 M-2-2 D-2 L-2 * Kw-3 BL-2 F-2 Z-2

Game 9 L beat V 12-7 Derek
D-2-2-2-2 Ke-2-2 * BP-2-3 Em-2

Game 10 L beat F 12-6 Kevin (3) - only needed a 2
Ke-3-3 D-2-2 L-2 * DZ-2 LG-2 Z-2

Game 11 V beat L 11-7 Justin (3)
Ju-2-3-3 BP-3 * Er-2-2 Ke-3

Game 12 F beat V 12-4 BL
LG-2-2-2 BL-2 DZ-2 Z-2 * BP-2 V-2

Game 13 F beat L 11-0 BL (3)
LG-2-2-2 BL-3 DZ-2

1 Felix, Kwan, Luis, Vince
2 BM, Emerson, Lex
3 Justin
4 BL, Zechy
5 BP, David, Miller
6 Erick
11 Kevin, Lil Girl
12 Derek

1 BL, BM, David, Felix, Jacky, Luis, Zechy
2 BP, Emerson
3 Erick, Justin, Kwan
6 Kevin

2 Vince
3 Jacky
4 Lex
5 Felix, Luis
7 BM
10 Emerson, Miller
11 BL, Kwan, Zechy
13 David
15 Justin
16 *BP
21 Erick
22 *Lil Girl
24 Derek
40 *Kevin

* Team's leading scorer

1 Emerson (3), Justin (3), Zechy (3)
2 BL (2, 3), Derek (2, 2), Erick (2, 2)
4 Kevin (3, 2, 2, 3)

Games that were game-point both ways: 3 of 13

Longest winning streak: 7 - Team Lex - CC record?!

- Kevin with back-to-back steals on Jacky and Louise in game 2 then were converted into buckets.
- BP knocks off Liz's contact lense on first possession of game 3. BP was paying attention in the CC chat! =)
- Kevin with a volleyball-spike block on LG's free throw line jumper in game 4 with the help D. Where did he come from?!
- In the same game one or two possessions later, Derek drives in and attempts a scoop lay-up, but LG meets him at the apex with a massive rejection of his own. Sick!
- Kevin blocks Arms from 3-point elbow, again coming out of nowhere.
- A very frustrated Liz being a bowling ball knocking down every opponent in sight, with one being an and-1 play in game 6 where BM made a lay-up.
- BL: "I saw beast-mode Derek and vintake Yoga (tonight)."
- The output of Miller = Jacky + Luis + Vince. Miller Time!!!


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