Forums » Nightly Stats and Highlights » 2009 APR - JUN
Messages for 2009 APR - JUN
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 07, 2009 06:47 PM |
Tonight is the first time we have 3s and 2s instead of 2s and 1s. I think it worked out really well and we will do this from now on. For all you trivia freaks out there, Victor made the first official "3" ball. Woohoo!
(6-4) Felix Li, Hunter, Lester, Lil Girl, Luis, Zechy
(4-5) Delonte, Edison, Ernest, Jason, Justin, Victor
(4-5) Alf, Felix Tang, Jeff, Tayza Da Layza, Whore, Will
Game 1 D beat F 13-5 Justin
Ju-2-2-2 V-3 Ed-2 Ja-2 * L-3 Lu-2
Game 2 A beat D 13-12 Whore (3)
Je-2-2 Wh-3 A-1 T-1 Wi-1 * Ed-2-2-2-2 Ja-2-2
Game 3 F beat A 14-5 Hunter
LG-2-3 H-2-2 Z-3 L-2 * Wh-3 T-2
Game 4 F beat D 13-7 Hunter
H-2-3-2-2 FL-3 L-2 * Ed-2-2 Ja-3
Game 5 F beat A 13-8 Luis
Lu-3-2-2 L-2-2 FL-2 * FT-2 Je-2 T-2 Wh-2
Game 6 F beat D 14-9 Hunter
H-2-2-2-2 FL-2 Lu-2 Z-2 * Ju-2-3 Ed-2 Er-2
Game 7 F beat A 13-11 Lil Girl
H-2-2 Z-3 FL-2 L-2 LG-2 * Wi-2-2-3 A-2 Je-2
Game 8 F beat D 13-8 Luis (3)
Lu-2-2-2-3H-2 L-2 * Ja-2-2 D-2 V-2
Game 9 A beat F 13-11 Alf
FT-2-2 Wi-2-2 Wh-3 A-2 * H-2-2 L-2-2 Lu-3
Game 10 A beat D 14-11 Felix Tang
FT-2-2 Wi-2-2 A-2 Je-2 T-2 * Ed-2-2 Er-2-2 V-3
Game 11 A beat F 14-7 Will
Wh-3-2-3 A-2-2 Wi-2 * Lu-3 FL-2 Z-2
Game 12 D beat A 14-6 Jason
Ju-2-2-2 D-2-2 Ed-2 Ja-2 * A-2 T-2 Wh-2
Game 13 D beat F 13-10 Ernest
Ed-2-2-2 Er-2-2 V-3 * FL-2-2 Lu-2-2 H-2
Game 14 D beat A 14-10 Victor
Ed-2-2-2 Er-2-2-2 V-2 * A-2-2 FT-2-2 Wh-2
2 Lil Girl, Victor, Zechy
3 Delonte
4 Whore
5 Jeff, Tayza Da Layza
6 Felix Li, Jason
7 Felix Tang, Justin
8 Ernest, Lester, Will
9 Alf, Luis
15 Hunter
17 Edison
1 Felix Li, Hunter, Jason, Justin, Lester, Lil Girl, Will
2 Zechy
3 Victor
4 Luis
5 Whore
6 Delonte
7 Lil Girl
10 Jeff, Tayza Da Layza, Zechy
13 Victor
14 Felix Tang
15 Felix Li, Jason
16 Ernest
17 Justin
18 Alf
19 Lester, Will
23 Whore
30 Luis
33 Hunter
34 Edison
Random Stats
- everyone on Lester's team had at least one 3
- Victor and Whore were the only players to make more 3s than 2s
- Whore was the only player to hit a game-winner 3
Random Thoughts
- we need a nickname for Felix Tang (I'm sick of adding Li and Tang to the FELIXs!)
- you guys checked out the Photos section lately? lol...
5. Whore makes the steal and grabs the ball behind the 3-point elbow. Whore broke Lester's ankles by just moving his shoulders. The funniest thing about the play is that Whore was probably not even looking at Lester because he was standing inside the 3-point line in between Whore and the sideline. I forgot what happened afterwards. I just know that Whore's team didn't score and Will helped me up while cracking up! Nobody wrote this down so I don't know which game this happened in.
4. After Alf fakes a 7-foot jumper then drives in for a lay-up in game 2, Zechy screams, "You can't make that shot? Is that why (you didn't shoot)?" lol!!! Mean but true!!!
3. Also in game 2, Jason does a climb-the-laddar alley-oop, can't remember who it was on though. Beautiful!
2. Edison spanks Alf's point-blank shot away in game 14. The bench, espeically Luis, absolutely loving it!!!
1. Lil Girl's block on Justin. It had a louder spank from the pervious highlight but received less cheer (maybe because Luis was in the game). This is also more difficult than highlight #2 because Lil G and Justin are about the same height and both got ARMS!!! Edison is like 8 feet tall lol~
3. Whore: cheap teams! Unfortunately Alf didn't deliver tonight because of his butter fingers, or else the records would've been different. It wasn't the same Alf as last week's...
2. Luis: I think he made about two-thirds of his shots; had 2 of 6 of his team's game-winners; D was solid
1. Hunter: had 25 points in games 3+4+6+7 alone; had 3 of 6 of his team's game-winners; is always on steroids!
$20 Zechy
Posted by danielcslau | Apr 08, 2009 12:38 AM |
I did not deserve to be a star last night. I was playing out of control and missed a wide open three that would have won us the last game. I am terribly sorry for my teammates.
Will and Alf played a very good game. I should've found a way to get Felix Tang the ball more and better use his league leading scoring average.
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 08, 2009 03:20 AM |
Jeez, man. 5:38 in the morning?!
I thought you were decent enough last night. You weren't the only person missing open Jimmies, we all had our moments.
"Alf played a very good game"? Are you serious?
With Will as the point guard, Felix definitely should've gotten more touches. He told me he was relieved that he didn't have to bring the ball up lol. By the way, what's a good nickname for him?
Jason, you weren't the only one I texted lol. Someone's response was "ME" when I asked him that question. I told him I cannot pick all the stars from a team that went 6-4, even though it was best record. Wanna take a stab at who that was? lol...
I missed all your swearing. I know I screamed a lot though lol. Whether or not my teammates listen to me is another story...
Posted by Admin Lix | Apr 08, 2009 04:11 AM |
i was also sleeping when i got txt'd and yes, I should have been a star!!! or at least honorable mention.. nothing dood nothing! not even a highlight like blocking jeff who you know if significantly taller than me! no props man...
and jason, man, i've never seen you swear so much.... you gotta wash that mouth with soap dood!! but you did score a coupla nice ones on me.
alf was dominant inside on offense and non-existence on defense against edison. it was cruel to watch him play d.
whore, its hard to play well with so many guards on your team who all like to have lotsa touches so i know what you mean. HELL! i had to play guard last nite!
Posted by vince | Apr 08, 2009 05:11 AM |
sweet! glad the 2 and 3pt method worked out, the teams also worked out to be pretty even and the recrods were really close! wow, edison was a monster last nite! although if we kept score with the old method, edison, luis and hunter would all have 17pts.
just based on the numbers i think edison deserves a star and alf not playing well likely would have to do with edison checking him = good D from edison as well as his good offense.
pretty crazy nite, delonte and lil g ended up being at the bottom of scoring. wtf?
5am = trading time.
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 08, 2009 05:33 AM |
Unlike Sam, I don't do honorable mentions. You want me to take Luis or Hunter off the list? Or you want 3 stars from a team that had only a record of 6-4, lol~
I had a great time watching Alf's non-D on Edison lol. No respect!
You were a guard at some point last night? I missed it lol. I thought Luis and Zechy were lol~
"although if we kept score with the old method, edison, luis and hunter would all have 17pts."
Man, what a whore you are Vince lol~
Lil Girl was awesome last night even though he had only 3 baskets. Everytime when the game was on the line, he made the defensive stop/help or the huge board!
Trading time... time when you make a cheap move (or trade I guess lol)~
Posted by danielcslau | Apr 08, 2009 06:39 AM |
Numbers didn't tell the whole story last night. Hunter was absolutely killing us until we triple teamed him with Alf, Jeff and Will/Felix... and even then, he still scored over us. Lix was all over the place last night with his hustle and D, so he definitely has a case for being a star last night.
Yes, my day starts at 5:30am cause I'm on Eastern time. It's especially tough to wake up after a night of basketball cause I don't get to sleep until at least 11pm our time.
Jason having an off night is a RARE occasion.
Nickname for Felix Tang? Boobie? Tang Dynasty? Agent Zero?
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 08, 2009 07:10 AM |
That's complete bull! You know I'm always there at like 6:45PM so in case the gym is closed and they forgot to notify us, I can let you guys know. Felix is there early to warm up. Two-thirds of you guys choose to be late~ =D
Ray won't be on any of the teams, whether they are cheap or not, because he's too cool to play with us anymore. He shows up like once a month now, freakin guy...
Posted by yyyello | Apr 08, 2009 02:32 PM |
LG didn't score as much as usual but i that was some of the best D I've seen him play...going after the boards too...
Lix was also very effective last night...lots of hustle...stayed in control and made quite a few layups...good hard work on D as usual...
i thought Edison played quite well too...was more compose and didn't rush his shots as much...nobody could stop him when he got his footwork down and didn't fall off balance...Alf could only flail his arms at Edison's shots...and hang his head after giving another layup...haha...Alf, you better stick to the outside game...ahah
Posted by vince | Apr 09, 2009 10:11 AM |
good stuff! lil g has been much better on not calling all the fouls too, so it's good to see him on strong D and strong boards especially when his team was made of scoring machines on Tues!!
haha i was only being a stat whore cuz i brought up the 2pt/3pt thing this time (despite that a few others have brought it up a few times before).
it's amazing, i think this is the first week in a long time that the teams were actually quite fair and even. besides the records, u can tell cuz the posts don't all start with CHEAP TEAMS!! like the last 2 months haha
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 14, 2009 07:52 PM |
April 14
(7-5) Delonte, Emerson, Felix, Lester, Victor, Will
(5-5) Justin, Ken, Lil Girl, Luis, Vince, Whore
(4-6) Bonamy, Edison, Jason, Ray, Tayza Da Layza, Zechy
Game 1 D beat B 13-2 Delonte
Vic-3-2 D-2-2 L-2 Wi-2 * T-2
Game 2 D beat J 13-7 Lester
D-2-3 F-2-2 L-2-2 * Lu-3 Ju-2 Vin-2
Game 3 B beat D 13-5 Zechy (3)
Z-2-3-3 B-3 Ja-2 * Vic-3 L-2
Game 4 J beat B 13-8 Lil Girl
LG-2-2-2 Wh-2-2 Lu-3 * Ed-2-2-2 Z-2
Game 5 J beat D 13-6 Justin
LG-3-2 Ju-2-2 K-2 Vin-2 * Wi-2-2-2
Game 6 B beat J 14-10 Tayza Da Layza
T-2-3-2 R-3 Ed-2 Z-2 * Ju-3 Vin-3 LG-2 Lu-2
Game 7 D beat B 13-6 Emerson
Em-3-2 D-2-2 L-2 Wi-2 * B-2 Ed-2 Ja-2
Game 8 D beat J 13-9 Will
Wi-3-2-2-2 D-2 Em-2 * LG-2-3 Wh-2-2
Game 9 D beat B 14-8 Victor
F-3-3 Vic-2-2-2 L-2 * Ja-2-2 Ed-2 R-2
Game 10 D beat J 14-9 Lester
Vic-3-3 L-2-2 Em-2 Wi-2 * LG-3-2 K-2 Lu-2
Game 11 D beat B 14-11 Will
Wi-2-2-2-2 F-2-2 D-2 * R-3 B-2 Ed-2 Ja-2 Z-2
Game 12 J beat D 14-6 Whore
Lu-3-3 Vin-2-2 Wh-2-2 * D-2 Em-2 Wi-2
Game 13 B beat J 13-7 Tayza Da Layza
Ed-2-3-2 T-2-2 Z-2 * Wh-2-3 LG-2
Game 14 B beat D 14-6 Tayza Da Layza
Z-3-2 T-2-2 Ed-3 Ja-2 * Wi-2-2 D-2
Game 15 J beat B 13-12 Whore (3)
Wh-2-2-3 Ju-2 LG-2 Lu-2 * Ed-2-3 R-2 B-2 Ja-2
Game 16 J beat D 14-5 Lil Girl
LG-2-2-2 K-2-2 Lu-2 Wh-2 * Vic-3 F-2
1 Ray
3 Bonamy, Victor
4 Emerson, Justin, Ken, Luis, Vince
5 Felix
6 Zechy
7 Jason, Tayza Da Layza
8 Lester
9 Delonte
10 Edison, Whore
12 Lil Girl
16 Will
1 Bonamy, Delonte, Emerson, Justin, Tayza Da Layza, Vince, Will
2 Edison, Felix, Whore, Zechy
3 Lil Girl, Ray
4 Luis
5 Victor
8 Ken
9 Bonamy
11 Emerson, Justin, Ray, Vince
14 Jason
16 Felix, Lester
17 Tayza Da Layza
20 Luis
21 Delonte, Victor, Zechy
26 Whore
29 Edison
33 Lil Girl
35 Will
Random Stats
- all 3 teams had ONE player NOT making at least a 3-pointer (Jason, Ken and Lester)
- Edison had 3 3s and Felix had 2. Were 4 of these 5 banked in?! Or were all 5 of them? Jeez...
Random Thoughts
- we will be meeting this Friday, April 17 at 5PM at Legends Pub located at 6511 Buswell, Richmond (276-2343). There will be a draw at 5:30PM for 4 people to go to the game via a limo! Please get there as early as you can as seats are first-come-first-serve. Call or text me if you are coming! Let me know if you are bringing your wife/girlfriend/sis...
- Whore, I wasn't "scared" of playing one more game. It was 9:48 and I usually call it a night even at 9:45 if the game ended at that time. It wouldn't have made a difference though because we were actually 2 games up. And of course I didn't know this until I got home; I'm sure you knew it by heart lol. Cheap!
7. Will cleanly slapped the ball away from Lil Girl in game 12 at half-court, but unfortunately, the ball is slammed right in Lil G's face. Ray: "Give him a break... just a Little Girl." lol
6. Delonte's fastbreak lay-up over Ray (ted) in game 7.
5. Will's crazy spin bank lay-up on the right-side with his off (left) hand in game 10.
4. Delonte's spin pass both Luis and Whore in either game 7 or 8 with a reverse finish. This one drew a lot of WOWs from the crowd!
3. Luis literally steals an offensive rebound away from his own teammate Ken in game 13. Ken had 2 hands straight up on the ball and Luis jumped really high and snags it out of mid-air with this right elbow. Yes, his elbow, NOT his hand(s)!What the heck, Luis!
2. Edison's back-to-back blocks in game 15: first on Ken, then a tip-block on Whore. Mutombo!!!
1. The TRUE definition of a STATS WHORE: Whore brings the stat sheet to the bathroom while he washes his hands. He never once looked at his hands as his eyes never left the paper. I bow down to that!
3. Victor: you only had one more basket than I did? How can that be?! I thought you had 40 points! Good D on Justin and Whore although they still got their share of points~
2. Delonte: the Delonte I saw tonight is like the Delonte I first saw at CCWB. Back in the days, Delonte was very explosive (he lost a lot of it because of his messed up knees) and was a constant threat on both ends of the court. I saw a lot of that tonight. His played tonight, however, was overshadowed by...
1. Will: I don't know what happened to Will last Tuesday, but he was his usual self tonight. Mr Mad Handles! Mr I-make-Zechy-look-slow. Sorry Z lol! =p
$10 Victor
Posted by danielcslau | Apr 15, 2009 02:39 AM |
I was so focused on the game that I had no idea what the stats were... that's why I had to bring the sheet into the washroom to look at while I'm washing my hands... it's called being efficient! ;p
I was just really glad we somehow got back to .500. We were 0-2, 2-4 and 3-5. We couldn't get any rhythm and were down to start almost every game. We really had to work (blue collar style) last night playing against high skilled, high powered, white collared teams like Zechy's and Lix's just to break even. By the end of the night, it felt like we were 0-10.
Posted by Admin Lix | Apr 15, 2009 04:18 AM |
"WHITE COLLAR?" gees dood. did you see the grin you had on your face when you walked in with Arms? and you had an even bigger grin when you saw Monkey walk in!!! blue collar my butt dood!!!! the only reason why we did well was because delonte was an animal on the court and was making nice passes to everyone. and yes, i had a coupla nice banked 3's
Posted by danielcslau | Apr 15, 2009 04:45 AM |
My grin was due to the fact that I KNEW you guys were going to say CHEAP TEAMS!! and I just found it really funny anticipating. You must think I have a really low BBall IQ to think that I don't know that having so many scorers on a team without big guys would lead to chemistry problems. If the team with most scorers win most games, then the Golden State Warriors should win the NBA Championship.
I really missed having Jeff on my team last night... we could have used his defense, toughness and unselfish play.
And yes, my teams are always blue collar because we always have to grind out the wins... white collar teams are teams that win easily and blow teams out.
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 15, 2009 05:22 AM |
Lix was guarding Andre the Giant, that's blue collar! Give him a break lol~
Delonte was indeed a freakin beast last night, I can't emphasize that enough.
The grin was Whore thinking: "Am I gonna lose tonight?" =p
Is that the second Golden State Warriors reference this month? lol! =p
Lex + Lix = the ultimate blue collar team. They need to maximize that efforts each night to overcome the cheap talents of everyone else. Cheap!
Posted by vince | Apr 16, 2009 12:36 PM |
i don't know, u and kobe played solid and had high percentage shooting. and kobe dominated me with his shot in my face for the game winner and then a big swat on one of my layups...then again like 2-3ppl blocked me that day hahah
and lix, u had to D edison, so that definitely is a tall task and takes away from your scoring...
u guys were all skilled and often only needed to make only 1 pass or none when will was taking it to hole.
for us, we couldn't score at all to start until we starting making 3-4 passes each play, then our shooting percentage increased.
but regardless, i think the teams were all pretty even and once again there wasn't the opportunity to say "CHEAP TEAMS!" like usual.
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 16, 2009 03:02 PM |
I don't think whether or not a team is blue or white collar has anything to do with the numbers. Remember, the blue collar stuff gets you extra possessions and fastbreak opportunities, and all 18 guys can score lol~
Vince sounds like a freakin coach! Cheap!
"When we moved the ball... good things happened...." Exactly LUIS! You have teammates! We should all remind Luis next time!
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 21, 2009 06:53 PM |
April 21
Edison: late notification
Luis: no show
(8-3) Cheap Team: Alf, Delonte, Felix Tang, Justin, Will
(4-4) Erick, Ken (2 games only), Lester, Lil Girl, Ray, Victor
(1-6) Bonamy, Clement, Felix Li, Tayza Da Layza, Whore
Game 1 A beat E 14-6 Felix Tang
A-2-2-2 Wi-2-2 D-2 FT-2 * K-2-2 LG-2
Game 2 A beat B 14-7 Alf
J-2-2-2 D-2-2 A-2 Wi-2 * R-2-3
*Game 3 A led E 12-11
Tayza Da Layza was a sub for Erick's team but his 2 points went to the other team. Therefore it WASN'T 14-9; it was 12-11 instead~
Wi-2-2-2 A-2-2 FT-2 * LG-3 K-2 L-2 T-2 (sub)
Game 4 A beat B 14-2 Felix Tang
A-2-2-2 Wi-2-2-2 FT-2 * B-2
Game 5 A beat E 13-7 Justin
J-2-2-2-2 D-3 FT-2 * LG-3 E-2 V-2
Game 6 A beat B 14-8 Will
A-2-2 FT-2-2 Wi-2-2 D-2 * Wh-2-2 C-2 T-2
Game 7 A beat E 14-9 Alf
Wi-2-3-3 A-2 D-2 J-2 * V-3-2 LG-2-2
Game 8 B beat A 13-12 Whore (3)
B-2-2 T-2-2 Wh-3 FL-2 * FT-2-2 Wi-2-2 A-2 D-2
Game 9 E beat B 14-2 Lester
V-3-3 E-3 LG-3 L-2 * Wh-2
Game 10 E beat A 14-10 Lil Girl
LG-3-3-2-2 E-2 L-2 * FT-2-2 A-2 D-2 Wi-2
Game 11 E beat B 14-8 Lil Girl
E-3-2 LG-2-2 V-3 L-2 * FL-3-3 T-2
Game 12 A beat E 14-12 Will
Wi-2-2-2-2 A-2-2-2 * E-2-2 LG-3 V-3 L-2
Game 13 A beat B 14-10 Ray (sub)
J-2-2 Wi-2-2 A-2 FT-2 R-2 * B-2 C-2 FL-2 T-2 Wh-2
Game 14 E beat A 14-12 Lil Girl
LG-2-2-3-2 V-3 L-2 * FT-2-2 A-2 J-2 Wi-2 Wh-2 (sub)
2 Clement, Felix Li, Ray, Victor
3 Ken
5 Bonamy, Erick, Whore
6 Lester, Tayza Da Layza
7 Delonte
11 Justin, Lil Girl
13 Felix Tang
19 Alf
22 Will
1 Delonte, Ray, Whore
2 Erick, Felix Li, Will
6 Victor
7 Lil Girl
4 Clement
6 Ken
7 Ray
10 Bonamy, Felix Li
12 Lester, Tayza Da Layza
13 Whore
16 Erick
17 Delonte
22 Justin, Victor
26 Felix Tang
38 Alf
43 Lil Girl
50 Will
6. Felix Li wrote this himself for game 12: "Lix's monster block on Lil Girl (all ball, no body)." Cheap!
5. Alf got very mad about Lester banking in the game-winner for game 9 because before the shot, Lester's team had made nothing but 3s, and Alf wanted to see a team win by 3s for the first time ever. Hey Alf, we had zerp wins at that point, we'll take it any way we can lol~
4. Also in game 12, Victor passes between Delonte's legs from the free throw line to Erick, but his turn around J is tip-blocked by Justin.
3. Alf passed up on a wide open lay-up in game 14 and feeds Justin for what seemed to be a point blank lay-up, but was brutally rejected. Justin said to Alf: "You piece of crap!"
2. In the same game, Justin had yet another point blank lay-up. This is he is unexpectedly blocked by Tayza Da Layza. The funniest part of this play was the Tayza Da Layza completely stopped playing after the block. It's one of the funniest things you will ever see! Victor laughed so hard he had stomach cramps afterwards~
1. Alf cherry picks in game 14 and BLOWS THREE LAY-UPS on Clement. Yes, THREE! Man, we should now call this Alf-syndrome instead of Lester syndrome!
3. Lil Girl: stop bringing chicks to bang in the gym after we leave! Had 3 of his team's 4 game-winners. Yours truly had the 4th one~ =D
2. Alf: cheap!
1. Will: that left hand of his should be banned, and he's not even a lefty~
Ken: Alf gave Ken a cheap shot. His back got screwed in the middle of game 3, his second game. Cheap!
$10 Felix Li
Hope you had a good birthday, Whore! Cheap teams tonight though, fudge. Justin, Ray, Victor, Kaman and myself chipped in on your Wade figure, hope you like it! Wasn't easy to get lol~
Posted by zedin | Apr 22, 2009 02:29 AM |
sorry for blowing my lay-ups. i missed quite a few of them last night, didn't i? but i remembered you missed 3 in a row after standing on the other side of the court while we played 4v5 for 2 minutes. Seems like Lester has recovered from his syndrome and it's spreading around fast to the rest of us. haha
Posted by vince | Apr 25, 2009 11:22 AM |
yo happy belated whore! crazy nite though, it was so uneven records-wise again. what happened to u, lix, kobe and ray in a team?
alf, u cherry picker that can't score! that's terrible man! then again u guys had a stacked team, so just let the other 4 guys play D haha
will with 50pts, lil g with 43pts, crazy.
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 27, 2009 08:14 AM |
"... saying that he'll still get the best record if we switched teams..."
He says this all the time and obviously he knows we will turn it down and he also knows he CANNOT get best record even if we accepted the offer. I don't even know what's the point of him saying that all time freakin time. CHEAP!
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 28, 2009 05:48 PM |
April 28
(9-3) Cheap Team: Alf, Erick, Jeff, Luis, Whore, Will
(4-6) Felix Li, Felix Tang, Justin, Lester, Ray
(2-6) Brad Miller, Emerson, Lil Girl, Steve, Vince, Zechy
Game 1 A beat F 13-10 Alf
A-2-2 Wi-2-2 Lu-3 Wh-2 * FT-2-2-2 FL-2 Ju-2
Game 2 A beat F 13-2 Will
Wi-2-3-2-2 A-2 Je-2 * R-2
Game 3 B beat A 14-10 Vince
Z-3-3 B-2-2 V-2-2 * A-2-2 Wi-2-2 Wh-2
Game 4 F beat B 14-7 Felix Tang
FT-2-2-2-2 Ju-2-2 L-2 * B-2-2 Z-3
Game 5 A beat F 14-12 Luis
Lu-3-2-2 Wh-2-2 A-3 * FT-2-2 FL-2 Ju-2 L-2 R-2
Game 6 A beat B 13-5 not circled, jeez =(
A-2-2 Wi-2-2 Er-3 Lu-2 * LG-3 V-2
Game 7 F beat A 13-12 Felix Tang (3)
FT-2-2-3 L-2-2-2 * Wi-2-2 A-2 Er-2 Je-2 Lu-2
Game 8 F beat B 14-10 Lester
FL-2-2 Ju-2-2 L-2-2 FT-2 * LG-2-2 Em-2 S-2 V-2
Game 9 A beat F 13-8 Jeff
Je-2-2-2-2 Wi-3 Lu-2 * Ju-2-2 FT-2 L-2
Game 10 A beat B 14-10 Will (3)
Wh-2-2-3 Je-2-2 Wi-3 * Em-3-3 LG-2 Z-2
Game 11 A beat F 14-5 Luis
Lu-2-2 Er-3 Wi-3 A-2 Wh-2 * Ju-3 FT-2
Game 12 A beat B 14-6 Jeff
Je-2-2 Wi-2-2 A-2 Er-2 Lu-2 * S-2-2 Em-2
Game 13 A beat F 13-12 Will
A-2-3-2 Wi-2-2 Er-2 * Ju-2-2-2 L-2-2 FT-2
Game 14 B beat A 13-12 Emerson (3)
V-2-2-2 Em-2-3 LG-2 * Wi-2-2-2 A-2 Er-2 Lu-2
Game 15 F beat B 13-9 Ray (3)
L-2-2 R-3 FL-2 FT-2 A-2 (sub) * Em-3 LG-2 V-2 Z-2
2 Ray, Zechy
3 Emerson, Steve
4 Brad Miller, Erick
5 Felix Li, Lil Girl
7 Whore
8 Vince
9 Luis
10 Jeff
11 Justin
12 Lester
14 Alf
16 Felix Tang
18 Will
1 Felix Tang, Justin, Lil Girl, Ray, Whore
2 Alf, Erick, Luis
3 Zechy
4 Emerson, Will
6 Steve
7 Ray
8 Brad Miller
10 Felix Li
13 Lil Girl, Zechy
14 Erick
16 Vince
17 Whore
18 Emerson
20 Jeff
22 Luis
24 Lester
25 Justin
34 Alf
35 Felix Tang
48 Will
3. Jeff was doing an up-and-under on Lil Girl in game 14 a couple feet away from the hoop. As I was about to say "Nice move, Jeff!" Lil Girl, swats it outta there!
2. Prior to the play above, Luis pins Vince lay-up at the backboard. Whore: "That's Dwyane Wade-esque right there!"
1. Ray blocks Emerson in game 8, Emerson stumbles, then falls on his ass. I didn't see this but sounds pretty funny lol~
3. Felix Tang - had half of his team's game-winners; forced the issue a few times but at least it kept the opposing team's defense on their heels
2. Alf - notice that Alf has been playing seriously since he started his stupid stats things?
1. Will - Whore: "Ringer!"
$2 Steve
Posted by Alf | Apr 28, 2009 10:31 PM |
Current Win Percentage...
I'm going to move to the top in 3 weeks time!!
Mar 10 - Apr 28
Rank Name %
1 Jeff 64.81%
2 Will 63.64%
3 Luis 61.64%
4 Justin 60.92%
5 Whore 60.71%
6 Delonte 59.38%
7 Alf 55.93%
8 Erick 55.74%
9 Victor 54.24%
10 Emerson 53.66%
11 Vince 50.85%
12 Felix Tang 48.98%
13 Lester 48.75%
14 Zechy 48.53%
15 Jason 48.15%
16 Hunter 46.67%
17 Ken 46.00%
18 Felix Li 45.90%
19 Edison 44.44%
20 Ray 37.84%
21 Lil Girl 37.68%
22 Tayza Da Layza 35.00%
23 Gary 31.25%
24 Clement 31.25%
25 Brad Miller 27.78%
26 Ernest 23.53%
Posted by danielcslau | Apr 29, 2009 02:31 AM |
At the beginning of the night, Alf offered to swap teams with me and said that he'd still get best record. We swapped teams tonight and for once, he delivered ;)
Jeff is at the top of the rankings? Must be a miscalculation considering the fact that he has to play AGAINST the cheap teams on most nights =P
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 29, 2009 06:57 AM |
That's because Whore is your real first name now. I verified with your parents, they showed me your name-change papers!
By the way Thunder, aka the OTHER Daniel, with be attending our lunch thingy this Saturday. Hopefully Jeff told you about it because I sent out mass text messages and since you don't have a cell phone, I couldn't sent it out to you, and I forgot to mention this to you last night~
Posted by danielcslau | Apr 29, 2009 08:03 AM |
Funny how I got my name-change without me knowing it.
We need to get Thunder back and playing. I miss playing ball with that guy.
Jeff told me about the text. I'll be there! BTW, I did get a cell number and forgot to tell you. I just got my land line converted to cell line... so I could receive texts now.
Posted by vince | Apr 29, 2009 07:21 PM |
i don't really know what u mean about swapping teams with alf, aren't u in alf's team? :D all i know is u guys had the CHEAP TEAM! but to be fair, all of u guys were on your 'A' game that night.
thanks for the stats alf. is it possible to include the W vs L also? it'll just be interesting to see since some players % might be lower as a result of playing more weeks for example.
it'll be interesting to see if we done captains and picking teams again how well that would work? i know whore was saying that it's really tiring and sometimes frustrating to play against super stacked teams some nights, especially when the games aren't even close. maybe we should have top 3 winning percentage players be captains? this will make defending your top 3 most winning title a bit more under your own control :)
Posted by Alf | Apr 29, 2009 09:03 PM |
It's hard to post with this board..
It screws up the format..
Ok.. the first things in the Name - Then Win% - Then Rank out of group - Then Actual Numbers of Wins Vs. Losses
Win Percentage - Win % - Rank - Win Vs. Loss
Alf 55.93% 7 33 Vs. 26
Andrew 37.68% 21 26 Vs. 43
Brad Miller 27.78% 25 5 Vs. 13
Clement 31.25% 24 10 Vs. 22
Delonte 59.38% 6 19 Vs. 13
Edison 44.44% 19 20 Vs. 25
Emerson 53.66% 10 22 Vs. 19
Erick 55.74% 8 34 Vs. 27
Ernest 23.53% 26 4 Vs. 13
Felix Li 45.90% 18 28 Vs. 33
Felix Tang 48.98% 12 24 Vs. 25
Gary 31.25% 23 5 Vs. 11
Hunter 46.67% 16 7 Vs. 8
Jason 48.15% 15 13 Vs. 14
Jeff 64.81% 1 35 Vs. 19
Justin 60.92% 4 53 Vs. 34
Ken 46.00% 17 23 Vs. 27
Lester 48.75% 13 39 Vs. 41
Luis 61.64% 3 45 Vs. 28
Ray 37.84% 20 14 Vs. 23
Tayza Da Layza 35.00% 22 21 Vs. 39
Victor 54.24% 9 32 Vs. 27
Vince 50.85% 11 30 Vs. 29
Whore 60.71% 5 51 Vs. 33
Will 63.64% 2 28 Vs. 16
Zechy 48.53% 14 33 Vs. 35
Posted by danielcslau | Apr 30, 2009 02:01 AM |
"i don't really know what u mean about swapping teams with alf, aren't u in alf's team?"
- hey vince, it was a joke... almost every week, Alf says either to Lester or me that he'd swap teams with us and still get best record. Obviously, the swap never happens and Alf just writes a blank cheque. Since we were on the same team this week, swapping teams just means that we'd remain on the same team... so he finally gets it done.
And yes, I support the notion of going back to drafting (I think lil g was talk about this as well). It just leaves you so heart broken for the week when you get a big time ass kicking at basketball.
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 30, 2009 04:10 AM |
I totally have no problem with this. But if people can't come on time, I bet you we need subs for the first 3-4 games. How messed up will the stats be? Keep in mind this format started solely because people can't come on time, and I totally understand everyone has other commitments, but at the end, I need to find a solution that works.
If we use last week as an example, the 13th player didn't come in until 7:35PM?! And by then, the third team was still incomplete.
Yeah, so these are the 2 things that really frustrate me: punctuality and fair teams. Oh well, if only we live in a perfect world...
I forgot to mention what happened to Hunter last week. Basically I asked him if he was gonna be on time, he said no (and also provided a reason but I forgot what it was and I also deleted that text message). Actually what he meant was he couldn't make it to ball at all, so it was a misunderstanding, that's why I didn't mark it down as a no-show.
Posted by Admin Lex | Apr 30, 2009 06:03 AM |
"no one ever wants to be a team captain"
Hahaha, so true. The ONLY people that EVER want to be captains are Thunder, Sam Toa, and myself. And Felix, Ray never wants to be captain, he's always forced to be a captain lol!
Whore would only be a captain if Victor is one of the captains. That one is well documented lol~
Posted by danielcslau | Apr 30, 2009 07:39 AM |
"Whore would only be a captain if Victor is one of the captains. That one is well documented lol~"
LOL!!! This is untrue! I just want to be captains with people who play the same position as I do. I would be captains with Luis, Lil G, Emerson, Delonte, Felix Tang etc... basically, shot first guards.
Posted by rblmr | Apr 30, 2009 11:46 AM |
I think going back to the captain system is better, but we do need people to come on time and have a fair way to draft both for captains and the rest of the teams.
we will have shoot-first guards (the whores and monkeys), small forwards who run around like animals (antelope and arms), big men (rich & ed), and lastly yours truly in a class of my own, a big who plays small on offense and all-out D.
Posted by rblmr | Apr 30, 2009 04:36 PM |
Whore, u don't want me picking all three teams, trust me. You will be stuck with me til u retire again, wait, how many times have u retired already? Sorry man, I lost count already.
Lester, I think dat category u came up with is fine as long as u have lester syndrome.
N stop shaving ur head, it ain't gonna conceal da fact dat ur going bald. We all know man, it's ok. I'll get u sum Rogaine for ur bday. LOL. Feel free to pitch in too boys, we have to help da molester for all his hard work at cc
Posted by Admin Lex | May 05, 2009 05:26 PM |
May 5
Oh Vince, I didn't know you meant Western Finals lol. But I sure hope we can get to the next round against Anaheim or Detroit!
Zechy didn't miscount anything! Zechy is PERFECT! I did blow a nut when Tayza Da Layza miscounted the stats 2 weeks ago. Might've been BOTH my nuts...
As suggested by Felix, we will have 2 captains once we have 11 guys. The 2 captains can pick any of the 18 players from that night's roster, but 4 of the 6 must be already in the gym (so that we can start playing 4s right away instead of shooting around or having any meaningless warm-up games). Although this doesn't solve the problem of having cheap team(s), it rewards the people that come early/on time. I'm down with this and we'll give it a shot starting next week. Possible scenarios with our Regulars are: Alf/Hunter, Edison/Ray, Emerson/Jason/Victor, Erick/Justin, Felix/Vince, Jeff/Lester/Lil Girl, Luis/Whore, Will/Zechy. I'll make it so that you won't be captain again until majority of the people have been captains. If you never wanna be captain, sure, come late. In that case, pray that you don't end up on the crappy team.
Hey Ray Ray, what happened in the last game? That cost us best record (we could've been 7-4; cheap team 6-4)! I know you were tired but so was everyone else. Those Hunter jimmies were way too easy! As Mark Jackson would say, "You better than that!" I'm sure he said "Mama there goes that man" 5 times too...
(7-3) Alf, Erick, Hunter, Ken, Lil Girl, Luis
(6-5) Justin, Lester, Ray, Victor, Vince, Will
(2-7) Bonamy, Edison, Felix, Jeff, Whore, Zechy
Game 1 J beat B 14-10 Will
L-2-2-2 Wi-2-2-2 Ju-2 * F-2-2 Je-2-2 Wh-2
Game 2 J beat B 14-7 Justin
Wi-3-3 L-2-2 Ju-2 Vic-2 * Wh-2-3 B-2
Game 3 J beat A 13-10 Will
Vic-3-2 Wi-2-2 Ju-2 L-2 * Er-2-2 K-2-2 H-2
Game 4 B beat J 13-10 Edison
Wh-2-3 F-2-2 B-2 Ed-2 * Wi-2-2 Ju-2 L-2 R-2
Game 5 A beat B 13-7 Alf
A-2-2 K-2-2 Er-3 Lu-2 * F-2-3 Z-2
Game 6 A beat J 13-10 Luis (3)
A-2-3 LG-3 Lu-3 H-2 * Wi-2-2-2 Ju-3 Vic-3
Game 7 A beat B 14-6 Alf
A-2-2-2 Er-2-2 H-2 Lu-2 * Ed-2-2 Z-2
Game 8 A beat J 13-12 Alf (3)
A-2-2-2-3 LG-2 Lu-2 * Wi-2-2 Ju-2 L-2 R-2 Vin-2
Game 9 A beat B 13-5 Hunter
H-2-2-2-2 K-3 LG-2 * Z-2-3
Game 10 A beat J 13-11 Will (3)
Wi-2-2-3 Vin-2-2 Ju-2 * H-2-2 Lu-3 Er-2 LG-2
Game 11 B beat J 14-8 Whore
Z-3-3 Wh-2-2-2 Ed-2 * Ju-2-2 L-2 R-2
Game 12 A beat B 14-10 Hunter
Lu-3-2 H-2-2 LG-3 K-2 * Wh-2-2 Ed-2 F-2 Je-2
Game 13 J beat A 13-9 Vince
Vin-2-2-2 Wi-2-2 R-3 * A-2-2 Lu-3 LG-2
Game 14 J beat B 13-2 Will
Ju-2-3 Vin-2-2 L-2 Wi-2 * F-2
Game 15 A beat J 13-8 Hunter
H-2-2-2-2-2 LG-3 * L-2-2 Ju-2 Wi-2
2 Bonamy, Victor
3 Jeff, Ray, Zechy
4 Lil Girl, Luis
5 Edison, Erick, Ken
7 Felix
8 Vince, Whore
10 Justin
11 Alf
12 Lester
16 Hunter
18 Will
1 Erick, Felix, Ken, Ray
2 Alf, Justin, Lil Girl, Victor, Whore
3 Will
4 Luis
4 Bonamy
6 Jeff
9 Ray
10 Edison, Victor
13 Erick, Ken
14 Lil Girl
15 Zechy
16 Vince
17 Felix
20 Luis
22 Whore
24 Lester
26 Justin
28 Alf
32 Hunter
45 Will
5. Zechy hits the basketball off of Alf's balls out of bounds in game 5. And Zechy's team gets the ball! =D
4. Sugar Ray had 2 blocks on one possession on Edison in game 4. They were tip blocks. You should go for volleyball spikes on 'Roids sometime! =D
3. Ray Ray blew 5 lay-up attempts on a wide-open fastbreak in game 6, but picks up 4 offensive rebounds in the process. Ouch...
2. Ray-ted banks in a 3 in game 13 and actually called bank when he let fly, nice~
1. Ray got raped by 'Roids in the last game. Ray actually stood under the basket everytime with his hands up. Yes, he STOOD there!
As we can see, it was Ray's night!
3. Will - Ray: "I would trade anything for that (Will's) left hand."
2. Hunter - Whore: "'Roid Rage!"
1. Alf: "Hey Lester, what? I can't hear you!" (after scoring a 3 in game 6)
$100 Whore
Posted by danielcslau | May 06, 2009 12:18 AM |
The new drafting system sounds good. However, I was wondering if we could add one additional thing. If more than 13-14 players are here before 7:15 or 7:20, we should have three captains draft. That way, team 3 doesn't have to get unnecessarily punished for coming still relatively on time. The words "Cheap Teams" does not do the situation just.
BTW, I honestly have no problems being a captain everynight no matter who the other captains are. After what happened to my team last night and on April 21, I know things can't be any worse.
BTW, I can't make it to ball next week... Wedding Anniversary.
Posted by vince | May 06, 2009 05:22 AM |
you forgot to put will in our roster, u have whore's name there (twice) haha
did i read it right? $100 whore? good man :) have a good anniversary with your wife and baby girl :)
yeah, lix and whore's suggestion for the captain system sounds like a great one. look forward to seeing how that goes.
yo kobe, i'll be getting round 3 tickets man if u're still interested. i can only get 4 tickets per game though. and for round 3 the cheapest tickets will start at about $160 each. let me know if anyone is interested and i can see if i'll have extra tickets. this is only for CCWB peeps though.
Posted by Admin Lex | May 06, 2009 06:21 AM |
Wow, good eye Vince! Good eye lol~
Felix and Whore just want cheap teams, that's all. Just kidding lol~
I'm so in. It's gonna be my first ever hockey game. It's a shame too since I've been living here for so long. Yeah, I'm cool with any seats. Being a witness is good enough for me. They better win or I'll demand a refund!
Posted by Admin Lix | May 06, 2009 08:56 AM |
as for the drafting system, as usual, trading players is also allow at any point of the nite between captains but i rarely see trades. i hope that this will temporarily solve the problem with getting late starts and also team balance (even tho its two teams that would be the most balance). in a perfect world, i wouldnt wanna punish the late-comers because they might have a legit reason (most of the time they dont except the work related ones)... but like lester stated earlier, 2 players can be drafted who are not present during the time of the draft so you might not play on the crappy team if you're late. and dun forget we can have 3 captains if 15 ppl show up by 715pm.
Posted by Admin Lex | May 06, 2009 05:35 PM |
Hey boys, I found the bill! =D
Sorry for giving everyone a heart attack!
And check out the Newest Photos/Image Gallery section if you haven't done so already!
Ray: "I did get a block on 'Roids early last night. And you forgot my blocks on Luis and Whore. The block on Luis was extra sweet not only because it was big, but because I ran through two big ass screens to get to him."
Lester: "All I remember was 'Roids getting 5 uncontested point-blank shots in the last game, which was for best record."
Ray: "I had no legs, it won't happen again."
Lester: "You should pace yourself to play till 9:50PM. But you can do it again if you're not on my team hehe."
Oh... I remember this exchange too, after Ray blocked Whore for the second time in 2 separate games...
Whore: "Ray, get out of here (the paint) you son of a _ _ _ _ _!"
Ray: "Well, then don't bring it inside!"
Posted by Admin Lex | May 07, 2009 09:02 AM |
Didn't know Vince is such a Whore.
By the way, Vince finally knows what Shane Battier looks like! I told him to check out the Rockets/Lakers game last night lol!
Did anyone see Fisher's elbow on Scola that completely knocked him over and Kobe's elbow to Artest's throat? Crazy! Luis taught them those moves! =D
And Von Wafer went nuts on Adelman!
Posted by Admin Lex | May 08, 2009 03:34 AM |
Vince told me cheapest for round 3 is $160~
$400 for 2 for what section and what row?
Yeah Felix. As I said at dim sum, there's no point going for a steal on Whore or Will. We just end up hurting ourselves lol~
That Fisher elbow was nice though lol, that's why he got suspended and won't be playing game 3 tonight. But Shannon Brown and Jordan Farmar should do just fine~
Posted by vince | May 08, 2009 09:09 AM |
yeah, cheapest are about $160 for round 3 games, but this is not confirmed yet since those tickets don't go on sale until we're in the 3rd round haha and, that's if u actually have the opportunity to buy the tickets since they sellout super fast.
lix, $400 for 2 tickets for saturday game or something?
Posted by Admin Lex | May 20, 2009 03:10 AM |
May 19
(7-3) Whore (2), Felix, Justin, Ken, Ray, Vince
(3-5) Will (3), Brad Miller, Erick, Jeff, Lester, Zechy
(3-5) Alf (1), Edison (super late notification due to work), Emerson, Lil Girl, Luis, Victor
Game 1 Wh beat A 13-5 Whore
Ju-2-2-2 Wh-3 R-2 Vin-2 * Lu-3 A-2
Game 2 Wh beat Wi 14-10 Justin
F-2-3 Wh-3-2 Ju-2 Vin-2 * L-2-2 Wi-2-2 Je-2
Game 3 A beat Wh 14-10 Victor
Vic-3-3-2 A-2 Em-2 Lu-2 * F-2 Ju-2 K-2 Vin-2 Wh-2
Game 4 Wi beat A 13-4 Jeff
Er-2-2-3 Z-2-2 Je-2 * A-2 LG-2
Game 5 L beat Wh 13-0 Zechy
L-2-3 B-2-2 Wi-2 Z-2
Game 6 A beat Wi 13-10 Lil Girl
LG-2-2 Lu-2-2 Em-3 A-2 * B-2-2 Wi-2-2 Je-2
Game 7 Wh beat A 13-7 Ray (3)
F-2-2 Vin-2-2 R-3 K-2 * Lu-2-3 A-2
Game 8 Wh beat Wi 14-6 Justin (3)
Ju-3-2-3 Wh-2-2 Vin-2 * Je-2-2 Wi-2
Game 9 Wh beat A 14-8 Vince
K-2-2-2-2-2 Ju-2 Vin-2 * LG-2-3 Lu-3
Game 10 L beat Wh 13-10 Erick
Z-2-3 Je-2-2 Er-2 L-2 * Wh-2-2-2 F-2 Vin-2
Game 11 A beat Wi 13-6 Emerson
LG-2-2-2-2-2 Lu-3 Em-2 * Z-2-2-2
Game 12 Wh beat A 14-9 Ken
K-2-2-2 F-2 Ju-2 Vin-2 Wh-2 * Lu-2-3-2 LG-2
Game 13 Wh beat Wi 13-12 Justin
Ju-3-2-2 F-2-2 K-2 * Wi-3-2-3 L-2 Z-2
1 Ray, Victor
2 Emerson
3 Erick
4 Brad Miller
5 Alf, Lester
6 Luis
7 Will
8 Felix, Jeff, Whore, Zechy
9 Lil Girl, Vince
10 Justin
11 Ken
1 Emerson, Erick, Felix, Lester, Lil Girl, Ray, Zechy
2 Victor, Whore, Will
3 Justin
5 Luis
5 Ray
7 Emerson
8 Brad Miller, Victor
9 Erick
10 Alf
13 Lester
16 Jeff
18 Vince
19 Felix, Zechy
20 Will
21 Lil Girl
22 Ken, Whore
27 Luis
29 Justin
11. Teammates Lil Girl and Luis fire airballs on back-to-back possessions in game 3. Alf's the real pure shooter on that team, they should've passed it to him more often. 10 points just doesn't cut it for that guy...
10. Ray unwillingly hits a game-winning trifecta in game 7 after the benchwarmers urge him to shoot it because nobody was within 6 feet from him. Ray, I know that messes up your 0.1234567% shooting average, but you HAVE TO take that shot!
9. In the same game, Arms Jr blocks Arms Sr straight up on a fadeaway J. ARMS!!!
8. Zechy gets triple-teamed in the corner in game 4 and fires a bullet into the paint to Erick, who was sneaking in. It was a gorgeous pass!
7. Also in the same game a few possessions later, Will fires a tasty dish for Erick close to the hoop, but Luis swats that baby away. A bang-bang play right there!
6. Justin does a frog-like lay-up in game 8. It looked weird but it avoided a couple defenders and the basket is good!
5. Zechy's monster block on Alf's reverse lay-up in game 11.
4. Felix's no-look ballerina flick-shot in game 13. What the heck was that?!
3. Zechy's Jordan-esque reverse lay-up (where he goes up on the left side of the hoop then shoots and lands on the right side) on Ray. That is very reminiscent of the one Jordan did on Greg Ostertag in the 1998 NBA Finals.
2. Jeff is all set up for a defensive rebound in game 11, but the ball hits the rubber at the bottom of the backboard, changes direction and hits his own head out of bounds. Too funny lol~
1. One more from game 11... after driving past Erick for the second straight time on two separate isolation plays, Ray called Lil Girl "Big Girl"! Ray: "Big Girl took it stong to the hole and got his ass handed to him. And 1!" lol!
3. Justin: leading scorer; had 3 of his team's 7 game-winners; put his arms into good use
2. Whore: GM of the night; 3rd leading-scorer; play PG and SG on a big team
1. Ken: shot the highest percentage out of all the 4 leading scorers; tied with Whore as 3rd leading-scorer; a beast in the paint; a total steal for being the 2nd-last overall pick
Vince: "ankle is massive now, can't stand it; out 2-4 weeks"
Get well man!
Posted by danielcslau | May 20, 2009 04:20 AM |
Finally... a night with fair teams! If we can't find enough interest for people to be captains, I honestly volunteer myself every time so that we could get things started quicker and not have cheap teams!!
I saw Lester playing D on Ken and he does a better job than Alf... not much of a surprise though =p
Posted by Admin Lix | May 20, 2009 05:08 AM |
isnt it clear that i was the last pick on whore's team? he knew he'd be in trouble if i was in his team like last time where we only won one game! im also shocked that erick only had 9 pts cause he's usually in double digits. and lastly, i was also part of the poster where zechy jordanized ray... sigh... it did look sweet but the guy is too damn fast.
Posted by Admin Lix | May 20, 2009 05:20 AM |
the teams may have been slightly to our advantage but whore picked a team that had good chemistry together. i thought we would have problems against a team with many guards cause whore was our only guard. however, our defense was solid with ray at the back and justin and ken wanst missing much.
Posted by zedin | May 20, 2009 10:45 AM |
Brad only had 8 pts, no way! He was on fire for a bit and I swear he had like 8pts in one game. And nice well-rounded picks Whore, it was a very balanced line-up. Good thing you got Ray and Felix on the team cause or else we would of had trouble with our boards and defence. Ken was a nice pick-up cause he owned Alf down low. =) 10 pts in one game. That's CRAZY. What happened there, Alf?
But seriously Lester if you look on paper, the teams were actually the most even it been in a while. It just that our team was shooting above our averages. And also Will was near 50% for once (which is still better than most of us) and Alf lost one of his higher picks, Edison. So i guess, captains will work as long as we get enough captains and people show up fairly on time.
And get well soon VC.
Posted by Admin Lix | May 20, 2009 02:55 PM |
i dont think you're god dood, but im below a blue collar player unlike you and jeff... i should be on welfare. but seriously, i just wanna have fun on tues and not think too much about teams and drafting (i've been captains a lot in the past). and you know im always gonna man up if we're short a captain but if possible i'd like to remain as a back captain on reserve. lol.
Posted by vince | May 20, 2009 06:45 PM |
yeah, teams were totally fair and justin's comments totally explains why our team ended up with more wins...
ken really stepped up, good job man! and whore done an excellent job drafting a team based on chemistry...sorry i took up ur lane so many times in the beginning.
will was partying too hard during the long weekend so wasn't shooting his usual 80-90%
i should be good to play in 3 weeks or so...thanks for the kind words guys!
Posted by Admin Lex | May 27, 2009 04:31 AM |
May 26
Welcome Alf's church buddy Edward Yuen to CCWB! We have a couple nicknames for him already: The Real Native, Alf II, Native II...
Welcome back Kwan (for a week)!
Who needs captains when all you need is ONE? Whore suggested we pick teams with a committee, but he WAS the committee lol. But on paper, the teams were pretty even, and Whore tried to attached all the buddies as much as possible (e.g. Alf's 3 favorties Luis, Erick and Emerson along with under-Ray-ted Jeff and Miller Time. I think Felix, Kwan and Whore go way back, and of course gotta throw in a couple reliable people (Justin and Zechy) and somebody that takes steroids. I had Chris Paul, 2 shooters and the Twin Towers (I think the Towers only played 2 games together though, because Edison was late and Richard left early after twisting his ankle in game 1).
(6-4) Edison, Lester, Lil Girl, Richard, Victor, Will
(5-5) Alf, Brad Miller, Edward, Emerson, Erick, Jeff, Luis
(3-5) Felix, Kwan, Hunter, Justin, Whore, Zechy
Game 1 E beat F 14-11 Richard
L-2-3 LG-2-3 R-2-2 * Ju-2-2-2 Wh-2-3
Game 2 A beat E 14-10 Jeff
Er-2-3 Je-2-2 Em-3 Ju-2 (sub) * R-2-2-2-2 V-2
Game 3 A beat F 13-12 Jeff
Er-2-2-2 Lu-2-3 Je-2 * F-2-3 H-2-2 Z-3
Game 4 A beat E 13-12 Erick
Lu-3-3 Er-2-2 Em-3 * Wi-2-2-3 LG-3 L-2
Game 5 A beat F 14-7 Alf
Je-2-2 Em-3 Lu-3 A-2 Er-2 * K-3 Ju-2 Wh-2
Game 6 E beat A 14-11 Richard
Wi-2-2 LG-3 V-3 Ed-2 R-2 * A-3-2-2 Er-2 Je-2
Game 7 F beat E 13-2 Whore (3)
Z-3-2-2 Ju-3 Wh-3 * Wi-2
Game 8 F beat A 13-6 Hunter
H-2-2-2 Z-3 F-2 Ju-2 * Er-2-2 B-2
Game 9 E beat F 14-11 Lil Girl
Wi-2-2-2 Ed-2-2 LG-2-2 * H-2-2 K-3 F-2 Wh-2
Game 10 A beat E 14-11 Emerson
Em-3-3-2 Er-2-2 B-2 * L-2-2-2 R-3 Ed-2
Game 11 F beat A 14-11 Hunter
H-2-2-2-2-2 Ju-2-2 * Em-2-3 Lu-2-2 Ed-2
Game 12 E beat F 13-9 Edison
Wi-2-2-3 Ed-2-2 LG-2 * Ju-3-3 Z-3
Game 13 E beat A 13-7 Will (3)
LG-3-3 Wi-2-3 Ed-2 * Em-3 A-2 Lu-2
Game 14 E beat A 13-9 Will
Wi-2-2-2 Ed-2-2 LG-3 * Lu-3 A-2-2 Je-2
1 Victor
2 Brad Miller, Emerson, Zechy
3 Edward, Felix, Whore
4 Lil Girl, Luis
5 Lester
6 Alf
7 Jeff, Richard
8 Justin
9 Edison
10 Erick
12 Hunter
14 Will
1 Alf, Erick, Felix, Lester, Richard, Victor
2 Kwan, Whore
3 Justin, Will
4 Zechy
5 Luis
6 Lil Girl
7 Emerson
4 Brad Miller
5 Victor
6 Edward, Kwan
9 Felix
12 Whore
13 Lester
14 Jeff
15 Alf
16 Zechy
17 Richard
18 Edison
23 Erick (played in 6 games only - left after game 8), Luis
24 Hunter
25 Emerson, Justin
26 Lil Girl
37 Will
5. Jeff posts up Victor in game 6 then attempts a turnaround J, but Victor blocks him cleanly straight up.
4. Justin does a spinning fadeaway in game 11 on 2 guys and calls bank. That's a signature cheap move lol!
3. In the same game, Hunter blocks Jeff and then rebounds the ball off Luis. I didn't witness this one, kind of having a tough time picturing this. Did Hunter actually steal the rebound away from Luis? Hmmm...
2. In game 6, Richard's fires a pass from half-court to Edison, who was deep in the paint. Richard's pass was so hard and off that it tips Edison's fingers, bangs hardly on the left corner of the backboard, and ends up in the hands of Victor, who was wide open at the elbow... and he swishes it! One of the weirdest plays you'll see at CC!
1. Luis comes out of nowhere to smack Justin's lay-up attempt off the backboard in game 11. Felix, Lester and Will made "awww" faces to each other after watchin that one. That was pretty massive~
3. Erick - Too bad he only played 6 games because his girlfriend came and literally took him away.
2. Lil Girl - 6 3s and 4 2s. I felt he passed up on many open looks out of kick-outs from the post, should've had more points. Played pretty solid D, especially on Luis.
1. Will - After game 11, Alf's team was 5-3 with the other 2 teams sitting at 3-4. Will was only one of 3 guys on his team (along with Lil Girl and Edison) to score in the last 3 games and in the process earn best record. They scored 18, 11 and 10 points respectively in that 3-game span while Lester and Victor stood and watch and did absolutely nothing. Good stuff!
Richard: ankle. Get well, will see you next week along with Delonte!
$3 Richard
Posted by danielcslau | May 27, 2009 11:40 AM |
no posts from me yet because I'm heart broken from our 3 win record last night.
It started out that we were suppose to make teams through a committee, but nobody gave any input, so I did it all myself. Next time that happens, I'm going to make a super rigged team for myself! The "committee" needs more input from everyone!
Posted by vince | May 27, 2009 06:28 PM |
damn, i shoulda showed up just to join your selection committee whore haha
ankles still just a little purple, but 70% of the swelling is gone. still a small limp, hopefully can play in a couple weeks.
best record team is a sick team man! two top scores on that team. good to see both will and lil g scoring again...lex, don't egg lil g to shoot even more, he had enuf points haha besides, if he made a pass for a better shot it's worth it man :)
Posted by vince | May 28, 2009 12:10 PM |
welcome will. u guys had a crazy team! i'm guessing the chemistry probably wasn't perfect in the beginning as well which made a bit of a diff.
zechy that beast. and then justin and whore each put in a tres to finish it off...they probably only took 5 shots that game and hit 5 for 5 haha
PS - i hate luis and his backboard blocks!!
Posted by Admin Lex | May 28, 2009 05:51 PM |
Rofl... Vince, I'm sure you can relate to those Luis blocks lol, I'll leave out the details! =D
Will's not hittin 99% anymore. More like 89% now~ =p
I remember Will had a wide open free throw line J after a pick, but he hits the left part of the back rim and pops out. Felix looks at me and gives me the that-ain't-suppose-to-happen look lol~
Posted by Will | May 30, 2009 06:08 AM |
Haven't been shooting the ball well lately but that's okay. Even Lester's god Kobe suck at times. haha.
I can't say chemistry was an issue in the beginning, we just had some key defensive break downs down the stretch of those games. Those losses were so tough to swallow but I'm glad we were able to make a little run at the end. I think the turning point was when Lil G called Travel on roids where he scored the what-would've-been game winner. Lil G then went down the other end and scored the game winner of his own with the foul.
Posted by Admin Lex | May 30, 2009 04:06 PM |
Ouch man, ouch. But Kobe shot 60% from the floor and 100% from the charity stripe in the close-out game against Denver hehe~ =p
So it's Lakers vs Magic in the Finals. I wonder who Shaq will cheer for! =D
The travel was on Felix, and he's still mad about it! Hunter 'Roids doesn't travel... lol~ =p
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 02, 2009 06:47 PM |
June 2
Welcome back Justin's brother Josh to CCWB!
(8-4) Edison, Emerson, Jeff, Josh, Justin, Whore
(5-5) Ken, Lester, Lil Girl, Ray, Victor, Will
(2-6) Brad Miller, Delonte, Erick, Luis, Richard
Game 1 E beat K 13-8 Justin (3)
Ju-2-3 Jo-2-2 Je-2 Wh-2 * LG-3-3 L-2
Game 2 E beat B 13-12 Emerson
Em-2-2-3 Jo-2-2-2 * D-3-3 Ri-2-2 R-2
Game 3 E beat K 13-6 Edison
Ju-3-2 Ed-2-2 Em-2 Wh-2 * Wi-2-2 L-2
Game 4 E beat B 13-11 Justin
Ju-2-2-2 Wh-3-2 Jo-2 * Lu-2-3-2 D-2 Ri-2
Game 5 E beat K 13-2 Emerson (3)
Em-2-3 Ju-2-2 Ed-2 Je-2 * K-2
Game 6 E beat B 13-6 Whore (3)
Wh-2-3 Ed-2 Em-2 Je-2 Ju-2 * D-2 Lu-2 Ri-2
Game 7 K beat E 13-4 Victor (3)
Wi-2-2-3 LG-3 V-3 * Jo-2-2
Game 8 K beat B 14-12 Will
Wi-2-2-2-2 LG-3 V-3 * Ri-2-2-2 D-2-2 B-2
Game 9 K beat E 13-11 Will
L-2-3-2-2 Wi-2-2 * Je-2-2 Em-3 Ed-2 Wh-2
Game 10 B beat K 13-11 Luis (3)
Lu-2-3 Er-2-2 Ri-2-2 * V-3-3-3 LG-2
Game 11 E beat B 13-12 Justin
Ju-2-2-3-2 Jo-2-2 * Er-2-2 Lu-2-2 Ri-2-2
Game 12 K beat E 13-6 Lester
Wi-2-2-3 K-2 L-2 LG-2 * Wh-2-2 Ju-2
Game 13 K beat B 13-6 Lester
K-2-2 V-3 L-2 LG-2 Wi-2 * Ri-2-2-2
Game 14 E beat K 13-8 Emerson
Ju-2-2-3-2 Ed-2 Em-2 * Wi-2-2 L-2 Ra-2
Game 15 B beat E 13-6 Delonte
Lu-3-2 Er-2-2 B-2 D-2 * Ed-2 Je-2 Wh-2
0 Victor
1 Ray
3 Brad Miller, Lil Girl
4 Ken
5 Delonte
6 Emerson, Erick, Jeff
7 Edison, Luis
8 Lester, Whore
10 Josh
14 Richard
15 Justin, Will
1 Lester
2 Delonte, Whore, Will
3 Emerson, Luis
4 Justin, Lil Girl
6 Victor
2 Ray
6 Brad Miller
8 Ken
12 Erick, Jeff
14 Edison
16 Delonte
18 Lil Girl, Victor
19 Lester
20 Josh
21 Emerson
22 Whore
23 Luis
28 Richard
36 Will
42 Justin
Wow, not ONE person wrote down a highlight?! Ouch. Help me out boys! I'm gettin old, very bad memory. All I remember is people gettin easy buckets on Ray and Luis's game-winning 3 in game 10 over Ray (ted)...
This isn't a highlight but tonight was a little chippier than usual. The Josh/Ken and Ray/Richard battles were pretty intense. Whoever attempted a lay-up got smacked very hard...
Another non-highlight is that Felix has announced his SECOND retirement. I expect him to come back in... a month? Or two? I'll be waiting...
3. Will: the supporting cast was non-existant. If Lester is the 2nd leading scorer on this team, we got some issues.
2. Whore: he did nothing about the teams tonight - I just gave him a cheap team lol (pats self on the back!)~
1. Justin: he was ON from the get-go; 4 lay-ups away from 50 points!
Posted by danielcslau | Jun 03, 2009 03:00 AM |
Teams were pretty fair. We might have had a little more team chemistry, given the brother, brother, EE connection. =p
Lix, I should be the one retiring. You were actually getting a lot better in the last month or so... I'm the one who is significant decline. I feel like a 37 year old Charles Barkley out there.
NBA playoff atmosphere at CCWB last night in terms of chippiness.
Justin was ON from the get-go because he wanted to impress his brother the same way Emerson wants to impress his girlfriend. =p
"If Lester is the 2nd leading scorer on this team, we got some issues." WRONG! When you are NOT the 2nd leading scorer (or better) on your team, then there are issues. With your skill set, you should be scoring 20+ points every Tuesday night.
Posted by zedin | Jun 03, 2009 03:23 AM |
highlights: Will had 2 left handed layups off the rush, AND ONE! Theres only 1 word to describe it...CHEAP! One of them was on Luis, and I think the other was over a big guy like Edison or Richard. In one of the later games, Erick put a spin-around behind-the-back move on lil g & vic in mid court (Whore and Jeff saw it too), don't remember how the play finished tho but it was nice nonetheless. In game 8, i passed it into my brothers back off an inbound and Will stole it for an easy J. That was really dumb on my part.
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 03, 2009 03:35 AM |
"Justin was ON from the get-go because he wanted to impress his brother the same way Emerson wants to impress his girlfriend. =p"
Golden hahahahahha!
"WRONG! When you are NOT the 2nd leading scorer (or better) on your team, then there are issues. With your skill set, you should be scoring 20+ points every Tuesday night."
Stop kissin my arse! It's for the ladies, I mean sisters! =p
"I passed it into my brothers back off an inbound"
Haha, this is so Chauncey Billups on Kobe in the Western Finals. That was ugly! I was so choked watchin that on TV!
There were at least half a dozen really nice blocks last night as well. I was playing during all of them, so obviously I coldn't right them down. The one Victor had (on Erick? I forgot!) was huge. Luis had one on Whore towards the end of the night where he sucked the ball away from him, so for a second, it looked the Luis was palming the ball. Kind of look like Jordan doing those one-hand shot fakes. But Whore had best record secured already so he didn't look too upset.
Posted by danielcslau | Jun 03, 2009 03:52 AM |
"Stop kissin my arse! It's for the ladies, I mean sisters! =p"
I'm not kissing ass! It's not a compliment when someone's telling you that you're not playing up to your potential. It means you are underachieving! =p
BTW, a block on whore is not a highlight... it happens all the time. Even less worthy to mention when it's during mop up time.
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 03, 2009 04:16 AM |
I know it's a compliment, thanks! I just disagree lol, that's all. I'm over-Ray-ted (junior). I don't know why I was being hacked so many times last night when going for the lay-ups, doesn't everyone know by now it's not gonna go in? Hahahahahaha~ =p
I seriously need to be on a cheap team next week, or I'll RETIRE too!
The R-word is getting contagious! =D
Posted by zedin | Jun 03, 2009 04:30 AM |
"Justin was ON from the get-go because he wanted to impress his brother the same way Emerson wants to impress his girlfriend." -Whore
That doesn't sound right for some reason. =P Honestly, I WASN'T trying to impress my brother but in the back of my head i WAS trying to answer back on Jeff's question to me after game 2, "how come your brother is so much better than you?"
And Vic, how hard did my head collide with your elbow. i have a bump there now =( Good thing my hairline is still reasonable low or else you can see it.
How can you retire so early Lix? Did you find something better to do on Tuesday nights? >=P
Posted by andr3w_chan | Jun 06, 2009 06:19 PM |
best song ever by lil wayne
its called kobe bryant
Ok,Kobe doin work,two four on my shirt,he da greatest on da court,im da greatest on da verse,goin for the 4th ring like it was his first,gotta get da bling,do it for Kareem,two four so nice,my flow so mean,catch me at da game sitting next to ?.Ko Ko Kobe Bryant Nikes,purple gold strings,Ko Ko Kobe in da game dunkin on The Whole Team,Ba Black Mamba,attack conquer,basketball beast,ra rap monster,crossover good,or turn around jumper,or just drive da lane,and dunk on dunkers,u kno where is goin,its goin down yo,this da Lake Show,but dont drown tho,I call him King Bryant,now let da crown show.
pass me da dam ball I dont need a pick at all,and dont worry bout my shot,cause imma get that off,yeaa,I drops 40 on ur double team,then I drop 81 on another team,yeaa..u better guard me wit caution,n watch how Ill work em like an auction,Ha ha,no such thing as exhaustion no time for resting cause I dont take breaks,I I just break records,Ha,and I prefer da ball with 3 seconds,and I bet we gon win it all in 3 seconds,Ya digg,That is a guarantee apparently and please tell ur defense dont ever man to man with me,double team triple team,ur defenders sick of me,but,I never let them get to me,literally,step back and give dem a three ain aint no defending me.
(Lebron Skit)
Uh,never take a day off catch u at the top of the key and get a J off,baseline facetime tongue out like two three,even two three gotta love how I do me,pra practice while u sleep,practice in my sleep,stright out ,out of the High School,the brackets aint for me I will be jumping over u like I got a mattress at my feet n all Phil Jackson say is u better be passing it to me,I put the master in the peace,attack it like the beats,and I am starving for victory and dat means imma eat,and when dey ask u whos da best then the answer should be me,Ha Ha.
Call me Mr.Clutch or Mr.Automatic,I can post em up or Lamar will get da alley,Im goin for the ring,Im goin for the ring,I went to Beijing and came back with da bling,who dey want,dey want Kobe,and what he want,he want the trophy,the victory,and da glory,no Shaq,no Robert Horry,now break em off,Kobe break em off,Yea!,U better be ? Yea,just give him the ball and hell take it all,Yup,or hell probably be dishing it to Gasol,Yea,or give it to D Fish on the wing,Yea,or just let Ariza do his thing,Yea,cause im great and so is my team,Yea,do it for Magic,its showtime baby,I see nothing wrong with doing it four times baby,Im da best,Yes,He da best,Yeaa,dont worry Lebron,get em next year,now wuts defense to an assassin,killa instinct,MURDER THE BASKET,then steal da ball back,hold it for ransom,its more then a game,this is a passion,been an All-Star,been a Champion,free throw line,u hear em chantin,MVP!,MVP!,Kobe Bryant aka Envy Me,any D smash and D,whoever he is,he cant guard me,Ha Ha,he cant guard me.So,there you have it,the over whelming answer was,KOBE BRYANT!
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 10, 2009 04:46 AM |
June 9
(9-3) Cheap Team: Felix, Alf, Edison (games 1-8), Edward, Josh, Justin, Steve (games 9-16), Will
(5-6) Alex, Edison (games 9-16), Emerson, Erick, Lil Girl, Steve (games 1-8), Victor
(2-7) Brad Miller, Delonte, Jon, Ken, Richard, Whore
Game 1 F beat A 13-12 Will (3)
Jus-2-2-2 Wi-2-3 Jos-2 * LG-3-2 V-3 Em-2 Er-2
Game 2 F beat B 13-10 Josh
Jos-3-2-2 Wi-2-2 Jus-2 * R-2-2-2 Jon-2 Wh-2
Game 3 F beat A 14-10 Lil Girl (3)
LG-2-3 V-3-2 Ale-2 Er-2 * A-2-2 Edw-3 Wi-3
Game 4 B beat A 14-9 Ken
B-2-2-2 K-2-2 R-2-2 * S-2-2 V-3 Ale-2
Game 5 F beat B 13-8 Justin
Wi-2-2-2 Jos-3-2 Jus-2 * B-2 K-2 R-2 Wh-2
Game 6 F beat A 13-8 Will (3)
Wi-2-3 Jos-2-2 F-2 Jus-2 * Ale-2-2-2-2
Game 7 F beat B 13-12 Alf
A-2-2 Jus-2-2 F-3 Edi-2 * R-2-2-2-2-2 D-2
Game 8 A beat F 13-12 Alex
Ale-3-2 Er-3-2 Em-3 * Edi-2-2 Edw-2-2 A-2 Wi-2
Game 9 A beat B 13-2 Erick
V-3-3 Em-3 Edi-2 Er-2 * Wh-2
Game 10 F beat A 13-6 Will
A-2-3 F-2-2 Edw-2 Wi-2 * Ale-2 Edi-2 Er-2
Game 11 F beat B 14-11 Justin
Jus-2-2-2-2 Jos-2 S-2 Wi-2 * Wh-2-3 R-2-2 D-2
Game 12 A beat F 13-4 Edison
V-2-2 LG-3 Ale-2 Edi-2 Em-2 * Alf-2 Jos-2
Game 13 B beat A 13-11 Whore (3)
Wh-2-3 Jon-2-2 K-2 R-2 * Em-2-2 LG-2-2 V-3
Game 14 F beat B 13-10 Will (3)
Wi-2-2-3 S-2-2 Jos-2 * K-2-2 R-2-2 Wh-2
Game 15 A beat F 13-10 Lil Girl (3)
LG-2-3 Em-3 V-3 Er-2 * S-2-2 Wi-2-2 Edw-2
Game 16 A beat B 13-10 Victor (3)
V-3-3 Em-3 Er-2 LG-2 * Wh-2-2-2 K-2 R-2
2 Delonte
3 Felix, Jon, Victor
4 Brad Miller, Edward, Emerson
6 Edison, Lil Girl
7 Alf, Erick, Ken, Steve
9 Alex, Josh, Whore
12 Justin
14 Will
17 Richard
1 Alex, Alf, Edward, Erick, Felix
2 Josh, Whore
4 Emerson, Lil Girl, Will
9 Victor
4 Delonte
6 Jon
8 Brad Miller
9 Felix
11 Edward
12 Edison
14 Ken, Steve
16 Steve
17 Erick
20 Emerson
21 Alex, Josh
24 Justin, Lil Girl, Whore
33 Victor
34 Richard
40 Will
6. Edison and Steve got traded for each other at game 9.
5. 7 of the 16 game-winners are 3s; 4 straight at the end of the night!
4. Will's 3-point game-winner from behind the backboard in game 1.
3. Richard crossed Edison up so bad in one game he fell over, but Richard blew the shot as it went in and out.
2. Whore's breakaway lay-up where Lil Girl went up so late near the rim and it was close to the door. It was one that most of us wouldn't have blocked and let go to prevent a potential career-ending injury on the shooter. The basket's good! And 1!
1. Edward came uninvited AGAIN. If I see him next week, he's gonna get some sweet chin music from yours truly.
Man, we need more highlights than this. Stop being lazy and write some stuff down!
I wasn't there so I don't know. Can you guys nominate somebody?
$2.50 Steve
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 16, 2009 06:50 PM |
June 16
(7-4) Delonte (3), Emerson, Richard, Steve, Vince, Zechy
(4-5) Whore (1), Alex, Alf, Erick, Ken, Victor
(4-6) Luis (2), Brad Miller, Edison, Felix, Justin, Lil Girl
Game 1 D beat B 13-10 Vince
D-3-2 R-2-2 Vin-2-2 * Ed-2-2 L-2-2 J-2
Game 2 A beat D 13-8 Alex
Er-3-2-2-2 Ale-2 W-2 * R-2-2 S-2 Z-2
Game 3 B beat A 14-7 Brad Miller
B-2-2 Ed-2-2 J-2-2 L-2 * W-2-3 Ale-2
Game 4 D beat B 13-10 Richard
R-3-2-2-2 Vin-2-2 * Ed-2-2 F-2 L-2 LG-2
Game 5 D beat A 13-10 Zechy
Em-2-2 Z-2-2 D-3 S-2 * Alf-2-2 W-2-2 Er-2
Game 6 D beat B 13-8 Zechy (3)
Em-2-2-2 Z-3 S-2 Vin-2 * LG-3-2 Ed-2-2
Game 7 D beat A 13-12 Zechy
R-2-2-2 Z-3-2 D-2 * Ale-2-2 Er-2-2 K-2-2
Game 8 D beat B 14-6 Delonte
Vin-2-2 Z-2-2 D-2 R-2 S-2 * J-2-2 L-2
Game 9 D beat A 14-10 Richard
Em-3-3 D-2-2 R-2 Vin-2 * Alf-2-2 Er-2-2 Ale-2
Game 10 B beat D 14-10 Justin
J-2-2-2 Ed-2-2 B-2 F-2 * Vin-2-2-2 Em-2 S-2
Game 11 B beat A 14-4 Luis
LG-3-3 F-2-2 B-2 L-2 * Ale-2 W-2
Game 12 B beat D 13-8 Lil Girl
J-2-2-2 LG-3-2 F-2 * S-2-2 Vin-2-2
Game 13 A beat B 14-11 Alex
Ale-2-2-2 K-2-2 Alf-2 W-2 * F-2-2 L-3 Ed-2 LG-2
Game 14 A beat D 13-4 Alf
K-2-2 W-3 Ale-2 Alf-2 Vic-2 * R-2 Vin-2
Game 15 A beat B 13-9 Alex
Ale-2-2-2-3-2 W-2 * LG-3-2 Ed-2-2
1 Victor
3 Brad Miller
5 Delonte, Lil Girl
6 Alf, Emerson, Felix, Ken, Luis, Zechy
7 Steve, Whore
8 Erick
11 Justin
13 Edison, Richard
14 Alex, Vince
1 Alex, Brad Miller, Erick, Luis, Richard
2 Delonte, Emerson, Whore, Zechy
5 Lil Girl
2 Victor
9 Brad Miller
12 Alf, Felix, Ken
14 Steve
15 Luis
16 Delonte
18 Emerson, Zechy
19 Erick
20 Whore
22 Justin
25 Lil Girl
26 Edison
28 Vince
29 Richard
31 Alex
8. Edison swats Erick's quick turnaround J in the key in game 13.
7. Erick scoring 9 straight points in game 2 for his team; got win.
6. Edison's inbound alley-oop pass to Justin for game-winner in game 9.
5. In the very first game, Vince dekes Felix, spins around Luis and passes one more defender for a game-winner. What's "deke"?
4. Lester told Vince to get 50 tonight. Vince really went for it - he was tied for the most 2-point FGs tonight! And Vince was out a few weeks due to a sprained ankle! What a comeback!
3. Zechy just came back from vacation and scored in only 5 games, but he had 3 STRAIGHT game-winners in those games! Crazy!
2. Vince: "Emerson runs back down the court with two arms flexed (arms down making an O and they didn't swing at all as he was running) and then when he gets to half court he glances at his right bicep, it was golden! haha"
1. Even with Victor standing in the corner, Alf waves Victor away so that he can have room to operate in the post. Being told more than once and kind of pissed, Victor then stands at the half-court line. Even his teammates Alex and Whore were laughing wondering what the heck he was doing. Now we know!
I wasn't there for most of the night, but I would guess...
3. Alex: overall leading scorer; had 3 of his team's 4 game-winners
2. Richard? Vince?
1. Richard? Vince?
Alex busted his right thumb nail. He should be feeling the pain today. I guess he won't be ballin at Fitness Unlimited tonight. Get well, man!
$2 Steve
Happy Early Birthday, Felix! For the record, Brad Miller, Emerson, Richard, Steve, Vince, Whore, Zechy and yours truly chipped in on the Addai figure. Have a blast on Friday!
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 17, 2009 05:06 AM |
Alf hates me. The only time Alf wants to be captain is if I'm captain... because he never wants me on his team, and he knows I'll pick him. That bastard...
Zechy told me before the game he got darker and skinnier. Then I asked him how is it humanly possible he can get any skinnier than what he already is. He didn't respond...
Felix will never be a sandbagger - he tells me he's God every single freakin day. I have all the text messages to prove this.
I still can't believe Whore's team was under .500 with that line-up. That teams pretty stacked. I know that team doesn't have a true point guard, but so what?!
Please note I added a new highlight (#1) to the list.
Posted by danielcslau | Jun 17, 2009 05:29 AM |
It's a love hate relationship with you and Alf then! He pretends to hate you to hide the love.
After seeing Lil G's arms last night, are you so sure that you can't get skinnier than Z?
Felix is in love with himself. He's a hermaphrodite.
It was pretty sad to finish under .500... we were careless at the beginning of the night. We can't afford those cuz we're a blue collar team.
That's why Victor was so pissed!! I was wondering why. lol... don't take it personally Victor. Big guys need their spacing. I just thought the reason he was standing at half court is because he wanted to upshow Emerson and shoot from half court.
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 17, 2009 07:38 AM |
Sorry about the late reply boys. I'm watchin streamin video of the Lakers parade live at work lol.
Lil Girl, you wish you can smoke me. Better luck in your next lifetime!
Felix, if I worship you, that means my standards are extremely low. LOL!
Whore, it's Addai because he's a Colts fan. I'll slowly work my way up to gettin him a Manning one.
Lester's b-day is every single freakin day! Shower my with daily gifts please! =D
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 18, 2009 06:46 AM |
Actually Felix said: "I'm in next week because CCWB needs a role model... me!"
For real he said that!
Posted by yyyello | Jun 18, 2009 08:39 AM |
Rich and Vince were huge on Tuesday...Delonte was also very good on the boards and good hustle...Vince bailed us out in the first game with his patented up and under lay-up...twas very nice...
Sorry for doing jack the last few games...had no gas left after the layoff...some poor shot decisions and bad turnovers (are there good ones?)...i promise there'll be fewer next week...why am I Ringer #2?? Leave me out of this...all I know is Lix is CCWB Exec of the Year (do you want another moniker Lix? not powerful enough?)
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 18, 2009 08:57 AM |
Speaking of Delonte...
"When the Suns and Cavaliers discussed a trade involving Shaquille O'Neal this past winter, Delonte West was reportedly the deal-breaker.
Brian Windhorst of the Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote on Monday that Phoenix wanted West in a package for O'Neal, and while the two sides were never "close" to a deal, the Cavaliers consider West 'nearly untouchable.'"
I hope I can play next week before Vince leaves for a month. I'll make sure Vince is on my team~ =p
Felix's turnovers are all good because he is a self-proclaimed God. Good lord...
I didn't get the Ringer # 2 part neither. Need some explanation on that one.
Felix never feels powerful enough. Next week he's gonna tell us he created this world...
Posted by Admin Lix | Jun 18, 2009 09:08 AM |
ouch dood ouch... you guys are cold man... almost as cold as ray's shot... <OUCH> just kidding ray ray. anyway, exec of the year sounds good!!! i like that very much.
vince was making some insane shots and it felt like no matter what i did he was always able to get the ball in.. i think i switched with somebody else later but he was still on fire for the nite.. sickning to be honest.
Posted by rblmr | Jun 18, 2009 11:03 AM |
sorry to disappoint you molester, but i think there is a good chance i'll bail next week too cuz i need to get ready for my trip. i'll let you no a.s.a.p.
if i don't bail, i'll try to get 10 blks for da nite. i think dat would be quite an accomplishment. n stop ganging up on lix, dat guy could be my very next customer!!
sandbagger, i like dat! good to hear dat vince is bak n playing well. u gotta come early vince, so we can be cheap together.
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 19, 2009 04:42 PM |
Vince, a sandbagger is a person who acts as if he is at a lower skill level than he actually is so he can achieve better during competition. The term has nothing to do with sand or bag(s) lol. So yeah, you definitely fit that description. This is a new term for me as well, I had to google it when Whore first posted it up. I think intellectually Whore's #1 among all of us. Sorry Lix, you're not #2 neither~ =p
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 24, 2009 03:59 AM |
Happy Birthday, Victor! Clement, Erick, Felix, Jason (yes, he is still alive and actually dropped by IN TIGHT JEANS!), Justin, Ray, Richard, Whore and yours truly chipped in for your Lebron fig! Sorry, they don't make Barbosas and I don't have doubles for the 2 Nashes I have lol. You wear Lebron kicks, I guess you are somewhat of a fan lol~
Welcome my buddy Christian from my church league to CCWB!
(5-3) Alf, Christian, Erick, Justin, Ray, Whore
(4-4) Felix, Alex, Edison, Emerson, Lil Girl, Victor
(3-5) Brad Miller, Clement, Ken, Luis, Richard, Vince
Game 1 F beat B 14-11 Lil Girl
LG-2-2-3-2 Em-3 Ale-2 * Ri-2-3 Cl-2 L-2 Vin-2
Game 2 A beat F 14-4 Christian
W-3-2 Ch-2-2 J-3 Er-2 * Ale-2-2
Game 3 B beat A 14-9 Vince
Vin-2-2-2-2 B-2 L-2 Ri-2 * Ch-3 Er-2 J-2 W-2
Game 4 F beat B 13-11 Felix
LG-2-3 Ale-2-2 F-2-2 * L-2-3 K-2-2 Vin-2
Game 5 A beat F 13-10 Erick
Er-2-2-2 Ra-3 Alf-2 W-2 * Ale-3-2 Vic-3 Em-2
Game 6 A beat B 14-7 Erick
Er-2-2-2-2 J-2-2-2-2 * L-2-3 Ri-2
Game 7 A beat F 13-10 Alf
W-3-2 J-2-2 A-2 Er-2 * LG-2-2-2 Ed-2 Em-2
Game 8 A beat B 13-8 Erick (3)
Ch-2-2-2 Er-3 Alf-2 J-2 * L-2-2-2-2
Game 9 F beat A 14-10 Felix
Vic-3-3 Ed-2-2 Ale-2 F-2 * Ch-2-2-2-2 J-2
Game 10 B beat F 14-8 Richard
Ri-2-2-2-2 L-2-2 K-2 * LG-3 Vic-3 F-2
Game 11 B beat A 13-10 Luis (3)
L-2-3 K-2-2 Ri-2-2 * Er-2-2 W-2-2 Ch-2
Game 12 F beat B 13-4 Victor (3)
Vic-3-3 Ale-2-3 F-2 * Cl-2 Ri-2
1 Brad Miller
2 Clement, Emerson
3 Alf, Edison
5 Felix, Ken
6 Lil Girl, Vince, Whore
8 Alex
9 Justin
10 Christian, Richard
11 Erick, Luis
1 Christian, Edison, Erick, Justin, Ray, Richard
2 Alex, Whore
3 Lil Girl, Luis
6 Victor
2 Brad Miller
3 Ray
4 Clement
6 Alf, Edison
7 Emerson
10 Felix, Ken
12 Vince
18 Victor, Whore
21 Justin, Lil Girl
22 Alex
23 Christian, Richard
25 Erick
31 Luis
10. Somebody put down "Ray made a basket." Ouch, man... ouch! Yes, he only had ONE, in game 5!
9. Ken wears a pink Celtics t-shirt and just before the first game, asks for a nailclipper. Supreme gayness right there!
8. Richard gets rejected by the bottom of the backboard in game 10. I always get a good laugh when these happen lol~
7. Birthday boy Victor had 2 blocks tonight straight up on Luis (game 1) and Whore (in one of the later games)~
6. Down 8-2 in game 3 after a careless turnover, Alf says to his team: "Come on you dickheads!"
5. In game 4, Lil Girl thinks he has a wide-open fastbreak lay-up, but Luis greets him at the point of release and swats the ball away.
4. Erick fakes a right-hand lay-up on the right side of the basket and finished with his left over Lil Girl in game 5. Erick had at least 3 gorgeous lay-ups with his left hand. Has Erick been secretly practicing his left hand after seeing the success of Will's? Hmmm...
3. Justin spots Erick in game 11 for a fastbreak opportunity and fires the ball upcourt. The ball was thrown too hard and before it sails out of bounds, Erick does a no-look behind-the-back pass to Alf for an uncontested lay-up to tie the game at 2. The was Golden State Warriors-esque!
2. Christian does an alley-oop off the backboard to himself to tie the score at 10-10 in game 11. I don't know whether that was by design or if he lost it the first time putting the ball up. Nonetheless, it looked good!
1. Luis's game-winning 3 in game 11. Luis was measuring himself up with the rim and shot it at least 5 feet behind the 3-point elbow. Everybody saw it coming! Even though he has done it many many times, I don't think people get sick watching that as you could feel the buzz within the building after that shot. Luis stinks~
3. Christian: his nickname is Speedy for obvious reasons
2. Justin: Spider Man!
1. Erick: led team in scoring; 3 game-winners within 4 games; all over the highlights, and that stupid left hand!
$10 Felix
Posted by vince | Jun 24, 2009 05:10 AM |
i'll be back to play jul 28th, thanks dude!
sorry team, i was 1-9 game 4 and 8 (didn't play game 6) and the worst was i missed all easy ones. luis and richard still passed me the ball despite the total stink, thanks guys.
luis should be 2nd star with justin, he was an animal! ray once again said, "who let the monkey out of the cage!" after the insane 3!
happy bday vic!
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 24, 2009 06:21 AM |
"im still retired but will sub in for vince the next few weeks just because im a good friend" -> as far as I know you're still a Regular. People on the wait list will take Vince's spot. And this just in - Felix: "I'm retired, but will still be playing every week." Man, does that make a whole lot of sense lol! =p
Whore... if Felix is God, Ray would be a LEGEND! And you yourself would be the FATHER of GOD! I would be under-Ray-ted, i.e. still human!
Posted by Timeless | Jun 24, 2009 07:35 AM |
Thanks guys for all the HBD wishes and the Lebron figure. Best birthday yet. I guess you can call me a Lebron fan, not that big of a fan, but I do like how he's always flirting with a triple-double consistently.
Ahaha, Lix doesn't know the definition of retirement. To him it means playing on a weekly basis but not daily. I gotta ask a question then, whats the definition of God?
Posted by vince | Jun 24, 2009 08:35 AM |
thanks lix for filling in for me ;p i'm gonna text u at 3am when i'm in HK to see how u're doing at ball just like how u txt'd me at 3am when u were there. thanks for reminding me. anyone else interested in receiving txt msgs from me at 3am, please let me know.
"PS: lester has acknowledged me as god. thank you" haha whore how do you feel about your upgrade in status as well?
Posted by danielcslau | Jun 24, 2009 02:58 PM |
"PS: lester has acknowledged me as god. thank you"
~ haha whore how do you feel about your upgrade in status as well?
Being the Christian that I am, I quite happy and satisfied to just be the Lamb of God rather than the Father of God (and NO, Felix is NOT my God). Felix is the devil disguised in Chris Kaman. If Ray is a Legend, then he's Larry Bird... If Lester's underrated, then he'd be Kevin Durant (most underrated player in NBA last season)
Vince, you need to text us when you represent CCWB on the courts in HK and school the little kids there!
Posted by Admin Lex | Jun 30, 2009 06:10 PM |
June 30
Welcome Hunter's brother Cale and my friend Mike (he recently became friends with Thunder through a mutual friend where Thunder was singing the Taiwan national anthem while playin the guitar... our fellow CCWB Taiwanese ballers Hunter and Ray might not be too impressed, I don't know... insert of your jokes here) to CCWB! By the way I think Michael shoots like Vin Baker. Remember good ol' Vinny? He was an All-Star and was a 20-and-10 guy~
Welcome back Yoga Ball and Danny (Hunter's friend) to CCWB!
I did call Edward the whole day and texted him as well, but his phone was off and I had no response from him. I actually saved him a spot - his name was typed up on the sheet, not manually written. So he wasn't a last-minute add-on (only Cale, Michael and Yoga Ball were). Man, I should've called Garmelo...
Hunter says him and his boys will be doing a BBQ thing (and ball) at Kits beach this Saturday (July 4th) from 11AM till the sun goes down. If you want in, let me know and I'll pass the message onto him. I'll be there!
(9-2) The Spirit of Ray, Erick, Hunter, Lester, Richard, Zechy
(3-5) Edison (was super late - team would've had a better record if he came somewhat on time), Justin, Luis, Michael (games 4-8 prior to Cale's injured back), Steve, Victor
(1-6) Alf, Cale (games 2-8), Danny, Emerson, Lil Girl, Michael (games 9-13 because of Cale's injured back), Yoga Ball
Game 1 J beat T 13-8 Luis (3)
J-2-3 Lu-3 V-3 S-2 * R-2-2-2 H-2
Game 2 A beat J 14-9 Kevin (3)
Y-3-3 Em-2-2 C-2 D-2 * J-2-2 V-3 Lu-2
Game 3 T beat A 14-9 Hunter
H-2-2-2 R-2-2 Er-2 Z-2 * Y-3-2 D-2 Em-2
Game 4 T beat J 13-11 Hunter
H-2-2-2 R-2-2 L-2 Z-2 * Lu-2-2-3 J-2 M-2
Game 5 T beat A 13-6 Zechy
L-2-2-2 R-2-2 H-2 Z-2 * LG-2-2 Em-2
Game 6 T beat J 13-8 Richard
H-3-2 R-2-2 L-2 Z-2 * Lu-3-3 S-2
Game 7 T beat A 13-9 Hunter
H-2-2-2 Er-3-2 Z-2 * Y-2-3 Em-2 LG-2
Game 8 J beat T 13-11 Luis
M-2-2-2-3 Ed-2 Lu-2 * H-2-2 Er-3 R-2 Z-2
Game 9 J beat A 13-11 Steve
Lu-2-3-2 S-2-2 J-2 * Em-3-2 LG-2-2 D-2
Game 10 T beat J 13-11 Lester (3)
L-2-2-2-3 Er-2 R-2 * J-2-2 S-2-2 V-3
Game 11 T beat A 13-4 not circled; anyone remember who scored the game-winner? =(
L-2-3-2 H-2 R-2 Z-2 * Y-2-2
Game 12 T beat J 14-10 not circled; anyone remember who scored the game-winner? =(
L-2-2-2 H-2-2 R-2-2 * Lu-2-2 Ed-2 J-2 S-2
Game 13 T beat A 13-8 Richard (3)
R-2-3 Er-2 H-2 L-2 Z-2 * M-2-2 Y-2 LG-2
1 Cale
2 Edison
3 Danny
4 Erick
5 Yoga Ball
6 Emerson, Lil Girl, Mike
7 Steve
8 Justin, Luis, Zechy
14 Lester
17 Richard
18 Hunter
1 Emerson, Hunter, Justin, Mike, Richard
2 Erick, Lester
3 Victor
4 Yoga Ball
5 Luis
2 Cale
4 Edison
6 Danny
9 Victor
12 Lil Girl
14 Erick, Steve
15 Emerson, Mike
16 Zechy
19 Justin
22 Yoga Ball
31 Luis
34 Lester
37 Richard
39 Hunter
6. Zechy had a tough and weird-looking lay-up in one of the games in traffic. It wasn't written down; I just witnessed it in front of me.
5. While Lester and Zechy goes over to the scorekeeper to check the score of game 10, Zechy asks, "You only have 2 baskets?" Lester: "Isn't that enough? Who do you think I am? Luis?" We were down 10-8 by the way...
4. Another one I witnessed - Justin grabs an offensive rebound and puts the ball back in the hoop all in one motion, during which he got hacked by 2 of my teammates. Can you say dayyyyyyam?!
3. Lester blew 2 point-blank shots. The worst of each came in game 14, where he air-balled it badly. Yeah, you're probably asking yourself how can anybody air ball a one-footer. It's a mystery to me too...
2. Felix at 7:08PM: "Bailin for tonite but i wanna stay home today. sorry"... Last minute date with Ray I bet...
1. Alf: No Show - no call, no text, absolutely nothin. Just beautiful right there. Makes the guy who organizes things very happy~
Unfortunately Justin wrote down the only highlight (#3) on the sheet, and that's all I can think of at the moment...
3. Hunter: I know he was the leading scorer, but his D was lazy at times, just like mine! Hunter did had some nice blocks though~
2. Zechy: was the engine that runs the car. The 8 2s, 16 points on the stat sheet didn't really show what he did. Zzzzzzz~
1. Richard's text to Lester at 2:44PM - "If we are on the same team, I gurantee (I will score) 50 (points) or lunch for you. I'm physced. Don't tell anyone. You could post it (on the website) after"... You were 11 points short! How about dinner?! Richard and Zechy played every possession like it was their last tonight. Good stuff~
Cale: he pulled a T-Mac on us (back spasms) - last game was game 8
Lester: I injured my left hand again because it's impossible not to get hit. It doesn't hurt that much right now, but I know what's comin tomorrow. Darn...
Posted by zedin | Jul 01, 2009 12:21 PM |
sorry didn't have more highlights, didn't do that stats that many times. and sorry about complaining about the teams as well. i don't usually do that but after i lost one of my contacts, i couldn't compete against richard. Not that i was able to anyways. our team was fine after edison came, but Yoga's team coulda used alf. Your picks woulda been pretty good if he showed up as well.
Well done Spirit of Ray, you really notice it out there yesterday, especially on Lester's countless turnaround J's. Where was it on those layups tho?!!
Posted by yyyello | Jul 03, 2009 07:48 PM |
Lex...I don't deserve the credit...I was dead about half way through the was Richard and Hunter (when he wasn't slacking on D) carrying the load...Rich was shooting well inside and out....and take some credit stupid shot the ball pretty damn well too...even though I still don't understand how you shot that airball from 2 feet...i was right next to you when you did that, and I was so stunned it didn't click to me that there was a fastbreak going the other way...hahaha
go see a doc Antelope...hope all's going well...
Posted by Admin Lex | Jul 04, 2009 08:00 PM |
"I was dead about half way through the night"? LIES!
Did you just call me STUPID? Hahahahaha... BANNED! =p
I probably shot 70%. If I can make some damn lay-ups, it might've been 90%. Oh well...
It probably wasn't 2 feet, maybe like 1 foot lol, oh my god. I kind of thought the balled slipped, but even if it did, it was only a partial slip. But to get no rim from that distance? Ouch!
I didn't see what happened to Erick, hope you're okay!
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