Forums » Nightly Stats and Highlights » 2012 APR - JUN
Messages for 2012 APR - JUN
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 16, 2012 06:25 PM |
April 5
(7-3) Alf, Brian L, David, Eric Go, Terry, Tjay
(4-4) Edison, Franco, Lil G, Vince, Will K, Zechy
(2-6) Andrew Mok, Brian P, Erick, Justin, Vinny B
Game 1 A beat AM 12-9 Terry
BL-2-2 EG-2-2 Te-2-2 * J-3 AM-2 BP-2 VB-2
Game 2 Ed beat A 11-2 Zechy
W-2-2-3 Ed-2 Z-2 * EG-2
Game 3 AM beat Ed 11-6 Justin
J-3-2-2-2 BP-2 * W-2-2-2
Game 4 A beat AM 12-6 Terry
Te-2-2 Tj-2-2 A-2 BL-2 * VB-2-2 AM-3
Game 5 A beat Ed 12-4 Eric Go (3) - only needed a 2
Tj-2-2-2 D-3 EG-3 * L-2 W-2
Game 6 A beat AM 12-4 Tjay
BL-2-2-2 A-2 D-2 Tj-2 * AM-2 BP-2
Game 7 Ed beat A 11-9 Lil G
L-2-2-2-2 W-3 * D-3 A-2 BL-2 Tj-2
Game 8 Ed beat AM 11-6 Zechy (3)
Z-2-3 Ed-2 V-2 W-2 * BP-2 Er-2 J-2
Game 9 A beat Ed 12-10 Terry
BL-2-2 Te-2-2 D-2 Tj-2 * Ed-2-2 L-2-2 W-2
Game 10 A beat AM 11-9 Eric Go
D-2-3 EG-2-2 BL-2 * J-2-2 BP-3 AM-2
Game 11 A beat Ed 12-4 Brian L
BL-2-2-2 Tj-2-2 EG-2 * L-2 V-2
Game 12 AM beat A 11-9 Brian P (3)
BP-2-3 Er-2-2 AM-2 * EG-2-2 D-3
Game 13 Ed beat AM 13-10 Lil G (3) - only needed a 2
L-2-2-3 W-2-2 Ed-2 * AM-2-2 J-2-2 BP-2
2 Vince, Zechy
3 David, Erick, Vinny B
4 Alf
5 Edison
6 Brian P, Terry
7 Andrew Mok
8 Eric Go, Justin
10 Lil G, Tjay, Will K
13 Brian L
1 Eric Go, Lil G, Zechy
2 Brian P, Justin, Will K
4 David
0 Franco
4 Vince
6 Erick, Vinny B
7 Zechy
8 Alf
10 Edison
12 Terry
14 Andrew Mok
18 Brian P, David
19 Eric Go
20 Tjay
22 Justin
23 Lil G
26 Brian L, Will K
- David made a GTFO block on Will K!
April 12
Never thought I would see this again - there is a line that says SUBS and 10 points are unaccounted for! =(
Whoever those subs are, you can still write the number of points in that person's box. As you do so, you know which team that person is subbing for! =)
(6-4) Calvin, Emerson, Justin, Kendrick, Will K, Will T
(4-4) Andy, Eric Go, Erick, Franco, TJ, Zechy
(3-5) Alf, Brian L, Brian P, David, Ken Chan, Lil G, Terry
Game 1 C beat Al 14-9 Kendrick - WTF?! 14 points? =D
C-2-2-3 K-2-2 Em-3 * T-2-2 BP-3 Al-2
Game 2 C beat An 12-6 Calvin (3) - only needed a 2
C-2-3 K-2-3 WK-2 * EG-2-2 F-2
Game 3 Al beat C 11-8 Brian L
BL-2-2 T-2-2 BP-3 * Em-2-2 WK-2-2
Game 4 Al beat An 11-2 Terry
BL-2-2 D-3 BP-2 T-2 * EG-2
Game 5 C beat Al 12-4 Calvin
C-2-2 J-2-2 Em-2 WK-2 * BL-2 T-2
Game 6 An beat C 11-10 Andy (3)
TJ-2-2-2 An-3 EG-2 * C-2-2 K-2-2 WK-2
Game 7 An beat Al 11-10 Franco
EG-2-2 TJ-3 Er-2 F-2 * T-2-2 BL-2 BP-2 L-2
Game 8 An beat C 11-6 TJ
TJ-2-2-2 EG-3 An-2 * WT-2-2 J-2
Game 9 Al beat An 11-10 Brian P (3)
BL-2-2-2 BP-2-3 * EG-2-2 TJ-2-2 Sub-2
Game 10 C beat Al 12-7 Emerson
C-3 WK-3 Em-2 J-2 WT-2 * BP-3 L-2 T-2
Game 11 C beat An 12-2 Will K
WK-2-2-2 K-3 WT-3 * F-2
Game 12 C beat Al 11-4 Calvin
C-2-3-2 WK-2 WT-2 * BL-2 L-2
Game 13 An beat Al 12-9 Sub
An-2-2 Sub-2-2-2-2 * C-3-2-2 BL-2 (sub)
1 Alf, Eric Go, Erick
3 Andy, Brian P, Franco, Lil G
4 Emerson, Justin, Will T
5 Kendrick
8 TJ
9 Terry, Will K
11 Brian L, Calvin
1 Andy, David, Emerson, Eric Go, TJ, Will K, Will T
2 Kendrick
4 Brian P
5 Calvin
0 Ken Chan, Zechy
2 Alf, Erick
3 David
6 Franco, Lil G
8 Justin
9 Andy
11 Emerson, Will T
16 Kendrick
18 Brian P, Terry
19 Eric Go, TJ
21 Will K
22 Brian L
37 Calvin
- Brian L's spin move then lay-up off glass with English in game 4.
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 22, 2012 01:52 PM |
April 19
(6-4) Brian P, Eric Go, Miller, Terry, TJ, Derek (up till game 11 only), Jacky (game 14 only)
(4-5) Brian L, Edison, Justin, Lil G, Vince, Will T, Derek (games 13 and 14 only), Jacky (games 2, 3 and 5 only)
(4-5) Andrew, Bonamy, Emerson, Franco, Kendrick, Leo
Game 1 A beat BP 12-2 Andrew (3) - only needed a 2
A-3-3 Em-2-2 L-2 * BP-2
Game 2 BL beat A 12-7 Vince
BL-2-2 Ja-2-2 Ju-2 V-2 * L-2-3 A-2
Game 3 BP beat BL 11-8 Eric Go
EG-2-2-2 BP-3-2 * Ed-2-2 BL-2 V-2
Game 4 A beat BP 11-8 Kendrick
K-3-2 Em-2-2 A-2 * EG-2-2 T-2-2
Game 5 BL beat A 11-9 Brian L
BL-2-3-2 Ja-2 Ju-2 * Em-3 B-2 K-2 L-2
Game 6 BL beat BP 11-9 Edison (3)
BL-2-2-2 Ed-2-3 * T-2-3 TJ-2-2
Game 7 A beat BL 11-8 Andrew (3)
A-3 K-3 L-3 F-2 * W-2-2 Ed-2 LG-2
Game 8 BP beat A 11-5 Eric Go (3)
EG-2-3 T-2-2 D-2 * B-3 Em-2
Game 9 BP beat BL 12-9 Derek
D-2-2 M-2-2 BP-2 TJ-2 * W-2-3 LG-2-2
Game 10 BP beat A 11-7 Eric Go (3)
EG-2-3 BP-2-2 D-2 * Em-3 A-2 K-2
Game 11 BP beat BL 11-7 Brian P (3)
D-2-2 BP-3 M-2 T-2 * BL-2-2 LG-3
Game 12 A beat BP 11-10 Emerson
Em-2-2-2 B-3 L-2 * T-2-2-2 BP-2 TJ-2
Game 13 BL beat A 11-0 Edison
BL-2-3 LG-2-2 Ed-2
Game 14 BP beat BL 12-4 Jacky (sub)
BP-2-2-2 Ja-2 M-2 T-2 * D-2 Ju-2
1 Bonamy, Franco
2 Vince
3 Andrew, Justin, Kendrick, Will T
4 Jacky, Leo, Miller, TJ
5 Edison, Lil G
6 Derek
7 Eric Go
8 Emerson
9 Brian P
10 Terry
11 Brian L
1 Edison, Lil G, Terry, Will T
2 Bonamy, Brian L, Brian P, Emerson, Eric Go, Kendrick, Leo
3 Andrew
2 Franco
4 Vince
6 Justin
8 Bonamy, Jacky, Miller, TJ
9 Will T
12 Derek, Kendrick
13 Edison, Lil G
14 Leo
15 Andrew
20 Eric Go
22 Emerson
23 Terry
24 Brian P
28 Brian L
Posted by Timeless | Apr 23, 2012 02:06 AM |
So I found some guys to play ball with, these guys are a lot better than another group. Another guy also named Victor for some reason films the games and posts it on youtube. He's a really good player (in red shorts). And watching myself shoot, it looks really ugly...I never knew when I jack up shots it looked like that.
Posted by Admin Lex | May 01, 2012 07:46 PM |
April 26
(9-4) Andrew, Brian P, Emerson, Pooner, TJ, Will T
(4-6) Alf, God (games 2 and 3), Lil G, Richard, Rob, Terry, Vince
(4-7) Brian L, Erick, Franco, God (game 4 onwards), Justin, Kendrick
Game 1 B beat Al 12-3 Erick
J-2-2 K-2-2 BL-2 Er-2 * An-3
Game 2 Al beat B 11-7 God
G-3-2-2 R-2 T-2 * K-3 BL-2 F-2
Game 3 Al beat An 12-7 Terry
R-2-3-3 G-2 T-2 * BP-2-3 P-2
Game 4 B beat Al 11-2 Kendrick
BL-2-2 J-3 Er-2 K-2 * R-2
Game 5 B beat An 11-8 Franco (3)
G-2-2 F-3 Er-2 K-2 * BP-2-2 TJ-2-2
Game 6 B beat Al 11-9 Franco
J-2-2 K-3 BL-2 F-2 * G-2-3 Al-2 V-2
Game 7 An beat B 11-0 Brian P (3)
BP-2-3 TJ-2-2 W-2
Game 8 An beat Al 11-7 Will T
W-3-2 BP-2-2 Em-2 * L-3 R-2 T-2
Game 9 An beat B 12-9 Will T
BP-2-2 Em-2-2 W-2-2 * J-2-3 BL-2 K-2
Game 10 An beat Al 12-5 Will T
W-2-2-2 TJ-2-2 Em-2 * R-3 T-2
Game 11 An beat B 11-6 Will T (3)
W-2-3 TJ-2-2 Em-2 * BL-2-2 G-2
Game 12 An beat Al 11-6 Will T (3)
W-2-3 An-2 BP-2 TJ-2 * V-2-2 G-2
Game 13 An beat B 11-6 TJ (3)
BP-2-2-2 TJ-2-3 * BL-2 F-2 K-2
Game 14 Al beat An 12-8 Lil G
L-2-2-2 R-2-2-2 * TJ-2-2 Em-2 W-2
Game 15 Al beat B 11-10 Rob
R-3-2 G-2 L-2 T-2 * BL-2-2 Er-2 F-2 K-2
Game 16 An beat Al 12-6 Will T
TJ-2-2-2 BP-2-2 W-2 * R-2-2 T-2
Game 17 An beat B 12-8 Will T
W-2-2-2 TJ-2-2 An-2 * Er-2-2 BL-2 J-2
1 Alf, Pooner
2 Andrew
3 God, Vince
4 Franco, Lil G
6 Emerson, Erick, God, Justin, Terry
7 Kendrick
10 Rob
12 Brian L
14 Brian P, Will T
17 TJ
1 Andrew, Franco, Lil G, TJ
2 Brian P, God, Justin, Kendrick
3 Will T
4 Rob
2 Alf, Pooner
6 Vince
7 Andrew
9 God
11 Franco, Lil G
12 Emerson, Erick, Terry
15 God
18 Justin
20 Kendrick
24 Brian L
32 Rob
34 Brian P
37 TJ, Will T
- Alf first gets blocked by Dave, then again by Brian P! Alf is getting PWMED!!!
- Lil G and friend wants to play together, so G goes back to team 3 lol!
- Quick spin move to the hoop and rainbow one-footer by Brian P in game 12. Cheap! xp
- Will T throwback game: 7 game-winners, bonafide jacker. Troll Level: Expert.
And guys, good job squeezing out 17 games in just 2 hours. The scoring must've been fast and furious! Or Thun_er D! xp
Posted by Admin Lex | May 07, 2012 07:44 PM |
May 3
(7-4) Brian P, Franco, Lil G, Rich, Tjay, Vince
(4-5) David Poon, Emerson, Kendrick, Terry, Zandro, Alf (no-show)
(3-5) Austin, Brian L, God (games 12 and 14 only), Joe Kwan, Justin, Luis, Zechy
Game 1 B beat D 12-6 Brian P
BP-3-3-2 R-2-2 * E-2-2 K-2
Game 2 A beat B 11-6 Brian L
BL-2-2 Au-3 L-2 Ze-2
Game 3 D beat A 11-9 Terry
Te-2-2-2 E-2-3 * BL-2-2 Ju-3 Au-2
Game 4 B beat D 12-10 Tjay
BP-2-2 LG-2-2 Tj-2 V-2 * Te-2-2-2 K-2-2
Game 5 B beat A 11-9 Brian P (3)
Tj-2-2 BP-3 F-2 LG-2 * BL-2-2 Ju-3 Au-2
Game 6 D beat B 12-8 Terry
K-3-2 Te-2-2 D-3 * BP-3 R-3 Tj-2
Game 7 D beat A 11-6 Emerson
E-2-2-2 K-3-2 * Ju-2-2 L-2
Game 8 D beat B 11-8 Emerson
K-3-2 D-2 E-2 Za-2 * LG-2-2 F-2 Tj-2
Game 9 A beat D 11-6 Brian L
L-2-3 BL-2-2 Ju-2 * E-2 K-2 Te-2
Game 10 B beat A 11-9 Brian P (3)
LG-2-2-2 BP-3 F-2 * L-3-2 BL-2-2
Game 11 B beat D 11-7 Tjay
V-2-2 LG-3 F-2 Tj-2 * E-2-2 Te-3
Game 12 B beat A 11-9 Tjay
Tj-3-2 BP-2-2 F-2 * Ju-3 Au-2 BL-2 Ze-2
Game 13 B beat D 11-7 Brian P (3)
BP-2-3 Tj-2-2 LG-2 * E-3 D-2 Te-2
Game 14 A beat B 14-6 Kendrick (sub)- he got the 14th point but I think whoever got the 12th point's name should be here LOL!
Ju-3-2 V-3-2 (sub) K-2-2 (sub) * LG-3 Tj-3
1 God, Zandro
2 Austin, David Poon, Rich, Zechy
4 Justin, Luis
5 Franco, Vince
7 Brian P
9 Kendrick, Tjay
10 Emerson, Lil G, Terry
11 Brian L
1 Austin, David Poon, Rich, Terry, Vince
2 Emerson, Kendrick, Lil g, Luis, Tjay
4 Justin
6 Brian P
0 Joe Kwan
2 God, Zandro
4 Zechy
7 Austin, David Poon, Rich
10 Franco
13 Vince
14 Luis
20 Justin
22 Brian L
23 Terry
24 Kendrick, Tjay
26 Emerson, Lil G
32 Brian P
- First 2 games only 12 guys. No stats! The third game was the official game 1!
- Joe blocks Lil G. In yo face!
- Terry trips himself
- Kendrick blocks Austin!
- Justin blocks Poon. In yo face!
- Austin left after game 8.
- Vince is Lil G's friend, not old-timer Vince
- Lil G huge block on Emerson!
- Kendrick was at the top of the key and somehow falls to the floor because of Franco's box-out. TT!!!
- God passes to himself McGrady-style. No mention about the finish though. What happened?!
Posted by Admin Lex | May 13, 2012 02:00 PM |
May 10
(6-4) Andrew, Eric Go, Lil G, Rich Gee, TJ, Vince Chen
(6-5) Brian P, Edison, Erick, Justin, Zechy
(3-6) Brian L, David Poon, Kendrick, Luis, Terry
Game 1 BP beat BL 12-4 Brian P
J-3-2 BP-2-2 Er-3 * BL-2 T-2
Game 2 BP beat A 12-9 Edison
Er-3-2 J-3 Ed-2 Z-2 * EG-3 R-2 TJ-2 V-2
Game 3 BP beat BL 11-6 Brian P
BP-3-2 Er-2-2 J-2 * BL-2-2 L-2
Game 4 A beat BP 12-10 Andrew
R-3-2 EG-3 A-2 TJ-2 * BP-3-2-2 Er-3
Game 5 BL beat A 12-8 Terry (3) - only needed a 2
T-2-2-3 K-3-2 * V-2-2 EG-2 TJ-2
Game 6 BL beat BP 11-7 Luis (3)
T-2-2 L-3 BL-2 K-2 * Er-3-2 Ed-2
Game 7 A beat BL 11-7 Eric Go (3)
EG-2-3 TJ-2-2 A-2 * T-3-2 BL-2
Game 8 BP beat A 12-8 Erick (3) - only needed a 2
J-2-2-3 Er-2-3 * TJ-2-2 EG-2 V-2
Game 9 BP beat BL 11-2 Edison (3)
BP-2-2 Er-2-2 Ed-3 * T-2
Game 10 A beat BP 12-9 Eric Go
LG-2-2-2 EG-2-2 V-2 * BP-3-2 Er-2 Z-2
Game 11 A beat BL 12-4 Lil G
LG-2-2 A-3 V-3 EG-2 * K-2 L-2
Game 12 BP beat A 11-9 Brian P
Er-3 BP-2 Ed-2 J-2 Z-2 * R-3 EG-2 TJ-2 V-2
Game 13 BL beat BP 12-8 Luis
BL-2-2 K-2-2 L-2 T-2 * J-3-3 Z-2
Game 14 A beat BL 11-8 Lil G
LG-2-2-3 A-2 R-2 * BL-2 D-2 K-2 L-2
Game 15 A beat BP 11-3 not circled =(
TJ-3-2-2 LG-2 V-2 * Z-3
1 David Poon
3 Andrew, Edison, Rich Gee
4 Luis, Zechy
5 Justin
6 Kendrick
7 Eric Go, Vince Chen
8 Brian L, Erick, Lil G, Terry
9 Brian P
10 TJ
1 Andrew, Edison, Kendrick, Lil G, Luis, TJ, Vince Chen, Zechy
2 Rich Gee, Terry
3 Brian P, Eric Go
5 Justin
6 Erick
2 David Poon
9 Andrew, Edison
11 Luis, Zechy
12 Rich Gee
15 Kendrick
16 Brian L
17 Vince Chen
19 Lil G
22 Terry
23 Eric Go, TJ
25 Justin
27 Brian P
34 Erick
Rainbow 3 by Andrew over Kendrick
Posted by Admin Lex | May 20, 2012 07:45 PM |
May 17
(7-4) Calvin, Emerson, Erick, Kendrick, Lil G, Vince
(5-5) Brian L, Brian P, David (Brian L's friend; game 1 only), Justin, Kwan, Will K, Will T
(3-6) Edison, Eric Go, Luis, Terry, Tjay, Zechy
Game 1 E beat B 12-8 Eric
EG-2-2 Tj-2-2 L-2 Te-2 * BL-2 BP-2 D-2 J-2
Game 2 C beat E 13-6 Erick (3) - only needed a 2
Em-2-2-2 Er-2-3 C-2 * Ed-2 Te-2 Tj-2
Game 3 C beat B 11-8 Emerson (3)
Er-2-2 Em-3 C-2 V-2 * J-3-3 BP-2
Game 4 C beat E 11-10 Kendrick (3)
Em-3 Er-3 Ke-3 C-2 * EG-2-2-2-2 L-2
Game 5 C beat B 11-4 Calvin
C-3-2 Ke-2-2 Em-2 * BL-2 Kw-2
Game 6 C beat E 11-10 Lil G (3)
Er-2-2 LG-3 C-2 V-2 * EG-2-3 L-3 Ed-2
Game 7 B beat C 11-10 Kwan
BP-2-3 BL-2-2 Kw-2 * C-2-2 LG-2-2 Ke-2
Game 8 B beat E 12-8 Will T
BP-3-3 WT-2-2 BL-2 * Tj-2-2 Te-2 Z-2
Game 9 C beat B 11-2 Lil G
Ke-2-3 C-2 Em-2 LG-2 * BP-2
Game 10 E beat C 11-9 Eric (3)
EG-2-3 Tj-2-2 Te-2 * Ke-2-3-2 LG-2
Game 11 B beat E 11-0 Brian L
BL-3-2 J-3 WT-3
Game 12 B beat C 11-9 Brian P
BP-3-2 BL-2 WK-2 WT-2 * LG-3-3-3
Game 13 B beat E 12-5
BP-3-3-3-3 * EG-3 Tj-2
Game 14 C beat B 12-5 - only needed a 2
Er-2-3 LG-2-2 Em-3 * BP-3 BL-2
Game 15 E beat C 11-10 Edison
Tj-2-2 Z-3 Ed-2 Te-2 * LG-2-3 Er-3 V-2
1 David, Justin, Kwan, Zechy
2 Luis, Will K
3 Edison, Vince, Will T
5 Brian P, Emerson, Terry
6 Erick, Kendrick
7 Lil G
8 Brian L, Calvin, Eric Go
10 Tjay
1 Brian L, Calvin, Luis, Will T, Zechy
3 Emerson, Eric Go, Justin, Kendrick
4 Erick
5 Lil G
9 Brian P
2 David, Kwan
4 Will K
5 Zechy
6 Edison, Vince
7 Luis
9 Will T
10 Terry
11 Justin
19 Brian L, Calvin, Emerson
20 Tjay
21 Kendrick
24 Erick
25 Eric Go
29 Lil G
37 Brian P
- Calvin's team started the night at 5-0. Cheap!
- Erick's game-winning trifecta in game 2 was from 4 feet behind the line. And oh, his team only needed a 2!
- Luis checks the ball at Emerson's head while he ties his laces in game 4.
- Brian P makes 4 trifectas in a row in game 13, with the last one being a turnaround J.
Posted by Admin Lex | May 27, 2012 07:05 PM |
May 24
(9-5) Alf, Brian L, Justin, Kwan, Luis, Will T
(7-7) Baker (game 6 onwards), Edison, Eric Go, Tjay, Vince Chen, Will K
(4-8) Austin, Baker (games 1, 3 and 5), Brian P, Franco, God, Lil G, Terry
Game 1 B beat Au 11-8 Eric Go (3)
EG-2-3 V-2-2 Tj-2 * Te-2-2 Au-2 F-2
Game 2 B beat Al 11-3 Will K
WK-2-2 Tj-2 G-3-2 (sub) * J-3
Game 3 B beat Au 11-7 Will K
Tj-2-2 WK-2-2 EG-3 * Au-3 B-2 BP-2
Game 4 B beat Al 13-4 Will K (3) - only needed a 2
Tj-2-2-2 WK-3 EG-2 V-2 * BL-2 L-2
Game 5 B beat Au 12-6 Eric Go
EG-2-2-2 Ed-2 Tj-2 WK-2 * B-2 BP-2 Te-2
Game 6 Al beat B 11-6 Will T (3)
WT-2-3 Al-2 BL-2 L-2 * B-2 Ed-2 Tj-2
Game 7 Au beat Al 11-10 Brian P
Au-2-3 BP-2 G-2 LG-2 * WT-2-2-2 BL-2 J-2
Game 8 Au beat B 11-4 Austin
BP-3 Au-2 G-2 LG-2 Te-2 * EG-2 WK-2
Game 9 Al beat Au 11-4 Will T (3)
BL-2-2 WT-3 Al-2 L-2
Game 10 Al beat B 11-7 Luis
L-2-2 J-3 Al-2 BL-2 * Ed-3 EG-2 V-2
Game 11 Au beat Al 11-4 God
Au-3-2 G-2-2 Te-2 * J-2 WT-2
Game 12 Au beat B 12-6 Brian P
BP-2-2-2 Au-2 LG-2 Te-2 * B-2 EG-2 V-2
Game 13 Al beat Au 11-4 Will T (3)
WT-2-3 Al-2-2 BL-2 * Au-2 BP-2
Game 14 Al beat B 11-8 Luis (3)
L-3-3 J-3 WT-2 * Ed-2-2 Tj-2 WK-2
Game 15 Al beat Au 11-6 Brian L
K-3-2 BL-2-2 J-2 * BP-2-2 LG-2
Game 16 Al beat B 11-2 Justin
BL-2-2-2 K-3 J-2 * WK-2
Game 17 Al beat Au 12-10 Will T
WT-2-2 K-3 L-3 BL-2 * Au-2-2 LG-2-2 Te-2
Game 18 B beat Al 11-9 Edison
Ed-2-2-2 B-3 V-2 * WT-3 BL-2 J-2 L-2
Game 19 B beat Au 12-4 Vince Chen
V-2-2-2 Tj-2-2 Ed_2 * LG-2 Te-2
Game 20 Al beat B 11-6 Luis
K-2-3 L-2-2 Al-2 * Ed-2-2 B-2
1 Franco
2 Kwan
5 Baker, God, Justin
6 Alf
8 Austin, Eric Go, Luis, Terry, Will K
9 Brian P, Lil G, Vince Chen, Will T
10 Edison
12 Tjay
14 Brian L
1 Baker, Brian P, Edison, God, Will K
2 Eric Go
3 Austin, Justin, Luis
4 Kwan, Will T
2 Franco
12 Alf
13 Baker, God
16 Kwan, Terry
18 Lil G, Vince Chen
19 Justin, Will K
21 Brian P
22 Eric Go
23 Edison
24 Tjay
25 Austin, Luis
28 Brian L
30 Will T
- Terry blocks Alf's 3-point attempt in game 2
- Edison does Joe SPcial with Arms checking him in game 17
- Alf blocks Baker in game 17
- Lil G asks God to post a highlight about him in game 17 - Best highlight ever!
Charles Barkley Legacy:
During his 16-year NBA career, Barkley was regarded as one of the most controversial, outspoken and dominating players in the history of basketball. His impact on the sport went beyond his rebounding titles, assists, scoring and physical play. His larger than life persona and confrontational mannerisms often led to technical fouls and fines and sometimes gave rise to national controversy, such as when he was featured in ads that rejected pro athletes as role models and declared, "I am not a role model." Although his words often led to controversy, according to Barkley his mouth was never the cause because it always spoke the truth. He stated, "I don't create controversies. They're there long before I open my mouth. I just bring them to your attention."
Besides his on-court fights with other players, he has exhibited confrontational behavior off-court. He was arrested for breaking a man's nose during a fight after a game with the Milwaukee Bucks and also for throwing a man through a plate-glass window after being struck with a glass of ice. Notwithstanding these occurrences, Barkley continued to remain popular with the fans and media because of his sense of humor and honesty.
As a player, Barkley was a perennial All-Star who earned league MVP honors in 1993. He employed a physical style of play that earned him the nicknames "Sir Charles" and "The Round Mound of Rebound". He was named to the All-NBA team eleven times and earned two gold medals as a member of the United States Olympic Basketball team. He led both teams in scoring and was instrumental in helping the 1992 "Dream Team" and 1996 Men's Basketball team compile a perfect 16–0 record. He retired as one of only four players in NBA history to record at least 20,000 points, 10,000 rebounds and 4,000 assists in their career, although a fifth player, Kevin Garnett, has since accomplished that feat.
In recognition of his collegiate and NBA achievements, Barkley's number 34 jersey was officially retired by Auburn University on March 3, 2001. In the same month, the Philadelphia 76ers also officially retired Barkley's jersey. On 20 March 2004, the Phoenix Suns honored Barkley as well by retiring his jersey and including him in the "Suns Ring of Honor". In recognition of his achievements as a player, Barkley was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2006.
Listed height: 6'6" (1.98 m). In reality, he was probably 6'4".
Listed weight: 252 lbs (114 kg)
Career Highlights and Awards:
- NBA Most Valuable Player (1993)
- 11× NBA All-Star (1987–1997)
- 5× All-NBA First Team (1988–1991, 1993)
- 5× All-NBA Second Team (1986–1987, 1992, 1994–1995)
- All-NBA Third Team (1996)
- NBA All-Rookie First Team (1985)
- NBA All-Star Game MVP (1991)
- NBA's 50th Anniversary All-Time Team
- #34 Retired by Philadelphia 76ers / Phoenix Suns
- SEC Player of the Year (1984)
Career Statistics:
- 23,757 Points (22.1 PPG)
- 12,546 Rebounds (11.7 RPG)
- 4,215 Assists (3.9 APG)
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 20, 2012 10:22 PM |
May 31
(7-5) Brian P, Edison, Erick, Justin, Ken (last name?), Kwan
(5-5) Calvin, Eric Go (games 2-6 only), Lil G, Luis, Terry, Vince, Will T (games 8-16 only)
(4-6) Alf, Brian L, Franco, God, Paul (TJ's friend), TJ, Will K
Game 1 B beat A 11-5 Justin (3)
J-3-3 Ke-2 L-3 (sub) * BL-3 TJ-2
Game 2 B beat C 11-8 Erick (3)
Er-2-3 BP-2-2 Ed-2 * EG-2-2 C-2 L-2
Game 3 B beat A 12-8 Brian P
BP-2-3-3-2 Ke-2 * BL-2-2 P-2 WK-2
Game 4 B beat C 11-3 Brian P (3)
BP-2-3 Ed-2 Ke-2 V-2 (sub) * EG-3
Game 5 A beat B 12-2 TJ
BL-2-2-2 TJ-2-2 WK-2 * Ke-2
Game 6 C beat A 12-8 Vince
LG-2-2-2 V-2-2 T-2 * A-2-2 TJ-2-2
Game 7 B beat C 12-9 Brian P (3)
BP-2-3-3 Er-2-2 * LG-2-2 L-2 Ke-3 (sub)
Game 8 A beat B 11-2 TJ
P-2-2-2 TJ-3-2 * Ke-2
Game 9 C beat A 11-2 Terry
L-2-3 T-2-2 C-2 * WK-2
Game 10 B beat C 12-6 Edison
Kw-3-3 Ed-2 Er-2 J-2 * T-2-2 C-2
Game 11 A beat B 12-9 Brian L
WK-2-2-2 BL-2-2 P-2 * Kw-3-2 Er-2 J-2
Game 12 A beat C 12-4 Will K
TJ-2-2 WK-2-2 BL-2 F-2 * LG-2 T-2
Game 13 B beat A 11-6 Kwan
Kw-3-2 BP-2-2 J-2 * TJ-2-2 F-2
Game 14 C beat B 11-8 Will T
WT-3-2 LG-2-2 T-2 * BP-2-3-3
Game 15 C beat A 11-7 Will T
WT-3-2 C-2 L-2 LG-2 * G-2-2 K-3 (sub)
Game 16 C beat B 12-5 Calvin
C-2-2 LG-2-2 L-2 T-2 * Ed-3 J-2
2 Alf, Eric Go, Franco, God, Kwan
3 Edison, Vince
4 Justin
5 Erick, Ken, Luis, Paul
6 Calvin
8 Brian L, Terry, Will K
9 Brian P
10 Lil G, TJ
1 Brian L, Edison, Eric Go, Erick, TJ
2 Eric Go, Justin, Ken, Luis
4 Kwan
7 Brian P
4 Alf, Franco, God
6 Vince
7 Eric Go
9 Edison
10 Eric Go, Paul
12 Calvin
13 Erick
14 Justin
16 Ken, Kwan, Luis, Terry, Will K
19 Brian L
20 Lil G
23 TJ
39 Brian P
Eric Go: Franco landed on Eric's ankle in game 6.
- Edison blocks TJ in game 6 after a nice give-and-go between him and Brian L.
- Kwan on fire for 3 straight games (10, 11 and 13 - no 12 because his team sat)
- Brian L's hangtime lay-up on Lil G in game 13.
- Calvin passes off Will T's foot back to himself. That's a sign he's not a ballhog! xp
- Vince was a thief with at least 10 steals on the night.
- Brian P's fastbreak behind-the-back pass to Justin but no finish. Probable Lester syndrome there...
- Lil G's feint shoulder to shake off Brian P, then drives in and nicely dishes to Calvin for game-winner in the last game.
June 7
(6-5) Brian L, Brian P, Edison, God, Justin, Kwan, Luis
(6-5) Eric Go, Lil G, Terry, TJ, Vince, Will K
(4-6) Andrew J, Calvin, Emerson, Franco, JR, Kendrick
Game 1 B beat A 11-10 Brian L
G-2-3 BP-2-2 BL-2 * C-2-2 Em-2 F-2 T-2-2 (sub)
The above is according to the stats sheet. But as we can see, the tally shows 12-11 for team Andrew, but it was written as 11-10 for team Brian. Was the winning team the wrong team?! Or did Terry actually have just one basket as a sub for team Andrew?!
Game 2 E beat B 11-6 Calvin (3) sub
EG-2-2 T-2 C-2-3 (sub) * BL-2-2 J-2
Game 3 E beat A 11-8 Eric Go (3)
EG-2-2-2-3 W-2 * A-2-3-3
Game 4 E beat B 11-10 Eric Go
EG-2-3-2 T-2 TJ-2 * BP-2-2 Kw-2-2 Ed-2
Game 5 A beat E 11-9 Andrew J
C-2-3 A-2 F-2 Ke-2 * T-2-2-3 TJ-2
Game 6 A beat B 12-8 Kendrick
Em-2-2-2 C-2 JR-2 Ke-2 * BP-2-3 J-3
Game 7 E beat A 12-10 Will K
LG-2-2-2 W-2-2 TJ-2 * Em-2-2-3 A-3
Game 8 E beat B 12-10 Lil G
EG-2-2 T-2-2 LG-2 TJ-2 * BL-2-2-2-2 BP-2
Game 9 A beat E 12-9 Andrew J
Em-3-3 A-2 C-2 F-2 * TJ-2-3 EG-2 LG-2
Game 10 B beat A 11-7 Kwan (3)
BP-2-2-2 Kw-3 G-2 * A-3 C-2 Ke-2
Game 11 B beat E 11-4 Brian P (3)
BP-2-2-3 BL-2 Ed-2 * T-2 W-2
Game 12 B beat A 11-7 Brian P
Kw-3 BL-2 BP-2 Ed-2 L-2 * Em-3 F-2 JR-2
Game 13 E beat B 12-8 TJ
TJ-2-2 LG-2 T-2 V-2 W-2 * Ed-2-2 BP-2 G-2
Game 14 A beat E 11-8 Emerson (3)
Ke-2-2-2 Em-3 C-2 * W-2-2-2 TJ-2
Game 15 B beat A 11-7 Brian L
BL-2-2 BP-3 Ed-2 Kw-2 * Ke-3 C-2 F-2
Game 16 B beat E 11-8 Edison
Ed-2-2 L-3 BP-2 J-2 * T-2-2 TJ-2 W-2
1 Luis, Vince
2 JR, Justin
3 Andrew J, God, Kwan
5 Franco
6 Emerson, Kendrick, Lil G
8 Edison
9 Calvin, TJ, Will K
10 Eric Go
11 Brian L
12 Terry
14 Brian P
1 God, Justin, Kendrick, Luis, Terry, TJ
2 Calvin, Eric Go, Kwan
3 Brian P
4 Andrew J
5 Emerson
2 Vince
4 JR
5 Luis
7 Justin
9 God
10 Franco
12 Kwan, Lil G
15 Kendrick
16 Edison
18 Andrew J, Will K
21 TJ
22 Brian L
24 Calvin
26 Eric Go
27 Emerson, Terry
37 BP
- God hits the side of the backboard in game 1 and says "Oh fuck!"
- Kendrick fakes Terry at the 3-point line in game 3 and gets flipped by Kendrick as he drives. Ouch! - I don't get this, so he flipped himself?! Or was he flipped by Terry? Or someone else with a "K"... i.e. Kwan?!
- Andrew J blocks TJ's fastbreak lay-up in game 9.
- Luis has back-to-back misses from point-blank in game 12. That's not that Lester syndrome; it's the Luis syndrome!
June 14
(5-4) Brian L, Edison, Erick, God, Luis, Vincent Chen
(5-5) Austin, Kendrick, Miller, Ray (Kendrick's friend), TJ (no-show), Will T
(4-5) Brian P, Eric Go, Franco, Justin, over-Ray-ted, Terry
Game 1 A beat BP 12-9 Austin
A-2-2-2 Ed-2-2-2 (sub) * BP-3-2 EG-2-2
Game 2 A beat BL 12-8 over-Ray-ted (3) sub - only needed a 2
K-3-3 A-3 O-3 (sub) * Ed-2 Er-2 L-2 V-2
Game 3 BP beat A 11-10 Brian P (3)
Te-2-2 BP-3 EG-2 J-2 * A-3-2-3 K-2
Game 4 BL beat BP 12-6 Luis
BL-2-2-2 Er-2-2 L-2 * BP-2 EG-2 Te-2
Game 5 A beat BL 12-9 Kendrick
K-2-2-2 R-2-2 A-2 * BL-2-2 Ed-3 Er-2
Game 6 BP beat A 12-10 Terry (3) - only needed a 2
EG-2-3 F-2-2 Te-3 * A-2-2 K-2 R-2 W-2
Game 7 BL beat BP 11-8 Vincent
V-2-3-2 BL-2 L-2 * BP-2 EG-2 O-2 Te-2
Game 8 A beat BL 12-6 Emerson
K-2-2-2-2 Em-2-2 * BL-2 Ed-2 Er-2
Game 9 BP beat A 12-8 Eric Go
BP-3 Te-2 EG-2 F-2 O-2 * W-2-2 A-2 M-2
Game 10 BL beat BP 11-9 Vincent
V-2-2-3-2 Er-2 * Te-2-2 J-3 EG-2
Game 11 BL beat A 12-7 Vincent
BL-2-2-2 L-2-2 V-2 * W-2-2 Em-3
Game 12 BP beat BL 12-10 Brian P
BP-3-2 J-2-3 EG-2 * BL-2-2 L-2-2 Ed-2
Game 13 A beat BP 11-7 Austin
A-2-2-2-2 K-3 * Te-3-2 BP-2
Game 14 BL beat A 12-8 Vincent
BL-2-2 V-2-2 Er-2 L-2 * Em-2-2 A-2 K-2
1 Miller
2 Justin, over-Ray-ted
3 Franco, Ray
5 Brian P, Will T
6 Edison
7 Erick, Terry
8 Luis
9 Eric Go, Vincent
10 Kendrick
13 Austin
14 Brian L
1 Edison, Eric Go, over-Ray-ted
2 Justin, Vincent
3 Austin, Kendrick, Terry
4 Brian P
2 Miller
6 Franco, Ray
7 over-Ray-ted
10 Justin, Will T
14 Erick
15 Edison
16 Luis
21 Eric Go
22 Brian P
23 Terry
24 Vincent
28 Brian L
29 Kendrick
35 Austin
Edison picked up Will's kid and dropped him. Edison: "I picked him up and put him down softly then he tripped over his own mini ball."
For those of you that haven't seen these: http://
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 25, 2012 09:25 PM |
June 21
(6-3) Eric Go, Erick, God, Justin, Rayban, Whore
(4-4) Alf, Brian P, Terry, Vince, Zechy, Alex Yip (no-show or last minute drop-out?!)
(2-5) Brian L, Edison, Franco, Lil G, TJ, Will K
Game 1 B beat E 12-10 Franco
BL-2-2-2 Ed-2 F-2 W-2 * EG-2-2 Er-2 R-2 W-2
Game 2 B beat A 12-4 Franco
W-2-2-2 BL-2-2 F-2 * Te-2 V-2
Game 3 E beat B 11-6 Whore
W-3-2-2 EG-2 Er-2 * TJ-2-2 BL-2
Game 4 A beat E 12-10 Brian P
BP-2-2 A-2 Te-2 V-2 Z-2 * EG-2-2-2 Er-2 G-2
Game 5 A beat B 12-4 Zechy (3)
Z-3 A-2 BP-2 L-3-2 (sub) * BL-2 TJ-2
Game 6 A beat E 11-10 Brian P
BP-2-3-2-2 Te-2 * W-3-3 EG-2 Er-2
Game 7 A beat B 11-8 Alf
BP-2-2 Te-3 A-2 Z-2 * BL-2 Ed-2 L-2 TJ-2
Game 8 E beat A 12-8 Eric Go
EG-2-2-2-2 Er-2 W-2 * BP-2-2-2 Z-2
Game 9 E beat B 11-8 Whore
W-3-2 EG-2-2 G-2 * Ed-2-2 W-2-2
Game 10 E beat A 11-5 Whore (3)
EG-3-3 W-3 J-2 * Te-3 BP-2
Game 11 E beat B 10-6 - Game-winner wasn't circled and game was incomplete
Er-2-3 W-3 J-2 * Ed-2 TJ-2 W-2
Game 12 E beat A 12-10 Whore
W-2-2 Er-2 G-2 J-2 R-2 * BP-2 Te-2 V-2 Z-2 Unknown-2
2 Franco, Lil G, Rayban
3 Alf, God, Justin, Vince
4 Terry, Zechy
5 Edison, TJ
7 Erick, Whore, Will K
8 Brian L
13 Brian P, Eric Go
1 Brian P, Eric Go, Erick, Lil G, Zechy
2 Terry
6 Whore
4 Franco, Ray
6 Alf, God, Justin, Vince
7 Lil G
10 Edison, TJ
11 Zechy
14 Terry, Will K
16 Brian L
17 Erick
29 Brian P
32 Eric Go, Whore
Justin: "I'm doing better now. Franco lost balance going for a rebound, I was behind him and he landed on the side of my leg and bent my knee inward a little. I think it's just a minor sprain or pull. It hurt a lot at the time, but now it just feels like a really deep bruise, i.e. doesn't hurt unless I put pressure on it. I think it's getting near the time to "hang up the jersey"... Never used to getting so many injuries before. I think my age is catching up to me."
- Team Brian L won games 1 and 2 and were winless for the rest of the night. Ouch! Note Franco got game-winner for both games!
- Whore hits first trifecta in 2 years!
- Whore beats Edison for a game-winner in game 3. I guessed Whore chased a loose ball and out-ran Edison for a lay-up?!
- Edison with a huge block on Whore on a fastbreak in game 9, but Lil G fouled Whore before the block. Hmmm, that doesn't register as a block then haha!
- In game 10, Whore on defense calls a foul for the other team and tricks them to pass the ball to no one. I'm lost...
- In the same game, Eric Go fastbreaks to Erick cutting who does a behind-the-back pass to Justin for an easy deuce.
- Rayban scores in the very first and very last game. Coincidence? LOL!
- Whore gets 4 of a possible 6 game-winners!
Someone please tell me what happened in game 11, thanks!
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 28, 2012 03:06 PM |
June 28
(7-3) Ben Luk, Brian L, Lil G, Rich Jee (Really? Jee? Not Lee?), Vince C, Zechy - Cheap Team!
(4-5) Alf, Brian P, Franco, Luis, Ray, Simon
(3-6) David, Edison, Eric Go, Erick, Tjay, Vince L
Game 1 D beat A 11-10 Edison
Ed-2-2-2 D-3 EG-2 * F-2-2-2-2 BP-2
Game 2 B beat D 11-9 Rich Jee
VC-3-2 BrL-2 RJ-2 W-2 * T-2-3 Ed-2 EG-2
Game 3 B beat A 12-9 Zechy
RJ-2-2 W-2-2 BeL-2 Z-2 * L-2-2-3 BP-2
Game 4 B beat D 11-7 Vince C
VC-2-2-2-2 LG-3 * D-3 Ed-2 T-2
Game 5 B beat A 12-6 Vince Chen
VC-2-2 W-2-2 BrL-2 LG-2 * A-2-2 BP-2
Game 6 D beat B 11-6 Erick
EG-2-3-2 Er-2-2 * LG-2 RJ-2 W-2
Game 7 A beat D 11-7 Luis (3)
BP-2-2 S-2-2 L-3 * EG-2-3 Ed-2
Game 8 B beat A 11-10 Vince C
LG-2-3 VC-2-2 W-2 * BP-2-2-2-2 S-2
Game 9 B beat D 12-3 Will K
W-2-2-2 LG-2-2 VC-2 * D-3
Game 10 A beat B 11-4 Ray
L-3-2 A-2 F-2 Ra-2 * VC-2 Z-2
Game 11 D beat A 11-7 Vince L
T-2-3 Er-2-2 VL-2 * S-3 BP-2 F-2
Game 12 B beat D 11-7 Brian L
LG-3-2-2-2 BrL-2 * VL-2-3 T-2
Game 13 A beat B 11-9 Luis
L-2-2-2-3 BP-2 * LG-3 BrL-2 VC-2 Z-2
Game 14 A beat D 11-4 Franco
F-2-2-2 L-2-3 * Ed-2 Er-2
1 Ben Luk, Ray
2 Vince Lee
3 Alf, Simon, Zechy
4 Rich Jee, Tjay
5 Brian L, Eric Go, Erick
7 Edison, Luis
8 Lil G
9 Franco, Will K
11 Brian P
12 Vince Chen
1 Simon, Vince C, Vince L
2 Eric Go, Tjay
3 David
4 Lil G
5 Luis
2 Ben Luk, Ray
6 Alf, Zechy
7 Vince L
8 Rich Gee
9 David, Simon
10 Brian L, Erick
14 Edison, Tjay
16 Eric Go
18 Franco, Will K
22 Brian P
27 Vince C
28 Lil G
29 Luis
- Ray's only field goal was game 10's game-winner. 100% for the night!
- Alf subs out in game 11 to take a dump.
- Vince L's turn-around J in the same game for game-winner over Luis!
- Vince (Chen or Lee) breaks Zechy's amkles and does a nice up-and-under. Game unknown.
- Luis on fire in game 13 as he was a field goal shy of getting all of his team's points.
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